28. Finally some action

While Ace was outside hunting beasts in the dark forest, the disciples of the Howling Beast Sect started what they came here for.

They flaunted their arrogance by destroying things in their passage like street lights and more.

They escorted a carriage, probably containing the Howling Beast sect's master and his son who is the future heir.

They continued doing this under the cold gaze of the female disciples of the Red Rose Sect until they reached the doors of the sect leader's palace.




They waited there for two full hours.

The disciples, who used to be able to do anything anywhere with the reputation of their sect started becoming restless from being ignored like that, but from the orders of their sect leader, they can't do anything here, especially in front of the sect master's palace.

After two hours, the sect master of the Red Rose Sect finally opened the door to her palace and some core disciples gave directions to the throne room.

Inside it, sitting atop a pedestal, on a beautiful black and golden throne, Sun, dressed in a tight blue robe with flowery motifs, accentuating her beauty and catching every Howling Beast Sect's disciples in a daze.

Even their sect master was caught in a daze for a couple of seconds before coming back to himself.

"What do I owe the 'honour' of welcoming the Howling Beast sect in my territory for?" said Sun, clearly saying the word 'honour' in a sarcastic tone.

The Howling Beast sect master, feeling more and more humiliated by her still kept a smile.

"With the coming of the sect competition, I wanted to test and warm up my disciples, and I asked to myself who is benevolent enough to help us, and what came to mind was our all-time friends the Red Rose sect."

He said while keeping a warm smile and appearing kind-hearted.

"So what do you want to do," asked Sun, clearly knowing his intentions. But even she is curious about the progress of her disciples with all the training they did day and night after the motivation they got from Ace and his fighting.

"how about picking your 10 strongest outer disciples, 10 strongest inner disciples, and your 5 strongest core disciples, and then they'll fight against mine?" He asked with a grin.

' 'All of these disciples would be the core strength in the upcoming competition, so if we manage to hurt them, the Red Rose sect would be crippled!' is probably what he's thinking in his head, thought Sun, but he's too blind in his arrogance that he doesn't even think one second that his disciples are going to lose.'

"Hmmm... well why not." responded the sect master of the red rose sect with a grin of her own that tickled the instincts of the Howling best sect master in a bad way, but he dismissed it.




The whole sect was assembled inside the arena.

The disciples of the best sect have been given seats close to the platform to wait for their turn to fight.

They all had smiles on their face and joked with each other, all thinking that there was no way that they'll lose.

Yes, they're so far off in their arrogance.

Since they were young, they have been fed with the idea that men are stronger than women.

While this may be true for mortals physically, with cultivation, no advantage is left.

Women can be as strong as men with techniques.

It isn't rare to see a woman ruler, have a harem like a man would have, just of men instead of women of course.

But it is inevitable that some people are still hell-bent on thinking that men are superior.

So for the beast sect's disciples, who have been raised like that, losing to a woman is not in question.




During the time all of that happened, Ace came back to the sect.

Seeing no one and hearing sound at the arena, he went there.

He asked the first female disciple what was happening, and while she was blushing from being able to talk with Ace, she still gave him the information about what was happening.

He soon understood and went to join Sun, the elders and the core disciples in their VIP cabin.

Seeing a man, not from their sect be there and so close to the upper echelons of the female sect, lots of disciples from the beast sect and even the son of the sect master were curious about his identity.

Even the sect master of the beast sect, after seeing him be so close to Sun and even make her lose her cold face while talking to him got jealous.

he leaned to his right and whispered something to his son.

'Find a reason to fight him and cripple him if possible.' he whispered in a cold voice.

His son, hearing that, grinned and nodded in understanding.




The same elder that overviews the fights in the arena went to the middle of the platform.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day! We will see friendly spars between our two sects in preparation for the competition in 5 months. To the rules, deaths are unacceptable. Crippling is not allowed either. As for injuries, it is doomed to happen, but if you can reduce your strength when you see someone is not able to ripost, do so."

"For the first part of the day, it is to the outer disciples that this scene will belong to, so I call all of them to the side of the platform to wait for their turn!"

After this declaration, all the disciples exploded in cheers of excitement.

It was now time to fight.