Chapter 5

I arrived 5 minutes before school started. George was waiting for me at my locker. I could see he had a lot of questions, but he didn’t ask them. Instead he went on telling me of what was going on and what classes we are going to have.

"So, are your parents alright?" He asked.

"Yeah they're fine," I answered. He didn't pry any further.

We went to our classes and I gave as little information about what had happened yesterday, occasionally changing the subject.

I asked about Uncle Billy.

"Uncle Billy? Oh, he's the wood worker in town. He works on the pine borders of the town. And he does some tree falling too, mostly tree falling," he explained as we walked to class. "How do you know Uncle Billy?" he asked.

I didn't want to explain to much.

"I was walking home. My dad and I had a huge fight. So, I walked to school and Uncle Billy gave me a ride," I explained with nonchalance.

"Oh," he responded. We stepped into art class and I sat next to George. Miss Fits, a woman who looked like she was in her late forties, she had long, red curly hair that was tied into a high bun and a head band with very colorful patterns. Her hair still looked messy. She looked like a modern hippy if I was honest. But she was very friendly and didn't talk like a hippy. She talked to us about impressionism. Her tone making it sound so fascinating.

The day went by slowly making it feel like I was put in my own personal purgatory. After 7 long hours the day finally ended. Although I on the one hand wanted it to go on for a little longer. I saw Nurse Emily, looking for a way to stall a bit, but she said that I was fine and that it looked like there isn't anything major to worry about. I frowned, hoping she would say something like, "we need to keep you here a little longer". I want to go home, where my parents were. Alas, it was something that had to happen. George had offered me a ride back home, but I declined. He walked me to the trees where my parents had told me to wait for them the previous day. There stood the green carry-on, like an executioner waiting for the next prisoner.

"Are you sure you'll, be okay?" He asked touching my arm lightly.

"Yeah, it isn't our first fight and it won't be our last," I shrugged.

"Okay, but let me know how it goes," He gave me his trade mark grin.

"I will," I promised, walking toward the car.

My dad scowled at me through the rear view mirror. I wanted to snap at him and ask, "What?". But I knew why he gave me that look. I disobeyed him, again. It didn't bother me. Not as much as it had done a year ago.

We didn't talk on the drive back home. My parents and I were clearly on speaking-if-necessary terms. I went to my room and closed the door. My bag hit the floor and I flopped on the bed face first. How did my life get to this? Had I done something so wrong that I had a pile of bad karma? If that is what it is. It must have been falling for someone I knew I couldn’t have, flipping of my parents and getting him killed.

The next few days went by. In stead of my parents talking to me they talked among themselves. They talked about work and things they experienced throughout the day. I had no intention of jumping in and telling them about my day. George and I texted whenever I wasn't with my parents. He had made jokes that took my mind off of things and helped me with my economics homework. Basically just explaining what the gibberish in the textbook asked of me. I hated economics, not only because I hated the teacher who was a pretentious tool, but because my brain couldn't make any sense of politics or business plans. Art and math that is what my brain finds easy.

On Monday we were sitting in art class, the teacher explaining what our project subjects were, when I felt a soft tap on the back of my upper arm.

I looked down and saw a piece of paper between his two fingers. I took it discreetly. I opened it, using my text book as cover.

'Can we meet up after school?' he wrote in neat handwriting. I wasn't surprised. He was a vampire after all.

'Sure,' I wrote and passed back to him.

The day seemed to drag by slowly. Eventually the day ended and I followed George to the woods behind the main building. We walked until the school was barely visible.

"So, what's up?" I asked crossing my arms looking around making sure that we were alone.

"Nothing. Actually, I brought you here to ask you the same question," He said sheepishly.

"Everything is fine with me. Thanks for your concern," I said pursing my lips

"Look I get it. We're basically strangers. We don't know each other at all, but I know one thing," he was serious.

"What's that?"

"A friend. Someone to talk to,"

"Look George. It's really sweet that you want me to talk to you, but like you said we're just strangers. You wouldn't understand what I'm going through,"

"And pushing people away because you want to protect yourself from pain isn't the answer," his seriousness turned into care. We were silent for a moment.

"I know, but it's necessary. For everyone involved. And I'm not trying to protect myself. Hell, I couldn't care what happens to me," I explained, seeing the flash backs of that night. I shook it out of my brain.

"Then who are you trying to protect?" He asked.

"You know the shrink thing won't work on me, right?"

"I'm not shrinking you. I'm asking you a question, nothing more," he explained. I stayed silent for another moment.

"I'm trying to protect everyone else, from me and my family. It's dangerous. You might end up killed, just for being acquainted with me," I explained keeping my face emotionless. I knew the 'acquainted' would hurt him. In the end it's better if I end, whatever we had, right now.

"Well tough. I don't care. I'm your friend and you will learn I'm kind of clingy. Which means I'm not going anywhere. Even if you are a werewolf," he smiled.

I felt the colour drain from my face. I thought I might be dreaming, that I had fallen asleep in class and I was having this conversation with him in a dream. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I just stood there in shock, hoping I would wake up.

"Anna. Are you okay?" he asked sounding concerned. I didn't answer. "Anna," he called my name touching my shoulder. That seemed to snap me out of my shock. I grabbed his collar and pushed him toward the nearest tree.

"If you breathe a word about this," I threatened.

"I won't tell anyone," he said exasperated.

"Friends don't do that to each other," he held my wrist, not aggressively, but almost supportively. It brought back feelings and memories of my previous life, things I tried desperately to block. I let go of his shirt, turned sharply and walked toward the main building. I walked through the building looking forward. After a while I saw the bathrooms to my right. I walked through the door. Claiming the second last sink at the back of the rest rooms. Staring at my own reflection. My wide shocked eyes stared back at me, I was pale and my eyes where brighter than normal.

I opened up the tap and splashed my face with cold water. I looked back at the mirror. My thoughts swirled at the water around the drain. Only my thoughts didn't have a place to go. They created a whirlpool of panic. I took deep breaths to stop myself from hyperventilating.

I had dealt with people who knew about us. But some of them weren't pleasant. Most ways was moving. The last person who found out about us, died not long after. His face flashed in my mind. His beautiful green eyes, red hair and a smile that was contagious. I flinched. Pushing it all back, trying to find myself. I heard the door open. I pretended to wash my hands and closed the tap. When I looked up I saw a face that was less pleasant.

"Hello Emma," I said with a bit of venom.

"You," she snarled. I turned around quickly to confront her. She was inches away from my face. I noticed she wasn't alone. Her gang was there too.

"What do you want Emma?" I asked emotionless. She chuckled, "I want you,"

"Unhem. I'm sorry to break the news to you but I'm straight, not to mention you have a boyfriend. Although I'm flattered," I smirked. She took a step back, and with a blink of an eye she punched me in my stomach. I doubled over gripping where she landed her blow. I kneeled to the floor, pain spreading through my whole stomach.

"You didn't let me finish," she said, stepping around me.

"You need to let me finish. Didn't your parents teach you manners," She sighed.

"I wanted to say is I want you to learn your place. I made it easy for you to understand. You on the floor, beneath me, like the worthless human you are. And me, the boss of you, high above, telling you what to do," she smiled as I looked up.

I had to give it to her she had a nasty punch, considering she was a Barbie doll.

"Now, will you remember that?" she asked .

"Go- screw- yourself," I breathed out struggling to het the words out.

"I knew you would be difficult," she crossed her arms.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Annabeth,"

"Get, my name, out of, your filthy mouth," I breathed, I was able to talk better now.

"Looks like I need too continue our lesson on how things work," she nodded and one of her minions kicked me in my abdomen. I let out a faint 'oof' as her foot penetrated my lower abdomen.

Don't get me wrong I have been in fights before. But I could tell by their punches and kicks that this wasn't the first time they did this.

I took a deep breath, or tried and stood back up on my knees, the black haired witch right hooked into my face. I knew that I needed to fight back, but if I did they might kill me.

My cheek hit the cold tiled floor, my jaw ached.

"You are a weak little human and that's all you will be, now stay down," Emma ordered. They all turned and walked away. I knew the smartest move was to just stay down and wait till they were gone, but I couldn't. Damn Whitmore genes. I was as, if not more, stubborn as my dad. He wouldn't just roll over and face defeat. And yes, we didn't get along, but he did raise me after all. Just before Emma got to the door I rose to my feet tasting blood in my mouth.

"Emma," I called.

"I'm not done," I said clenching my fists against my side. Her gang wanted to come back in, but she sent them out.

"I'll handle her. You guys be the look out," she said, handing her handbag to the darker blonde.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she smiled.

"I don't hope so. I love to disappoint," I held up my fists.

She came at me fast, almost too fast. I blocked her punch just in time. She kept punching and I blocked. When she started kicking I moved out of the way. I got distracted with her feet, I didn't see her fist B-lining for my face. She punched me so hard I hit the floor with a thud. I took a second to recover but it was a second too long. She kicked me across the bathroom, I hit the wall. I knew she wouldn't wait for me to recover. So, despite the pain I stood up and got ready again. She was starting to tick me off, and I let her. I used all the emotions that I felt before she came into the bathroom and channeled them into my blocks.

I focused and looked for an opening. When I saw one I hit her in the face, she stammered a bit, her lip bleeding. She licked the cut and smiled. At least I made her bleed. She came at me faster and more aggressively. She landed a couple of blows. Enough to make any male biker cry. I kept getting up and fought her.

"Why won't you stay down?" she snarled, trying to punch me.

I blocked it and snarled back, "Because it's not how I was raised," I pushed her back.

"I don't get it, you should be down," she said out of breath.

"Are you saying I'm a challenge?" I smirked.

"You? A human-" she stopped her sentence, looking at me , as if she was studying me.

I saw this as my chance. I ran toward her fist ready. I aimed for her face but she blocked me. She grabbed my collar and threw me against a sink. My head hit the edge and I laid on the floor. Pain shot through my head. The last thing I saw and heard was Emma crouching in front of me, she was blurry. "I win" her voice echoed in my ears adding to the pain in my head and I was consumed by darkness.