Beef My Wasteland Ep. 3 - Water and Electricity

"Wait... what?" Leon asked while staring at Auburn with shakey eyes.

"I lost a bet with your god." Auburn replied with a salty expression. She averted her gaze while fidgeting with a long lock of curly hair nervously, "So I have to work for you"

Leon scoffed in disbelief. "You don't have to work for me. I'll never accept a woman in Harem City if she doesn't want to be here, let alone make one work for me against her will."

Auburn's eyes widened in shock. "You do understand I'm a Level 281 demigod, yes?"

"Of course." He laughed breathlessly, "You keep acting as if that impresses me. Valuable asset? Sure. But if you look down upon me and my women, you're less than nothing to me."

Her eyes widened in shock, and her eyes filled with humiliation. "You understand you're courting death speaking to veteran candidates like that, right? Not everyone is as stupid as Anya."