They stood in front of the castle once again, after been gone for days now.
Esmeralda did not say a word all through the journey, and even rushed to her room immediately she got back, thankfully the girls had vacated her room.
Esmeralda couldn't be more relief as she needed to just be alone.
The word that the wizard spoke to her kept ringing in her head. Amargo might be dead, but she still won.
The scared mother put her hands on her stomach just like the wizard did before telling her that she was cursed.
She placed a curse on your child, no child can come out of your womb alive, including the one there now.
Esmeralda widen her eyes at this shocking new discovery.
When? how?
what wrong did I ever commit to Amargo?
Esmeralda couldn't help but ask the wizard with tears rolling down her cheek.
Her first child was killed, and now a new being is growing inside her and it's life is already threatened.