The Plan to Save the *Survivors

"The male survivors are fucked?" Lindy asked.

"No-pe." Leon smacked, "All of them."

Lindy looked toward the other end of the stretch.

"Is it because we can't help all of them?"

Leon shook his head and narrowed his eyes toward the distance.

"We're not helping any of them." He clarified, "Except one."

Caitlyn shrugged off his admission, but Lindy was perplexed.

The brunette had no qualms about letting everyone die. However, it seemed like a strange development, considering that there were 500 females.

More importantly—

"Why one?" Lindy asked.

"Because there's an 80% chance that one is enough to win the event." Leon laugh-scoffed while looking toward the sky.

Lindy's eyes widened in understanding.

"There's a reward for killing them; I'd bank on multiple people massacring them at 11 am sharp." He continued.

"Even if they didn't, transporting them here in two hours is impossible.

It'd take two hours for a normal person to jog here if they didn't stop.