Arrival Of A Wolf In A Sheep’s Clothing

The Desmond's

Once a small tier business family, grew overnight when James Desmond's father, Albert Desmond took over the reins of the company from his brother who had suddenly abandoned their business and disappeared.

Unlike his brother, he was a shrewd, cunning and ruthless person, who never hesitated to use whatever means, no matter how despicable them seem to be, to fulfill his desires.

To hide their unforgivable nature, the Desmond's perform various charity functions as well as deliberately publicize their well doings, to elevate their status. But, one day Albert was admitted into hospital after being discovered to be afflicted with an incurable disease, making him paralyzed as he spent the rest of his days on bed.

While the mantle was passed onto the eldest and the vilest of sons, James Desmond. A figure with far too many connections in the underworld and less compassionate than his father. Leaning from his father's personal teachings, he perfected in the art of putting up the façade of a perfect gentleman to the world while inwardly treating them as nothing but pawns and peasants for use.

While amassing power, he set his sights on Lana Turner, an A list actress who was on peak of her career, when she was arranged to marry her. She joyfully accepted the marriage believing in the good reputation portrayed about the Desmond's, only to realize too late about how wrong it was. After having his fill of lust, he used her as a trophy wife where he displayed his love for her in public while having his fun with multiple women in private.

Such façade was seen through by his second brother, Adrian Desmond, who chose to leave the family business after the mysterious death of his wife as he established a company on his own, by working hard and pouring his absolute most into it. While the youngest brother was completely corrupted and spoiled by James, turning into a mini version of himself.

Seeing the destruction of his younger brother right before his eyes, Adrian took his long sister under his wing, keeping his brother away from her, causing James to shower all of his love on Max, making him a spoiled brat.

As being such a doting brother, the news he heard regarding his brother enraged him, causing him to throw his phone in fury while staring at his beautiful wife, whose obsidian-colored eyes, shrunk in terror, while her entire body trembled at his piercing gaze filled with murderous intent.

With every step he took, her heart began to beat faster, while she barely held her tears back as she remembered how brutal he could be when his mood soured.

But, contrary to her expectations, he pulled her in a tight hug, which once provided her warmth, but now all she could feel was his heavy body on her, suffocating, as he tightened the grip while whispering.

"Max was under target of an assassination. The entire bodyguard team was wiped out but he was left unscathed with just a concussion." His head was now directed at her face as his brown eyes stared into her black eyes, signaling her to stop trembling as he gazed upon the maids from the corner of his eyes.

"Be a good matriarch and smile a lot for me." He whispered before biting her lip until it bled before heading out as she nodded while clutching the hem of her dress to prevent herself from whimpering in pain.


"Who was it!" James roared as he entered the scene full of dead bodies, as he calculated the amount of money that had gone waste, recruiting such expensive guards along with future expenses of finding a better team of bodyguards, without feeling even a bit remorse for the dead.

"We have no idea but, it seemed like they were all pros who completed the job under 15 minutes." Luis Desmond, his cousin explained as he showed him the initial pictures of the scene, including the one where his brother was tied up in a compromising position with the dead women placed in such a position which seemed like they were engaged in pleasurable activities.

"Damn it! Get in contact with media and pay them to stop pictures if any from being published. Use the help of PR to find if any pictures are being posted and get them down immediately!" He ordered while trying his best to maintain his composure as multiple men from various specialist teams were analyzing the scene.

"As you say cousin." Luis replied before heading off to do the tasks being stated to him, while James walked towards his brother, who now was clothed and was sitting at the back of a private ambulance.

"Are you alright, my champ?" He asked while cupping Max's face which was filled with anger, humiliation and full of desire for vengeance. All the emotions, which James understood too well. The emotions he never wanted him to have for those emotions were what brought him to this place. The power he craved, the wealth he amassed and the domination he had, all were due to the feelings Max felt. Even if he was his brother, he wouldn't give a cent of his authority to him, so he hurriedly tried to calm him down.

"Calm down champ! I am here and I will find him for you, alright?" He spoke in a gentle tone masking his true thoughts while Max glared at him in anger.

"How can I calm down brother! He humiliated me! Me! A Desmond! How dare he!" He yelled loudly with anger seeping all over his body, causing him to tremble.

"How are you going to find him in this temper! Tell me do you have resources or did you ever even build connections? How are you even going to go after him, huh?" James who was at his limit lost control and spoke his mind at the man-child in front of him, only to realize later the impact his words had.

"You are right…I've never worked hard for anything before…That's why they think I am a pushover! That's right brother help me! Give me a company to work in! I'll build my empire and have my revenge!" He yelled in anger, further infuriating James who shook his head in his brother's foolishness whereas Luis barely controlled his laughter at his childish behavior.

What is this a CEO revenge novel? And he is going miraculously build his empire? Also, coming from a rich pig like him who never had to sweat to get what he wanted. What a joke. Luis inwardly mocked him while shaking his head as well.

"Luis, add drugs in his food and make sure he stays low for the next few days until he calms down." James whispered in his ear, who nodded in assent before he departed from the scene. While the bodyguards signaled by him to knocked out his annoying brother who still was throwing temper tantrums.

"Find whoever did this. Luis thinks it's a pro and I am inclined to agree with him. Search the underground first and then move towards black bag forces. Pay triple if needed but, I need the names of those responsible by the end of the month!" James ordered one of his shadow bodyguards, who bowed in assent and quickly headed off to complete the task given to him by his master. While James who was now highly stressed called one of his relievers to relieve the same.

"Baby, where are you? I am extremely stressed today…Alright I'll meet you there." Entering his Maserati and speeding off to cool himself down yet, his mind seemed to be occupied with the thought of offending someone high up the food chain, causing such a pro team to go after his brother.

'But that didn't look like a paid hit…The sheer amount of brutality and carnage on the scene seemed…personal'

James though to himself before shaking his head as his thoughts only bought him headache, before turning on the music to distract himself and headed towards his destination.

Aggravate James Desmond- Check

Cause Max Desmond to rebel- Check

Sow discord between brothers- In progress