Beef My Wasteland Ep. 4 - Food

"I'm leaving for now." Auburn said to Leon after they finished up for the day, "I'll consider joining you, but my partner is male. So it doesn't work well."

"In the future, we'll create a subdistrict where chosen men can join." Leon said with a nod, "That way, we can attract people like you. So I'll contact you then."

"Okay. But… before I go. Why are you like this?" Auburn asked, "You're arrogant, but you're not correspondingly self-centered or ambitious. It's almost like… you're not driven toward this."

Leon shrugged casually. "I chose this power to develop relationships with powerful, trustworthy people. As you can see, that's what I'm doing. That's all."

"This is strictly practical? Is there nothing you desire?" Auburn asked in disbelief.

"Only to make two and a half women happy. Otherwise, I'm ambivalent about you and everyone else." He replied.