Mindy Lasco

When everyone was notified that Mindy, the cute pink-haired cat woman, got the [wildest participant award] for the sexy pillow fight, they stared at her in shock.

The fluffy cat woman hid her bright red face in her hands. "This will be so embarrassing."

Embarrassing was an offensive understatement.

Appalling. Abhorrent. Atrocious.

Bewitching. Beguiling. Blandishment.

Culpable. Criminal. Condeming.

Deplorable. Detestable. Depraved.

Exciting. Enthralling. Enchanting.

One could use an alphabet of words the describe how awful, deceiving, illegal, amoral, and amazing it was!

Mindy pranced to a group of women shyly. The blonde and curly-haired brunette playfully pillow-fighting frowned when they saw her and tried to sneak away.

They didn't have a problem with the cute cat woman—they liked her a lot.

The problem was that she was a solid five on the probably-should-id to super-loli scale, and no one wanted to get into a [sexy] pillow fight with her!