Chapter 16

I woke up an hour later when a nurse took my vitals and changed my IV.

I sat upright. The nurse gave me an apologetic smile and walked out.

"You should try to sleep some more," my mom said, concerned.

"No," I protested. I needed to do something. "You really should get some rest," My mom was becoming caring to much mom.

"Mom. I'm fine. Really. You should get some sleep. And don't say you don't need sleep. Anyone who isn't blind as a mole can see those circles under your eyes. Besides if you're worried someone will kidnap me again, don't. There are highly capable police officers outside of my door, and they change shifts every hour. No person in this town is as safe as I am right now," I explained. "We are not leaving you alone," my dad protested. "You don't have to. There is a couch in the corner. And you can take turns," I said firmly.

"Mary, you go sleep first," My dad said softly.