Harem City Pinball Tournament

"Bounce Barrier!" Reina cried in "surprise" at the woman's surprise attack.

A barrier that looked like a soap bubble covered her body. It looked simple, but all broke loose when she threw it up.

The pillow hit the barrier, bounced off, and hit a [second] haremite.

The second swung back in retaliation but missed and hit the barrier instead, sending the pillow flying into a [third] participant.

A fourth haremite figured that Reina was throwing up barriers again, so she tried to strike her from the back.

However, mid-strike, she noticed the bubble and panicked. Her pillow hit the barrier and struck a [fifth] woman in the back of the head, making her trip.

When the fifth woman's body hit the barrier, it bounced back and fell into other women fighting. They tried pushing her back, but it created the same effect.

Within seconds, the entire area quickly devolved into an involuntary mosh pit instead of a pillow fight. It was true, unrestrained chaos.