Chapter 35

When I got to the school, my parents and I went to the principal’s office. He told us things we already knew that I was facing suspension, that what I did was stupid and reckless, blah, blah, blah. The school board sought it fit that I was temporarily suspended until Miss Emily said I was ready to go back to school. I was to see her every morning. I was just glad I wasn't expelled. That would have resulted in us moving without a second thought. No use in staying in a town where I can't go to the only high school.

The bell rang as we were walking toward the car. I caught George's scent as it blew behind me. I turned and saw him walking towards me. He stopped abruptly, not knowing if we could talk while my parents were there. I looked back to them, silently asking their permission. "We'll wait in the car," my mom said with a tight smile, dragging my dad with her. "Don't take too long," my dad said struggling to keep up with my mom.