"One of your daughters got pregnant," One of my men reported

I know that Aella got pregnant, my blood boiled "Is it Luna or Blair?" I send them out for the mission! I didn't send them to get pregnant!

"It's Blair Roxy and she's in the hospital because she bleeds,"

"I want you to pull them out. Three of them," My daughters are really giving me headaches!

Izaak just nodded. Did Blair do that on purpose? Brilliant idea huh? But that won't stop me

I'll pull them out of the mission and I'll just send some of my men to do it or maybe… I'll let Heather, Amethyst and Destiny out, hmm that three never disappoints me. Yeah right, I'll just replace my three daughters.

"Rogan!" I call one of my mens


"Let Heather, Amethyst and Destiny out." It's been three years since I put them on a mission. It's been three years Amethyst, you'll now go back to Kent

Amethyst didn't fail me, she made Kent fall in love with her. Kent thought that my niece. Amethyst. Died but I am one hell of a man, I'll never let her die.

"Uncle! Finally! You let us out, I told you. Your daughters is a stupid," it's Heather

"I'll cut your tongue once you repeat it!"

"So, what's the plan? And who's the person?" Destiny asks, Destiny is the one who can't wait

"I put my daughters on a mission to get information, but they didn't follow my instructions! They forget about it and guess what? Blair got pregnant!" I close my fist and throw the glass

"Let this mission begin, where's our beloved cousins?" Amethyst said in a sarcastic voice

"They will be here in a minute, you can borrow their uniforms," I can't trust my daughters they're focusing on how I will let them go

"Where's the place?" Destiny asks

"Montefalco University,"

"When will we start?" -Heather


"Who are the guys?"- Amethyst

"Heather, I assigned you to Leander. Destiny, you're assigned to Dylan and of course Amethyst you are assigned to Kent," I smirk. For sure Kent Crimson's life will be messy

"Go get their trust, important papers and their plans," I command

"Copy that," they said at once

Heather, Destiny and Amethyst are the three I was supposed to send on a mission but I want my daughters to experience it but they failed me so I'll give them punishment.

"I TOLD YOU, THAT THREE IS STUPID," Amethyst said and laugh when we went out of uncle's office

"I know right, gosh Blair even got pregnant. What is she a prostitute?" We laughed and we started to pack our things

I'll steal Leander to Blair. That's one of my plans. Can't wait Blair become miserable, she thinks I can't fight her? She's too confident this is my time to have revenge

"What's your plan girls?" Destiny is putting a make up to her face as she ask

"I'll obey what uncle said, I don't want to be 'stupid' like the three siblings," Amethyst answered and blower her hair

"Me too. Though I'm not really stupid, I'm a good girl," I flip the end of my hair

"Nah, I'll slap someone if they told you that you are a good girl!" Amethyst throw the brush to me

I'll just shake my head a little.

We have now left the mansion and we're about to start the mission. Once we arrived at Dylan's condo, someone told us that they were there.

As we went inside of our car, we saw Izaak, Rogan and Jack holding the three and they were protesting, Aww. Poor Fier siblings.

WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW why Rogan, Izaak and Jack are forcing us to come with them

"Dad? What is happening?" I'm frustrated

"I am the one who should ask you that," My dad glared at us and it gives me goosebumps

"Wh-What?" my voice were trembling as I ask

"I told you to get informations, and papers but why did you get pregnant?" he laughs like a evil

"W-What now? h-how can we get the papers? we're just looking for great timing,"

"Nah, I'll send Heather, Destiny and Amethyst," Dad said and looks like chilling

I saw Luma still when .She heard Amethyst.

"Who is Amethyst?" It's Luna the one who asks

We knew Heather and Destiny but we don't know who is Amethyst

"Amethyst is your cousin, you barely saw her because she's on a mission back then… she's Kent first love,"

Luna looks worried. So am I… how can I see Leander again? How can he meet our baby?

I got pregnant on purpose that night. I didn't stop him because I thought, I'll be free. But don't get me wrong… I like him as a man

"You, Blair," I look at my father. "Your idea was brilliant," he smirks, "You thought you could escape me? Nah, you are definitely wrong."

"Dad, please. Let us go," Luna begged Dad for the first time

"Are you begging? That's new," said Dad "Well, what I've said and planned is final."

he pointed at us "Stay here in mansion, you three can't go out without my consent,"

We can't think right when we go out and all we can do is cry.

"How is this now? How can we see them?" Aella asks with a low voice

"This is our fault, we are attached to them and we even fell in love. And you Blair, you even got pregnant. Oh my—- Oh Jesus Christ!" We're all frustrated, sad and stressed. Rogan, Izaak and Jack really know how to get someone without someone noticing it. They just grabbed us earlier! And the boys didn't even notice it

"Why didn't you stop Leander from doing that?" Aella is confused "And why didn't you tell us earlier? I'm shock,"

"I really didn't stop him, I thought it can be a way—- I thought Dad will let us go,"

"You used him?!" Luna shouted

"It's not like that! I just really want a free life with him. I want to be free so I did that," My tears rolled down to my eyes''. I want to go back with him. I know Heather, she will do anything to seduce and steal Leander from me,"

"How can we escape? We are locked here and we are guarded,"

"What's the result by the way?" I look at Aella

"I didn't get the result… It's with Dylan, I'm worried about them," Her face saddened

"We're messed up," Luna covered her face with her hands.

"I know, I don't want my baby to grow up without a father… and I don't want my baby to grow up with this mansion," I held my tummy

"Then.. what's your plan?"

"We need to get out of this hell as soon as possible." I clenched my fist. I'm not as weak as before… I can stand on my own now.