Chapter 7 Items in Express Delivery


"Death notice?"

Hearing the sound of the system, Xu Yang's eyes fell on the express package on the ground, and his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

The delivery is not big, about the size of a mobile phone box, and the packaging is very tight, but there are dark red stains on the package, which look like blood.

People are always full of fear and curiosity about unfamiliar things, and Xu Yang is no exception.

He glanced at the countdown on his wrist.


Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

Except for the initial delivery by the courier, which made Xu Yang terrified, nothing special happened in the following period of time.

"What exactly is in the courier? Could it be a threatening letter?" Xu Yang murmured.

As he spoke, Xu Yang picked up the express box from the ground and waited for a while.

The system's voice did not sound, which made Xu Yang feel a lot more at ease.

I took a closer look at the courier, and there was no courier note on the courier, just a complete courier box covered with dark red stains.

Looking at the dark red stains, Xu Yang put the express box close to his nose and smelled it, and a smell mixed with fishy stench and fragrance hit his face.

Putting down the courier box, Xu Yang frowned. The stench was familiar to Xu Yang. It was the smell of rotting corpses. As for why Xu Yang knew about it, I won't say it for now.

And that fragrant smell is a bit like the smell of preservatives, and a bit like the smell of women's perfume. As for which kind, Xu Yang can't be sure for a while.

The express box is very light, Xu Yang shook it a few times with the express box, it was light and there was no sound, which made Xu Yang more and more puzzled and curious.

"Is it an empty box?"

After murmuring, Xu Yang took out his folding knife and opened the express delivery.

When the courier was opened again, Xu Yang quickly retreated, holding the knife in one hand and me on the doorknob in the other, making a gesture of defense and escape. As long as the situation went wrong, he planned to grab the door and escape.


After the express box was opened, nothing strange happened, which made Xu Yang stunned again.


Full of doubts, Xu Yang took two steps forward, and glanced down at the courier box that was placed on the ground and opened.

The courier box is not empty, there is a courier note and a photo inside.

"Why is the courier note in the courier box?"

He squatted down, took out the express slip from the box, and checked it carefully.

Sender: Wang Kai.

Mobile number: 13xxx

Recipient: Fang Wan.

Mobile number: xxx

Address: 4023, Building 4, Unit 4, Liming Community.


Seeing this information, Xu Yang instantly narrowed his eyes.

Xu Yang lives in Liming Community, near the western suburbs. This is an old community with a history of more than 50 years.

The community was built very early. There are only four houses in the whole community. One is a unit building. Each unit building has only six floors and seven residents on the first floor.

However, the layout of Liming Community is very unique. The whole building has a mouth shape, and the four residential buildings are opposite each other. If people who are not familiar with the terrain enter it, it is easy to get lost.

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In addition, in addition to the unique layout, there are also many strange rumors about the Dawn community.

Rumor 1, Liming District is actually a ghost district. Its architecture is very indifferent, there is no feng shui at all, and it is extremely shady. It is specially designed for ghosts to live in. The builder responsible for building Liming District is a ghost trainer who specializes in raising little ghosts. of.

Xu Yang sneered at this rumor, because the people who said it were all the elderly in the community, and the elderly believed this more.

Rumor 2, the unit building in Liming Community is actually a murder building. There have been many murders here, and each unit building here is not only six floors, but seven floors.

On the fourth floor of each unit building, there are murderers who have committed numerous crimes and were eventually arrested by the police.

And these murderers, without exception, lived on the fourth floor of each unit building, so the fourth floor was also called the murderer's building.

Because of the continuous residence of murderers in the community, housing prices have plummeted, and people who originally bought houses have also refunded their money to move, and even some tenants have chosen to leave here. In desperation, the landlord had to seal the fourth floor of each unit building. The third floor and the fifth floor are connected together, so the unit building of Liming Community has changed from the previous seven floors to the current six floors.

This rumor was heard by the old tenants in the community when Xu Yang was very young, but Xu Yang didn't believe it.

Because he lives in 4044 on the fourth floor of Unit 4 in Liming Community.

He has lived here for more than ten years, and nothing has happened at home, and he has never heard of a murderer in the community. However, the security in the community is average, and there are quite a few thieves.

Xu Yang had personally caught the thief and handed it over to the police.

Rumor 3, Liming Community actually has not only four buildings, but five buildings. There is another building in the middle of the four buildings. It is said that there are very special things living in this building. , is to imprison the guy in the fifth building, and the landlord's family lives in the fifth building.

For this rumor, Xu Yang did not believe it.

From Xu Yang's records, there were only four unit buildings in Liming Community. If there was a fifth unit building, how could he not see it.

Closer to home, Xu Yang looked at the recipient's address on the express delivery note, frowned, and muttered, "4023, Building 4, Unit 4, Liming Community, isn't this the second floor of this building?"

Since Xu Yang woke up to the present, he basically knew where he was. It was his home in Liming Community, but it was his home decades ago.

"But I don't remember a couple living on the second floor?"

Xu Yang has lived in Liming Community for more than ten years. He doesn't know all the people in the community, but he knows them all. He really doesn't remember a couple delivering couriers on the second floor.

What Xu Yang couldn't figure out was that the courier was on the second floor, and he was on the fourth floor. Why did the courier deliver the courier to him?

In addition, when Xu Yang saw the name Fang Wan, he vaguely felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

That's all the information on the express order, Xu Yang shook his head, no longer thought about it, put down the express order, and picked up the photo.

Compared to the clean courier note, the photo looks weird.

The photo is pieced together, the right side of the photo is colored, a woman in a white dress, with a pair of eyes, holding a book in her hand, is looking at the camera with a shallow smile.

The woman is not very beautiful, but she has a lot of books

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The aroma belongs to the kind that is not amazing at first glance, but not surprising at a closer look, but it is very durable.

"is her!"

When he saw the woman's photo, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment.

He knew this woman.

Fang Waner, the old tenant of Liming Community.

Ten years ago, he was a senior, quiet, likes to read, a little introverted, does not like to go out, and his skin is very fair. At that time, Xu Yang was still in elementary school. He had seen her in the community, but he had not spoken. .

But ten years ago, when she was graduating from university, she suddenly disappeared. Police once came to the community to conduct an investigation. Xu Yang had an impression of this, but Xu Yang did not know what the result of the investigation was. Yes, it is said that someone found it.

"Fang Wan'er, Fang Wan, it turns out that Wang Kai's girlfriend is her, it's just..."

Xu Yang frowned as he looked at Fang Wan'er in the photo.

Fang Wan'er in the photo is very young, with a little tenderness on her face. Judging from her clothes and the book she is holding in her arms, these are all photos from ten years ago.

At that time, Fang Wan'er should have not graduated from college, and it stands to reason that the photo from ten years ago will turn yellow now, but this photo in his hand is very well preserved, as if it was just taken. .

In addition, Xu Yang also found that this photo is only half, there should be a person standing beside her, and it should be a man.

This can be seen from Fang Wan'er's slightly blushing face and the posture of holding the book, that the man beside her is either the object of her crush, her boyfriend, or someone who has a crush on her, otherwise, She won't be so restrained.

On the left side of the photo, there is a half black and white photo with poor pixels, and the photo is slightly yellowed. The person in the photo, Xu Yang has also seen, is Wang Kai, the courier.

Wang Kai in the photo looks very young, but he looks very ordinary and wears ordinary clothes. He is obviously in his twenties, and he is still wearing a high school uniform. The uniform is washed and turned white. Obviously, his life is very difficult.

In the photo, Wang Kai leaned slightly to the left and stretched out one hand, as if he was holding something.

Judging from the photo, Wang Kai should be holding Fang Wan'er, but this photo is a patchwork. Obviously, the man standing on Fang Wan'er is definitely not Wang Kai.

And these two people standing together, no matter how you look at it, it is not harmonious, not to mention this kind of black and white color patchwork photo, it is even more incongruous to look at.

"This is Wang Kai's unrequited love alone." Looking at the photo, Xu Yang murmured.

Xu Yang is not surprised by this kind of thing. Everyone has a love for beauty. Looking at the photos, the two of them seem to be young. They should be college students, and they are also at the age of falling in love, like Fang Waner. There should be a lot of people who like this kind of girl.

However, what puzzled Xu Yang was why did Wang Kai put these two photos together, and why did he send them to Fang Waner?

What puzzled Xu Yang the most was the description of the bloody boning knife.

According to the description of the bloody boning knife, Wang Kai and Fang Wan'er are husband and wife, at least they are in a relationship, but what do you think now, Wang Kai is just a simple and pitiful secret lover?

"There is a story between these two people." Xu Yang said.

Just when he was about to put down the photo, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a line of words on the back of the photo.

[I found you, I am looking at you! ]