Chapter 17

George came by after school. The guards didn't want to let him pass, neither did my dad, but my mom told them he was my friend and they let him in the room. "Are they afraid that you're going to be dragged out of the room into a hallway crowded with nurses? Because I mean sure use the window, but it would be a short fall seeing as we are three stories up," George joked. My dad just gave him an exasperated look.

"Too soon?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I answered as I stood up to hug him. Something I've been trying to do, but my mother insisted that I stay in bed. I reminded her that I was kidnapped and not physically hurt.

She was not happy with me.

"Hey," he said hugging me a little tighter.

"Hi," I replied hugging back not as hard but more of a gentle squeeze.

We broke from our embrace, he still held my shoulders. "I was so worried. Anything broken or bruised?" he gave me a once over with his eyes.