3. Newly gained techniques

When he came to, it was already morning. His headache gone, he sat on the single seat next to the single table in his house, then tried to know what happened to him.

Then suddenly, his head was filled with knowledge.

This sudden influx of knowledge surprised him as it claimed that he was the holder of the dual dao constitution, a heaven-defying physique giving him to have two dantians, two sets of meridians and double the acupoints It even allows him to pursue two dao paths!

That was insane news because even him living couped up in his courtyard knew that in cultivation, heaven only allows one to pursue one dao in his life, that's it.

If for example, you pursue the dao of sabres, you will never be able to reach the peak in the sword for example, like a wall was blocking you from achieving it. It was common knowledge. It didn't block someone to become proficient with another weapon, but you just would not be reaching its peak.

It was actually not rare for someone not even pursuing the dao of the weapon he wields to be more powerful than someone who pursued its dao since most people wouldn't even come close to reaching the peak of the weapon.

But for him, he could pursue two dao! But he knew deep down that two dao and two sets of meridians, acupoints and two dantians, means double the effort to reach the same height as someone else.

But it didn't faze Ace. He endured hardship all his life, putting in a little more effort, but to become more powerful than anyone at the same level would be definitely worth it!

But except for that knowledge, two books appeared in his mind.

They were titled: "The ancient pleasure technique" and "The ancient dual dao technique".

Starting with 'The ancient pleasure technique', was actually a dual-cultivation technique that allowed two partners to engage in intercourse and benefit from it.

Everyone possesses both Yin and Yang and practicing this technique during intercourse allows someone to build some sort of bridge between both's cultivation. So when someone is way lower in the realm than the other, that bridge will make the lower realm person benefit a lot and almost reach the same realm as the other while the other would almost not benefit from it.

But of course, nothing is too exaggerated. If the difference in the realm is too big, engaging in intercourse will at best cripple the lower cultivation one and at worst outright kill him from the excessive energy.

But this technique is actually linked to the other one.

"The ancient dual dao technique". This technique describes that each of the two dantians and sets of meridians and acupoints works with different types of energy.

One of them utilizes the Yin energy, and the other the Yang. This technique allows one to absorb the Yin and Yang of heaven and the earth. And it can actually link to the dual cultivation technique, as it will act as a separator for both types of energy to fill their respective dantians. But this technique acts as a two-in-one. Normally, a normal cultivator needs to either cultivate internal arts or external arts. Some even do both, but it obviously takes more time and resources.

As for Ace, with his technique, cultivating with it actually upgrades both his realm AND his physique! That's godly!

Except for that, he got two immortal-class martial techniques, in both spear and sword. That means the person who gave him these cultivation techniques obviously wants him to pursue the spear dao and the sword dao.

Martial techniques grade goes like this:

Common grade

Earth grade

Sky grade

Heaven grade

Divine grade

Immortal grade

One has to know that every immortal grade techniques are technique created by the creator to only suit one person, generally himself. So even for newly-ascended immortals, divine grade techniques are the peak, since they aren't powerful enough to create their own.

As for the mortal realm, only the biggest superpowers who have contacts with the upper realm would have heaven-grade techniques. Nothing above that.




Except for these techniques, he got information on the origin of the techniques.

Even though Ace was really excited that he would finally embark on the arduous path of cultivation, he knew that these techniques would come at a price. Nothing is free in the world.

His eyes suddenly went dark, as if he got teleported into a completely dark room.

A man then appeared in front of him.

He was handsome. Really handsome. The word itself is an understatement as this man is the definition of an empire-toppling beauty but as a male.

The man then scanned Ace head to toe.

"Hello there. My name is Luo Heng, known as the 'Shameless Immortal'. After being caught in a situation where the most powerful man was at my throat, I was forced to come to the decision to sacrifice myself so that I would find the heaven-defying constitution that this man feared so much."

"Is.. is that me?" asked Ace still dazed

"As you already guessed. I don't have much time. My remaining soul power is almost nearing its end already. All I ask you for these techniques is that you gain strength. So much strength that one day, after you ascend, you'll kill the ruler of all the immortals, Xie Hou. I have sealed memories inside of your head so that when you're strong enough, you'll get more information on him. I wish you good luck in your journey, I hope you screw a lot of females in the meantime, he he he."

He then disappeared.

Ace was still awe-struck after hearing this. Does he need to kill the single most powerful man in the universe??

He didn't know how to react to this. Should he be happy that he got this legacy and could gain strength and become unrivalled, or should he be sad that his mission is so difficult?

Well, it didn't matter to Ace. He already wanted to conquer everything, and now he has the opportunity. He would surely take it.

Now he was just a little surprised by the last part of his heartfelt speech. Then he remembered that he was known as the 'Shameless Immortal' so he guessed that must be his true nature.