29. How dare you!

The fights soon started.

'to every one of you, don't hold back, the disciples of the Best sect will try to hurt you.'

Every disciple of the Red Rose sect heard in their head.

It was the sect master that addressed them with a sound-transmission technique.

The disciples knew that the best sect had bad intentions, so having the green light pummel them in the ground, a smile blossomed on all their lips.

The disciples of the beast sect, seeing all the female contenders smile at the same time, they all got a bad premonition, but couldn't do anything.

And it quickly became a reality.

The first disciples who fought were Lea, representing the red rose sect, and Lao Men, representing the howling beast sect.

The moment the elder announced the start of the fight, Lea, with her whip as her chosen weapon, launched forward and whipped him straight into the face without him even having a chance to fight back.

He lost a couple of teeth and would surely have a scar running across his face in the future.

With only one attack, he was rendered incapable of fighting anymore, and that is how the first fight came to an end.

All other outer disciple fights were similar, the disciple of the beast sect almost couldn't do anything and all were rendered incapacitated in only a couple of exchanges.




When came to the end of the inner disciples' fights, the sect master of the Howling Beast sect was furious.

They lost every fight too!

Even though they were closer than the outer disciples' fights, as the stronger someone is, the harder it is to become strong in a short amount of time, they still all ended them losing.

He needed to vent his frustration somewhere, and decided on venting on Ace, as he and the Sun talked during all this time, without even sparing a glance at him or the fights as if they knew nothing would happen.

He urged his son to fight him, as even though he was far gone in his arrogance, he still had a little bit of shame and wouldn't fight someone so young just to vent.

But that didn't stop him from wanting Ace all bloodied and hurt to quench his madness a little.

It was now time for the core disciples to fight.

Since the Beast sect master's son was a core disciple, he decided to go first.

But before one of the girls from the red rose sect could come up, he spoke up

"We've all noticed the man up there talking with the upper echelons of the Red Rose sect. But today, it is supposed to be a day where only the Red Rose sect and the Howling Beast sect are present. Having an outsider be here and potentially spy on my sect is insulting! If he wants to stay, he should at least be tested to know if he is worthy to be here no?"

Following these words, all female disciples exploded in disagreements.

Insulting him was like insulting them, they all thought.

Even the son of the Beast sect master didn't expect such a reaction.

Ace after hearing someone talking about him stopped talking and looked at him.

The moment Ace looked at him, he felt his soul tremble.

His golden eyes were peeing into him and he shook for a moment.

"You little ant pampered since birth and that only attained your martial grandmaster realm at your age with countless resources bought by your father, I don't see why you'd be worthy to be here, but why not."

Ace decided to be overbearing.

He knew that if he hurt their pride enough for them to mess up in the middle of the Red Rose sect, Sun could take legitimate action and wipe the Holing Beast sect off the face of this world with no repercussions.

A great way to get rid of useless fellows like them.


As Ace expected, this small amount of words already brought him close to messing up.

Ace slowly got down.

After wasting enough time and making veins pop on Xin Wei, the future heir of the howling beast sect, he was on the platform.

Even though Xin Wei is a core disciple of a sect, he was nearly an early grandmaster realm cultivator.

And with his now late-stage grandmaster realm, upgrading after fighting with beasts and some more 'training' with his future wives, he didn't take him seriously.

As Ace said, Xin Wei was clearly someone with minimal talent who got there with the ungodly amount of resources his father got for him.

"We can start at any moment, I'm waiting," said Ace right after getting on the platform.

"Y-you!", 'I'm the one who has been waiting for you while you were taking your time walking down the stairs!' Xin Wei thought with more veins popping on his forehead.

The elder, not knowing what to do, looked at her sect master, and seeing Sun nod, she quickly recited the challenge.

"Xin Wei, core disciple of the Howling Beast sect challenged Ace Feng, guest of the Red Rose sect to a duel. Three, two, one, fight!"

Xin Wei dashed toward Ace who stood in place.

'This guy, I'm going to make him pay for insulting me like that! Plus how dare he talk to so many beautiful women in my presence?!'

Ace, while still standing there and following each of Xin Wei's movements, took out a meter-long thin pitch black blade, that had a white handle with no handguard.

It was a blade he requested from one of the elders of the sect that was a blacksmith.

The Blade is made from meteorite iron, giving the pitch-black shade of the blade, and the morning dawn tree which has its trunk white, to use as a handle.

Truly is a piece of art that compliments Ace's white with gold motifs robe, his white hair and his golden eyes.

He looks like a young immortal and made the hearts of the female disciples skip a beat.