Chapter 6

I saw only darkness, my whole body felt numb. There was no sound or light here. I wanted to stay here forever. I didn't have problems, pain or drama here. If I didn't know better, I could have sworn that this was death or heaven. I was at peace here. It seemed like a very long time that I was there. Was it an hour? A day? A week? Time seemed to pass faster here. Yet, somehow it felt like it was taking forever for time to pass. I wanted to get comfortable when a flicker of light appeared. A part of me wanted to see what it was, another part wanted to stay in the dark, it warned that I wouldn't like what I saw. Me being me, I wanted to judge that for myself so I went to the light.

It was home. Not the one I live in now, but my childhood home. I used to call it my happy place. It truly was my happy place. It was the house we used to live in before we started to move around. There were a lot of windows, sunlight shone through them and at least a dozen plants were placed in front of each window. It was a small house with the kitchen at the stairs and a short hallway leading to my dad's office. the living room was in the front of the house next to the front door. The walls where a light green and the frames of the doors were white. Everything was just so light.

There was a cabinet in the living room next to the doorway. It was filled with pictures of me and my parents, I noticed the one that was currently next to my bed, among the rest. Even one of my grandma and grandpa. There were horrible clay sculptures and bowls I had made. The house smelled of vanilla and lavender. Some people would say that the combination of the two smells bad, but it was heavenly to me. I smiled widely. I was at the brink of tears.

When we moved away the chance of seeing this place and having a normal family disappeared. I turned to explore the rest of the house when a familiar, deep voice behind be called for me softly, "Hey you," I froze.

My heart beat faster. I turned slowly fighting back the tears. He stood there smiling, I would have thought he would have a look of resentment or anger, but he looked happy. Andrew. My ex-boyfriend who had died a month before we moved away. He looked the same as ever. His green eyes so friendly, his red hair in a spikey style, he had his leather jacket on with a Metallica t-shirt and a black jean with his Nikes. He had the most perfect teeth, freckles and a bit of a crooked nose. He had is iconic black earing. I remember when he got his ear pierced not long after I met him. It took everything I had in me not to run to him and hug him.

"A-Andrew?" I struggled to get his name out.

"Wow, you look like hell. But that's normal considering you got the snot beaten out of you. You held up well," he walked passed me to the cabinet of pictures. I couldn't do anything but gawk at him. He looked at the pictures and smiled at one.

"You were so cute when you where little. Did you really dress up like a space cowboy?" he asked pointed at a picture of me with a space suit and a cowboy hat. It was taken 2 years before we moved.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"That's cute," he smiled and looked at me. He walked toward me and grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb.

"If you keep gawking at me like that, you're going to make me do something rash," he whispered. His fingers left my face and he chuckled, "It is so like you, to be quiet. To just stand and stare at me,"

"Am I dead?" I asked, unsure if I got the words out right.

"No," he answered.

"Then, how-"

"How am I here seeing as I'm dead as a doornail? Easy," he walked away, "I'm not really here," he whispered, turning around and pointing to the room. Gosh, he was exactly how I remembered him. Witty and sarcastic. It was annoying at times, but he made me laugh.

"I don't understand," I said confused.

"Well, see when you hit your head on the sink, you got knocked out. And because of all the crap you're going through right now, your brain conjured up a familiar place and face," he plopped on the couch. As I stood in confusion

"This George guy. Is he your new boyfriend?" he teased.

"No," I said a bit annoyed.

"Good, cause I would never get over the fact that you got a new boyfriend, a month after your previous one died. I'd call that bad juju," he made a face.

"Now, back to business," he stood up and walked toward me.

"You need to wake up,"

"No, I don't want to," I complained

"Well, you're going to have to. It's kind of not your call,"

"I'll make it my call,"

"Hard headed as always," he sighed.

"Look Anne, doesn't matter what happens you'll get through it. Hell, you just got beaten up by a flipping vampire and lived. You saw me die and got through it, barely I'd admit," I laughed biting my lower lip to fight back the tears, "But you got through in the end. You survived, I need you keep surviving," he whispered, bringing his face closer to mine. He kissed my forehead. Tears started to flow down my face, I almost never cried. I certainly didn't do it in front of people, but with him I felt safe. He stopped kissing and said, "Wake up,"

"What?" I asked shocked. He took two steps back.

"I need you to wake up. Now,"

I gawked at him. "Anna, wake up," he said. I shook my head.

"Anna. Wake up," he said louder.

I shook my head again.

"Wake up Anna, now!" he exclaimed before his body rocked and his mouth opened. Blood poured from his mouth. I walked back in shock. Someone lifted him up and moved him to the side. My dad stood behind him. He had this evil grin on his face. Memories of the night that Andrew died flooded my mind. It was like I was relining it again. Is torn up body at my feet, blood on the floor and walls, my dad's wolf standing a few feet away snarling.

It was like I was slammed back into my body. I could hear distant voices. I could make out a few words like, "hit head", "beaten", "concussion” and "broken". I was afraid of hallucinating again so I forced myself to wake up. Slivers of light came through my eyelids. It wasn't only that, but the pain that was the result of the fight shot through me. Basically my entire body. My temples felt like they had nails hammered into them. Fun. I groaned.

"Anna," my name shot through my head, echoing. It was my mom's voice, it was filled with urgency and a little bit of panic.

I forced my eyes open, even if it did hurt. I looked up at the ceiling it was so bright. A face came into view, it was my mom. She loomed over me, her brows were knitted together with concern.

"Honey?" my mom asked. A spark of annoyance flickered through me.

I tried to sit up but the pain my ribs and stomach stopped me. I hissed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a woman's voice said in the distance. I looked over in the direction it originated from. It was a young woman, she was in her early thirty's, she had office pants and a fancy red top. She had long red hair that hung in her middle and she had dark green eyes. Was this the school nurse?

"Why?" I asked glaring at her.

"For one, you have a concussion, two fractured ribs and a bruised jaw," she said like she was bored and folded her arms. I sat up in anyway, my mom didn't try to help me. I held in a groan. The woman just rolled her eyes. I looked around the room. My dad sat in a chair against the opposite wall where my bed was. He had his arms folded, his face blank and he was still. He didn't move at all. George stood next to my bed a tight smile on his face and a girl I didn't recognize stood at the foot of my bed. A girl with waist length black hair and golden skin, like that of a native American, obviously she was native American decent. She wore a T-shirt with a hoodie, skinny jeans and high boots.

I took a breath hoping that it would clear away the pain in my head, face and the rest of my body. It didn't so I tried to ignored it. Or tried.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask you the same question. Kate found you on the floor of the lady's room, passed out and bleeding from your forehead. We were hoping you can clarify what happened before that," the nurse said gesturing to the girl at the foot of my bed as she explained. Here is where my insane lying skills came in handy.

"Well doc, I wish I knew, but I can't remember," I said with nonchalance.

"You don't remember?" the nurse cocked an eyebrow.

"Yep, all I remember was that I wanted to pee and I got into the bathroom, the rest is blank," I explained pursing my lips. I know you're yelling at me for not telling the truth, but I knew that if I told the truth three things would happen. First, my dad might go after Emma and we would have to move again. Secondly, I would give Emma exactly what she wanted, to prove that she has the power. Thirdly, it would cause crap that I so don't want to deal with right now. I have enough on my plate as it is.

So that's why I lied. Besides. This is now personal and for Emma, that's not a good thing.

"Well that means that you hit your head harder than I thought. Protocol suggests that I should send you to a neurologist for tests-"

"No," my parents said simultaneously.

"Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore this could indicate brain damage," she explained.

"We are aware thank you, but we feel there is no need for a hospital unless it's completely necessary," my mom said seriously. We didn't go to hospitals in case they wanted to do a blood test and when they get the blood results back they would see that we, especially me, aren't as human as we say we are. That could lead to a new set of problems. I looked at George from the corner of my eye. He was looking at the nurse.

"I understand-"

"Nurse Emily, they obviously don't want to go to the hospital. So, why don't you book her off for a couple of days and let her come in for check ups and if there are any problems I would drive her to the hospital myself," George bargained. The nurse looked at him. She clearly didn't like the idea, she rubbed her neck and sighed.

"Fine," she agreed. My parents seem to relax a bit.

The nurse on a little pad, ripped the first page off and handed it to my mom.

"I'm giving her two days off. After that I want her to come for a check up before and after school for the next two weeks. If we're sending her to a doctor, I want to be extra cautious," she said sternly. My mom thanked her. As did my dad. We got my stuff and we went home. We were silent the whole drive. When we walked into the house I started to walk up the stairs. Using the rail for support.

"Anna can we talk?" My mom asked, she sounded angry. Does she know about George? No, how could she? Unless George told her.

I turned where I stood, "Mom, I'm sore and tired. I don't want to talk or fight. If you want us to move, ok. Move me in my sleep. I really don't care right now," I turned to continue my endeavor to climb the stairs. I took one step when my mom spoke, "We're not moving," I stood still. I turned back to look at them. My dad was leaning against the wall he was scowling at the floor and my mom had her eyes on me. Huh?

"I thought-"

"You thought correctly, but we talked and you were right, to an extent. We can't keep moving around. It's putting pressure on all of us. Although the last 48 hours would have sent us on the road without a second thought, but we want to give this town a shot. And it's not fair to you, so we will stay, but if hunters show up, we are gone. Agreed?"

I couldn't believe my ears. They wouldn't make a deal like this with me. They wouldn't even ask my opinion. We moved at the word go, with no questions asked. It took me a moment before I could answer, "Deal," I said excited.

"Okay, now go to bed. You need your rest," she said in a soothing voice. I said good night and went to bed. I knew that it would take all of my energy to put on my pajama's. So, I climbed into my bed with my blood soaked clothes and it hurt like hell to do so. But as soon as my body relaxed and the aching went away, I almost blacked out instantly.