Trauma Plays

Leon's strategy for subjugating the thousand super humans waiting to run to the Sanctuary was simple. He would create demonstrations of power that were so horrifying that people would forget they had the power to defend themselves.

Many wouldn't be able to wield such a strategy; Leon Traxler wasn't one of them.

"Hey lovely." Leon smiled as he met up with Lindy on the way to the barrier.

Lindy turned bright red but then smiled and wrapped her hands around her back in an adorable fashion.

The orange moving trucks, pickups, and buses did u-turns and then backed in slowly. The drivers in the moving trucks got out, unlatched them, and opened up the doors.

It looked like a human trafficking operation.

Every retrieval team member, the fighters and defenders riding in the back of the pickup trucks, hopped out and stood in a line.

Only Mindy and Kira kept in the trucks. Leon was protecting Mindy, and Kira was a wildcard that mainly acted as a seatbelt if Mindy's sister showed up.