Windows of The Heart

Chapter Thirty-Nine MOVING ON

Back at Rielle's home, her sisters, Donna and Zia, came home from their respective jobs. Donna was Assistant to the Personnel Manager of a food manufacturing company, while Zia was an Accountant of an Accounting Firm. Both sisters were amused when they found Rielle home early, which they least expected of her. And when she faced them for a chat, they saw her eyes were puffed out, suspecting something terrible news for her face could not hide her endless crying and gloomy look.

"That face looked familiar to me. Don't tell me you were ghosted once again ?" Zia bemused in a worried tone.

"I resigned," Rielle answered with a lump in her throat, her eyes filled with misery. Her sisters could not believe what they heard from Rielle.

"You left your lucrative job for what? Is that why you're crying now? And Hyun-Ki let you leave?" asked Donna, not letting her eyes off Rielle.

And Rielle cried out miserably, "We broke up!" Donna and Zia were shocked and incredulous at Rielle's confession. "No, no, you must be kidding us; the two of you could have a slight misunderstanding, but breaking up? I don't believe so!" Donna said unbelievingly.

"Whether you believe me or not, yes, we broke up. And there's no way of reconciliation." Rielle was firm on her decision.

"So, what now, Rielle? You lost your wonderful lucrative job; what's your plan now?" asked Zia in a mellow tone so that she won't cause trouble for everyone, especially their mom.

"I'm thinking of a job far from corporate, something that is not stressful and time-consuming to me, something that is light and less taxing," Rielle explained.

"There is a job fair where companies gather in one place to access job-seekers easily. Would you like to try job-hunting there, my dear sister?" encouraged Donna.

"I would like to, but I am thinking of spending a vacation for a few days before I go look for a job," Rielle explained with high hopes.

"First, look for a company you may feel comfortable working with, then file your application before you indulge in a vacation so that when you return refreshed and reborn, you might receive news from the company you have applied. And may I ask what position you prefer now, far from corporate?" asked Donna curiously.

"Don't tell me you will apply for a janitorial job?" joked Zia. All of them laughed, bringing them in the intensity of expressions.

"Seriously, I think I would like to work in a bank as a teller?" Rielle suggested.

"Wow! That is far from a corporate job, but are you sure? Do you think you can be qualified because your work, my dear, was from a high level going down!" Donna was speculative.

"So what? I am sure there will be a bank that would accept my credentials, whatever my job was. I can do anything." Rielle is feeling optimistic.

"If that's what you prefer, I'll introduce you to a friend connected to a bank; maybe Chuck can help you." Donna offered. "Wake up early because Chuck will fetch us in the preparation of our booth, okay, sis?" Donna said.

The following morning, Rielle woke early to go with Donna. She dressed in casual, formal attire and wore eyeglasses to make herself a straightforward lady, far from her usual attire when she was still with the KOR H&H Industries. She conditioned her mind to be positive in her outlook today. Chuck came to fetch them. He had been a good friend of Donna, not to forget that he was gay despite his handsome looks.

"Hmm—good morning, Rielle. First time riding with us. What is special for us now that you are with us?" asked Chuck with a puzzling look.

"Rielle is job hunting today. Maybe you can help her apply to a bank; you have a friend working in a bank, right?" Asked Donna with high hopes.

"Yes, but why in a bank? I knew you were with the KOR H&H, but you were applying to a bank; as what? The bank won't offer you a lucrative salary as what KOR H&H has to offer." Chuck explicitly said.

"I resigned yesterday because I was dead tired of all the functions I have to do that I cannot give time for myself. The job was lucrative, but I guess I've burned out. Please let us not discuss any further about my former job it will only make my day subtle.

From that day onward, Rielle was going around the booths, looking for a job that may suit her decision of laying low for the meantime; then Chuck caught up with her.

"Rielle, I've been looking for you and am so glad I've found you a job that suits your preference. Come on; I'll introduce you to my friend." And as they come nearer to Chuck's friend, Rielle recognized him at once. Rielle all smiled in meeting him.

"Atty. Drew Gonzalo was the corporate lawyer of one of the large known banks here—"

"Why, hello Andrew, nice meeting you." Rielle's fondly greeting. "We've already known each other, and how come you're connected now to a bank? How about your dad's law firm?" asked Rielle, anxious about knowing Andrew's new job.

"Rielle, what a surprise! Speaking of my father's law firm, I left because I was offered a job as a Corporate Lawyer. And why are you looking for a new job when you're with Mr. Han Hyun-Ki's corporation as his Executive Assistant? Anything I may want to know?" asked Attorney Drew while speculating.

"First, let us talk about this job you have to offer, Drew. What is it?" asked Rielle with excitement.

"Our bank needs an Executive Secretary for the Bank Manager and tellers, also. Interested in joining in as an ES? I can easily recommend you to our female Bank Manager." Offered Atty. Drew.

"I prefer the bank telling, Drew. Can you help me get in?" Atty. Drew was puzzled.

"But why prefer a bank teller job when you are better qualified as an Executive Secretary, Rielle?" This time Attorney Drew once more asked in curiosity.

"Let us talk about that next time, Drew. Just help me get in as a bank teller, please? Rielle was pleading.

"All right, I'll let you fill up this application form and have you interviewed first by the Personnel Assistant; then, she will forward your application with your resume to the HR office for review. Once approved your application for a final interview, then that's the time you'll appear in person." Andrew stated explicitly.

"Well, then, I guess there's still time for me to spend a short vacation which I've been dying to have for months. Please, Drew, let my application be honored for the bank teller job?" Rielle was pleading again.

"I will, but can I invite you for a short snack and perhaps give me a hint of why you left your EA job?" he said wistfully. Rielle and Andrew entered a chain store for a short snack, and there Rielle related to Drew about her separation from Hyun-Ki, which led to her resignation.

"That's why I gave him the title 'foolish CEO,' and he proved it. He doesn't deserve you, Rielle. Yes, it's about time you move on. It will be hard at first, but you'll learn to forget him before you know it." Said Drew supporting her decision positively.

Rielle and Drew returned to Donna's booth and gladly introduced Donna to Drew.

"I never thought you had a beautiful sister like you. It runs in the blood, ha?" Drew felt enamored by Rielle's sister, Donna.

"My sister is still single, you know." Rielle gladly introduced them and left them alone while they were having fond conversations.

Rielle went home, making preparations for an out-of-town vacation, making arrangements with a travel tour agent by telephone, and sending her payment through her credit card, and that's it; she was so happy for, at last, she will have time for herself.

Rielle was waiting for her cab that afternoon to catch up with her plane going to her secret rendezvous. She advised her mom not to call her unless there was an emergency because she wanted to be left alone herself and live in a quiet space even for only three days.

She arrived at a hotel situated close to natural surroundings, where a small waterfall was hidden by surrounding palm trees and various large shady trees. They cleared the path to the waterfall with different colorful flowers and leafy shrubs, and the sound of crickets and tweets of birds made the place heavenly. Her room was on the second floor, decorated with fresh flowers, and her bed was soft and snugly together with the pillows. Her furniture was bamboo with cushions, and her window faced nature, which she loved most to wake up to in the morning.

The hotel guests gathered in the restaurant for dinner at night. A band played music, and the singer had a melodious voice, putting the guests in a lyrical, comforting mood. The restaurant served food in a buffet, and Rielle was satisfied with the sumptuous food she picked for herself.

After that satisfying dinner, she thought of walking down the garden to stretch, for she felt her stomach was complete and that she had to burn a few calories before bed. She was captivated by the beautiful, elaborate, green plants surrounding the garden, which calmed the senses and gave a pleasing feeling. She was so fascinated with the surroundings that she was lost in her thoughts when Rielle heard some voices friendly conversing close to where she was standing. When she crept closer, the sound of one voice talking seemed familiar to her, and much to her surprise, she recognized Benny and Hyun-Ki. She felt highly strung, upset, and restless, but she was tempted to eavesdrop to know why he was here of all places! And so, the conversation between Hyun-Ki and Benny went on.

"Why have you visited your resort only now, Hyun?" was the question Benny asked Hyun-Ki. And Rielle was shocked! Hyun-Ki owns this place?

"This was not my plan. I was supposed to go to Hongkong, but I felt like I needed a place to relax and free my mind from things that beset me, and coming to this resort would somehow help my mind contemplate and make a refreshing change in my attitude toward work management. And most important was to take off Rielle from my mind at the moment. Hyun-ki feels lonely and sad.

"Well, if your vacation here can help, why deprive yourself of some rest? You should be doing this from time to time." Said Benny. "I must leave you in the meantime because my expecting wife must be impatient waiting for me now. Have a pleasant evening, and enjoy your resort tomorrow!" Benny left in a hurry.

Rielle was shocked and disturbed by knowing Hyun-Ki was here and the owner of this resort, and she had two days more to stay in this resort. Rielle crept away and ran as fast as she could to her room, fearing they might meet in the lobby or by the stairs. She was in a state of worrisome and anxiety, and her vacation of leisure and rest had changed to worry and nervousness. She was fidgeting and troubled as she paced across her room, thinking of ways to avoid Hyun-Ki while in this resort.

"How will I make my vacation relaxed without crossing paths with him?" Her anxiety was running in her thoughts as she lay in bed and fell asleep, bringing in her slumber her worry.

The following day, Rielle woke up in shock and panic. She looked at her watch on the bedside table and tried to think of a plan that would not put her in a confusing situation.

"It's six am and my second day; what will I do? How will I take advantage of this day without running into him along the hallway or around this resort? Think, think, Rielle! Use your smart head, you fool, or else this vacation is useless!" She grabbed her towel, dashed to the bathroom, took a short shower, and put on her shorts, red sleeveless shirt, and black sneakers. She quickly grabbed her handbag and put her cell phone and her summer hat in her hand, and thought, "maybe he is still fast asleep, thinking that he doesn't need to wake up early since he's on vacation, so I have to slip fast to the restaurant and grab a quick breakfast!"

In the restaurant, Rielle looked for a place where she could sit incognito, and as much as she would like to eat more because the breakfast served was so good, she had to hurry to get out of there and look for an area around the resort where he might not think of going.

Far from her knowledge, Hyun-Ki was already awake from jogging. He was taking a walk to relax his muscles; he stopped when he came across a group of the resort's security. They recognized Mr. Han Hyun-Ki and the Chief of security greeted him. "You're making your rounds, chief?" Hyun-Ki asked delightfully.

"Yes, sir, to ensure there'll be no trouble around here for the safety of our guests."

"All right, be sure that no scrupulous people are going around here making dubious solicitations to the resort's legitimate guests." Reminded Hyun-Ki.

While this conversation between the Chief and Hyun-Ki was going on close to the spot where Rielle was looking around for an area, she could stay incognito and quiet while relaxing. She was about to sit under a shady tree with her summer hat on while listening to music with her earphone when a guy came near her.

"Hello, Miss. Are you alone or waiting for someone? I'm Hershey. Need a friend?" Rielle felt uneasy by the way he approached her.

"I'm sorry but not interested. I don't need a friend right now; I can manage." Was Rielle's reply, trying to move up from her sitting place. Hershey wanted to hold her up, but Rielle flinched and said in an upsetting tone to the guy. "Look, mister, I need this place for my quiet time, so please leave me alone!" Rielle said in annoyance.

Hyun-Ki and the Chief overheard a woman's angry tone, so they both came closer and saw the woman shoved away. The Chief jumped on and held the guy by the shoulders and twisted his arm into stunning him while Hyun-Ki came close to Rielle, whom he did not recognize at once because she had her hat on to appease her from shock.

And when they both came face-to-face, both were astounded! Rielle and Hyun-Ki were speechless, staring for a longer time at each other. Then suddenly, Rielle came to her senses. She lost his grasp and flinched, about to move fast away when Hyun-Ki grabbed her wrist to stop her.

Hyun-Ki was amused for having met Rielle in a very unusual situation and place.