Windows of the Heart


Louie knocked on Hyun-Ki's access door only to find his desk empty. She was troubled because of the call she received from Hanzu Industries, confirming him for another lunch meeting today to finalize their deal. Louie talked this over with Alexis.

"We're dead meat if this deal will not come through, Alexis. But what can we do? Sir Han is out, and we don't know how to reach him, and Hanzu Industries was expecting him today! This deal must happen today, Alexis."

"If only Rielle is here---but wait, perhaps we can talk this over with Sir Hwan Chul; he was also a part of the Board Members; maybe we can ask him to represent Sir Hyun-Ki?" was Alexis' brilliant suggestion. So, both ran to Hwan Chul's Office, but his Secretary halted them.

"Mr. Hwan Chul seemed full of himself that he said he doesn't want anyone disturbing him. Sorry girls." answered the Secretary.

"There was a call of confirmation just a while ago about a deal that Mr. Hyun-Ki has to conform but----" the Secretary cut Alexis. "Then why to bother Mr. Hwan Chul?" asked the Secretary. "Because Mr. Hwan Chul was also a part of the Board Members, and if this negotiation doesn't push through, we are all dead meat!" The Secretary was alarmed, so she knocked on the door and pleaded for urgent attention from the secretaries of Mr. Hyun-Ki.

"What is the urgency about," asked Mr. Hwan Chul as he unlocked his door. Alexis told him the deal Mr. Hyun-Ki was supposed to close with Hanzu Industries. Still, they could not reach Hyun-Ki, so his presence may be a better representation since he was the brother of their CEO and was also a high corporation official.

"If that means an urgent action of the matter, I'll accept it, but I don't know of that negotiation my brother made. I'll go there, sign the papers, is that it? No, no, my dear girls, that's not how to close a deal---" Louie showed the documents of the Hanzu Industries that Mr. Hyun-Ki had in his files.

Hwan Chul browsed over the documents and told the two secretaries to call Hanzu Industries of his coming. Knowing where the meeting place was, he hurried down to his car and studied the papers on his way to the meeting place. He also thought of coming to understand what VP lady Rielle talked about and if something was happening between that VP lady and his brother, which made Rielle so jealous.

Hwan Chul reached the meeting place, was met by a receptionist and was led to the table where Mr. Chao Lin and Miss Julienne Simon were sitting. He was about to introduce himself, offering his hands for a handshake, when Miss Simon looking at Hwan Chul closely with admiration, spoke.

"So, you are Hyun's brother, good-looking like your brother. Your genes must be powerful, and both are handsome and sexy." Hwan Chul gave a sweet smile, dimples distinctively, and returned the praise to Miss Simon.

"You look attractive yourself, Miss Simon. And I am pleased to know you. My brother never mentioned that you are so attractive to be VP for Operations." And both gave a glee of laughter. Hwan Chul discussed their previous talks with his brother and would want to scrutinize a clear view of this transaction before he would conform. He realized that his brother had entered a negotiation that he could not sign alone, for it needed the approval of the KOR H&H Board of Directors.

"I disagree with your offer if you want my conformity because you're offering a 40% share to the company, which the Board Members would find exceedingly high for a non-member to enter into partnership with our corporation. We are not in the bankrupt stage, Miss Simon, and if you wish to be a part of the Board of Directors, we can only allow a 10% share as our initial offer; but 40% is a no-no to us. I'll bring this to our Board Meeting for discussion and inform you of the decision before next month. Whatever that decision, the Board Members, will ask for your presence at the next meeting. Am I clear, Miss Simon?" Mr. Chao Lin was impressed by the young Han's decisive resolution of this transaction that he spoke with Miss Simon privately before making their commitment. Then later, without much ado, Miss Simon agreed.

"Do you know that Hyun-Ki and I were friends during College? Had he not told about this with you, Hwan?" with a furrowed look, Hwan answered, "He never mentioned about you, Miss Simon, so what that has something to do with this transaction you made with my brother, a friendship tie with our business?" was Hwan Chul's suspicious reply.

"Hyun-Ki and I were friends then later became closer but was cut short because of Cecil. Perhaps you know Cecil?" Miss Simon spoke smugly. Hwan Chul gave her a discreet look.

"I know Cecil; she was once Hyun-Ki's first love. And where is this going now, Miss Simon?" was Hwan Chul's discrete response.

"Well, I want to mention that Hyun-Ki and I have known each other. So you don't have to be suspicious of this negotiation I dealt with him. This negotiation is all honesty and legal, my dear Hwan Chul." Miss Simon's declaration somehow antagonized Hwan Chul.

"I have to end this now, Miss Simon, because I still have to meet another client because my brother was indisposed, so I have to take his place in the meantime." As he stood, he bid them with respect by bowing to them and left.

While in his car, Hwan Chul recalled Hyun-Ki's relationship with Cecil. Hyun-Ki fell in love with Cecil and was inseparable until both decided to marry. And that wedding day, Cecil did not show up, and Hyun-Ki was devastated. He was all broken and miserable, destroying himself with alcohol to suicide. Then one day, his best friend, Benedict, revealed to Hyun-Ki why Cecil did not intentionally show up. His dad broke them apart, demanding Cecil to stay away from his son because Hyun-Ki was his heir to be the sole owner of his business, and he wanted his son to be married to a woman of the same status. He told Cecil that if their wedding pushes through, he will continue to destroy their marriage until Hyun-Ki is the one to hate her and free himself from her. Cecil went away and joined her family in Singapore.

Upon learning this treachery his dad made, he helped himself to recover, faced his dad, and stripped himself of that wealth and heir apparent to his dad as chairman. He ran away and went to Singapore, thinking that he could still have Cecil back, but too much of his regret, Cecil was already married. Hyun-Ki stayed in Singapore and was based there as Chief Engineer of an Australian company.

Meanwhile, after that heartbreaking encounter with Rielle, Hyun-Ki, in his car, recalled Rielle's cold eyes and rancor look that he felt numbed with a sense of hopelessness. Gazing outside his car window, he could see the bleak, dark, and gloomy night as if sympathizing with his loneliness and agony. He felt bruised and wounded from Rielle's final farewell.

The car was passing by some night bars where he felt like indulging some drinks. He asked Junie to stop the vehicle at a nearby bar and told him to go down with him, and Junie was hesitant.

"Junie, come on. I need to talk to someone who could share better ideas than listen to my brother. Just a few drinks, Junie." Insisting on Junie's companionship.

"Sir, I'm worried because if we both take some few drinks, who will drive us home? I will surely be as drunk as you are to drive us home, Sir." Explained Junie.

"Only a few beers, Junie; you drink beer, right?" insisted Hyun-Ki. So Junie gave in, thinking he must control their drinks to return home safely. Hyun-ki chose a table in a dimmed-light spot. Then Hyun-Ki ordered four bottles of beer and a plate of peanuts.

Hyun-Ki began to talk to Junie. "Have you gone through heartaches, Junie? Heartaches that leave you bruised and wounded? Felt like you gave up fighting and rather let yourself die in agony?" his emotions seemed amplified.

"Sir, imagine yourself as a soldier, bruised and wounded, feeling like having been abandoned and left to die. But if your will to survive is strong, you'd fight back rather than give up. Those bruises will inspire you to rise and give you the power to fight." Hyun-Ki became attentive to what Junie was saying.

"Bruises and wounds leave scars, and there were scars that remind you of the pain you went through, and there were scars also that could bring you good, sweet memories to help you muster strength and courage to go on to survive." Junie hesitated for a moment to finish his beer, then continued talking.

"Let those scars of sweet, good memories give you the strength to live and fight. No matter what it takes, those scars will help you go on through life to survive and win!" Hyun-Ki looked at Junie with admiration. He never thought that a simple, young driver like Junie had such wisdom.