Chapter 5

(Siobhan’s P.O.V)

Camilla, Anders, and I are all visiting the families while Artis and Preston are going to visit the crime scenes to see if they can gather any information in the area from witnesses. It’s a long shot because there has been such a delay in our being invited in, but we can only hope for the best. The first family that we are visiting are members of my pack, Hallowed Manes, so I’m having to mentally prepare myself for encountering my mate. We stop at the gates and let the warriors know who we were and what our business was.

“Well, hello there Siobhan, you’ve grown up quite nicely.” The warrior at the gate says, with a touch of lust in his eyes.

“Please, put your dick BACK in your pants Luther, no one can see it without a microscope anyways,” I growl out.

He was always an asshole and thought he was the Goddess’s gift to women; this comment though causes the other warriors at the gate to double over in laughter as Luther’s face turns red in anger and embarrassment. The other warriors let us through the gates after they get confirmation that we were supposed to be there. The family we are visiting happens to live in my parent’s neighborhood…yay. The pack hasn’t changed much, it’s expanded as more members have come into the pack, but the neighborhoods are as clean and well-tended as they were when I was younger. We pull up to the family’s house, a cute little bungalow-style home with a beautiful rose garden in the front yard. We exit the SUV and make our way up the flower-lined walkway, knocking on the door after stepping onto the front porch. A woman in her late 30’s answers the door, looking disheveled and exhausted.

“Can I help you?” She asks, barely above a whisper.

“Are you Joanna Sykes? Mother of Hope?” I ask softly.

The moment I mention her daughter’s name the woman breaks down into tears, nodding her head and moving aside to let us in. She follows behind us after closing the door and sits on the couch facing a few armchairs, a man sitting on the couch next to her grabs her hand and puts his arm around her shoulders.

“You must be Jonathan,” I say, reaching my hand out for a handshake.

He nods his head, grasping my hand.

“I know this has been a difficult time for you both and the other children in the house, but we are here to help and find Hope,” Camilla says, before sitting in one of the armchairs.

“Can you tell us what happened that day? Please, take your time in going through the day we know that this is difficult for you.” Anders says softly.

Joanna starts her account of the day; her voice trembling and I see in her eyes she is on the verge of tears again. She tells us that Hope had gone missing from their backyard, she had been playing with her siblings and running through the sprinklers because it was a warm day. Joanna had been in the kitchen making lunch when her eldest child, Jonathan Jr (JJ), came running into the house saying that Hope was gone. Joanna continues her story after pausing to collect herself, with her mate Jonathan rubbing her upper arms to comfort her. She states that when she ran outside, Hope’s scent had completely disappeared as if she had never been in the backyard at all. She had mind linked her mate and then the Alpha about what had occurred, and warriors descended upon the area.

I notice that Joanna’s hands are trembling throughout her account of what happened, and her eyes are downcast focusing on her lap. I can feel the guilt permeating the room so much so that it’s almost strangling me.

“How long had you been in the house before JJ came in to tell you about Hope?” Camilla asks.

“It had been about fifteen minutes or so I don’t really know.” She mumbles, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration trying to remember.

“Did the children see anything or anyone strange before they noticed Hope was gone?” Anders asks.

“I don’t think so. I don’t really remember what they told me to be honest. I was just so worried about finding Hope.” She cries.

Her mate had been silent throughout the interview, offering emotional and moral support to Joanna but now the interview turns to him.

“Where were you when this happened?” Camilla asks.

“I was on patrol on the eastern side of the territory. We had no reports of rogues or anyone crossing the border.” His voice is robotic like he is just going through the motion of answering the question.

“And what happened after Joanna’s mind link to you about Hope?”

“I shifted into my wolf, Benji, and ran home right away. I mind linked the other warriors and our commander about what had happened. I told Joanna to mind link the Alpha. I made it home in five minutes and warriors were already here and so were the Alpha and Beta.”

“Is there a good time that we could come back and speak with the pups? I know that this has been hard on you but Camilla here has a background in child psychology so the interview questions will be age-appropriate and done in the comfort of their home.” I ask.

“Yes, you can come back anytime this week just please call beforehand. I stay home with the children while Jonathan is at work or on patrol.” Joanna murmurs.

“Thank you so much for being so brave, Mrs. Sykes. We’ll be going now and will call before we come over.” Anders states, putting his hand on Joanna’s shoulder and giving it a small squeeze.

We exit their house and make our way to our SUV when I see Tiernan and Patrick leaning against the doors.

Mate. Tala whimpers, as I inhale my mate’s scent needing comfort after that emotional interview.

“What are you doing here, Alpha? Beta?” I ask, icily.

“Well, you are on my territory Si and interviewing my pack members so why wouldn’t I be here? And your brother’s the Beta, and he assists me so this can’t be too shocking to you.” Tiernan says, coolly.

“Well, we are leaving so move,” I say, pushing Patrick away from the passenger door.