Chapter 57

(Siobhan’s P.O.V)

Tiernan was taking up the fight with Scàthach. The spell casters had gotten the children outside and, hopefully, through the portal to the Human Realm. James had collapsed to the floor after Tiernan’s water lasso-thing extinguished the fire whip that Scàthach had created.

“James, are you okay?”

“I’m…fine…I just…need a minute.” He pants out.

The air inside the palace was crackling with electricity; the power coming off both Tiernan and Scàthach was so oppressive I was shocked I was still standing. They both moved with a grace that I thought would be impossible, like dancers doing a sort of tango with one another. Tiernan takes a blow to the chest. It was a black orb of some kind that Scàthach had shot out of her hand.

“Oh, no,” James tells me, as his face pales.

“What? What happened?”

“That’s the soul orb. She’s trying to collect his soul.”