Descent Of A War God

Rampaging through the empty roads, the convertible sped quickly towards the mansion, reaching the destination in record time. While the people sitting behind couldn't even reach their climax, causing them to stare at the driver in anger.

The huge metal gates obstructed the car, behind which lay a modern styled architecture with a garden grown out in the front. Following it were multiple garages where Max's private collection of rare and exquisite automobiles laid.

The premises of such a glories mansion was 24/7 guarded by private security, who were paid by his brother, being the reason for Max to grow up in such a pampered manner. Yet, the gates never failed to open even once, as the security would've been alerted forehand by the overwatch who monitored the region around the premises through his scope.

Though this irked the driver and the bodyguards following behind, the young master was not bothered for a bit. Instead, his cause for irritation seemed to be his inability to carry these beauties to bed, due to the closed gates.

Few seconds later, the automated gates opened allowing Max's car to enter but quickly closed soon after him, trapping the other cars following him to stay outside. While the driver immediately halted to a stop and he pulled out his sidearm in one hand while signaling Max with another, asking him to take cover. Yet, his actions seemed to be a tad bit, too late.


The loud noise erupted from the series of explosions took control over the noise of the entire region, while the cars belonging to the bodyguards blew to smithereens as the chain of continuous explosions instantly killed many of those within. While the rest were inflicted by shrapnel and burn injuries as they crawled out to move away from the vehicles which were leaking petroleum.

Max's car was also under the region of an explosive, albeit a low charged one, causing it to overturn with him along with the other passengers to be pinned underneath. Though the desperate passengers tried to wriggle, the crushing weight of the automobile prevented them from doing so.

Yet, they desperately tried to move until the sound of automatic weapons rang throughout the place followed by the screams of the survivors, causing them to freeze in their places. While the survivors, who after desperate attempts to live had their bodies turned cold as the cruel fate substituted the fate of instantly dying in an explosion with a slow, painful one, until a bullet freed them from such agony. While people, who looked like a private military force, draped in black uniform with coats on top, with an eye-catching insignia of a dragon wrapped around a cross, being imprinted on their attire. Bearing automatic and semi-automatic weapons, they followed an incredibly handsome gentleman, who held a Sig Sauer P320, customized with engraved body and sights, loosely shot bullets at the barely breathing bodyguards, while walking through the path paved by their corpses.

While Max who felt the spine-chilling presence of a man, who seemed to be walking towards him, tried to glance at such an imposing figure, only to be graced with the sight of blood soaked shoes, as the angle at which he was trapped made it impossible to view at anything else.

"Pull them out." The assailant's cold tone, which emanated authority sent shiver down the spines of everyone present, as he didn't bother to conceal the hate and anger he felt.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The driver and the two women instantly died as he quickly fired the bullets, causing Max, whose face was near them, to be soaked in the freshly drawn blood. Before Max could take a look at his soon-to-be killer, his head was smashed onto the hard pavement, with a heavy leg weighing on the back of his face for a few minutes, before the butt of the assailant's gun, instantly knocked him out.

The assailant then crouched near him and clutched onto Max's chin tightly to take a good look at the face, before throwing him to the side as he turned to leave before showing some hand signals to his men, who began to strip Max, before trying him up to the gate in a compromising position.

The man got into his 1969 Mustang 429, and pressed the detonator, beside him as he drove off towards a set direction, without glancing at the burning mansion behind him, which crumbled to the ground.


"Hey V, monitor the Desmond mansion for the next 24 hours and report me about any movements, especially, James Desmond. Also, I need a minimum surveillance around Adrian Desmond's mansion as well." The man spoke in a comparatively gentler tone compared to his cold one.

"Sure, thing hot rod. Well, looks like you went all out on this one, eh?" The feminine voice spoke in a soft tone with a sense of warmth present.

"Does it really matter if I did? His stock is going to drop if the incident gets publicized along with his credibility to provide protection. Hence, he would try his best to not get the authorities involved and would fail to find the culprit of the incident. Doesn't James Desmond like the desperate looks on his victims? It's time he learns what desperation is." He spoke with visible anger in his tone.

"Maybe he will. Let me know if you need anything else, Cassius." She said before cutting off the call, after which Cassius received a message.

{Oliver: He has regulated media as you expected!}

{Me: Call back the surveillance team and focus on information gathering.}

{Oliver: Acknowledged! Assuming the former requirement being delegated, should plan A be executed?}

{Me: Affirmative. Target is being monitored by a specialist team. Proceed to plan A after 6 hours.}

With a satisfied smile forming on lips, Cassius as he sped off towards his condo.

Declare war on Desmond's: Check

Intimidate the Desmond's: Check

Aggravate James Desmond: In-progress