All Esmeralda ever heard was how strong and powerful the sword inside her was, but she never really knew why Priest Luz chose her to be the bearer.
Amargo pointed her sword at and everyone she hated or felt was a threat to her.
The wizard continued his story.
He stood up from where he sat, walking to the middle right in front of Esmeralda.
I never saw that coming, I knew my sister hated me, but I never thought it was to the point where she wanted to see me dead.
I joined forces with some of her enemies who were ready to fight.
Four witches hurt by Amargo's bitterness joined us the wizard. They exhibited courage like I have never seen before, but sadly they were sacrificed in the end, and died in the hands of Amargo in the most brutally way possible.
The rest of us ran, taking off into this forest for refuge.