Chapter 8 Novice Task 2

The writing was beautiful, vigorous and powerful, and it penetrated the back of the paper, but Xu Yang frowned when he saw it.

Because the words were not written, but engraved, the fonts were extremely bright red, and there was a bloody smell that constantly impacted Xu Yang's senses.

Below this passage, there is also a pattern of bloody eyes.

Different from the eye tattoo on the back of Xu Yang's hand, this eye is full of malice, even if it is just a pattern, Xu Yang feels very uncomfortable.

What made Xu Yang even more horrified was that when he saw this sentence and the pattern of his eyes, the courier bill he was holding in his hand changed.

The original white and flawless courier bill is turning red a little at this moment, and the recipient's name has suddenly changed.

The recipient was originally Fang Wan, but now it was Xu Yang.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang subconsciously threw the express order in his hand.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You found a death courier in the courier. This is a courier and a death notice. Anyone who sees it will be cursed and will be targeted by him until you are killed, player number 0004 , congratulations on being targeted by the obsession-level ghost. ]

[Note: Obsession-level ghosts, because of obsessions, turned into ghosts, but maintained a certain sense of rationality and had almost no fighting power. ]


Hearing the introduction of the system, Xu Yang's heart suddenly became half cold.

"I really should chop my hands, I owe my hands!"

At this moment, Xu Yang regretted following the system's prompt to open the courier.

Before opening the courier, Xu Yang guessed that there must be nothing good in the courier, but he couldn't help his curiosity and went to open it. After all, when he opened it, the system did not prompt him that he was in danger, nor did he issue a task. .

But he didn't expect that even if he opened a courier, he would be targeted by ghosts, and he was still a kind of obsessive ghost.

However, after seeing the annotation, Xu Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no combat power, does that mean that he is weak?" Xu Yang muttered.


[Ding! system hint! The grades of ghosts are divided into nine grades: Cannian, obsession, resentment, resentment, etc. Cannian's attack power is generally between ten and fifteen, and obsession's attack power is between fifteen and thirty. The more terrifying the ghost, The stronger its attack power is, as a Zhan Wu scum, you can't even beat the lowest level of residual thoughts, let alone obsessions. ]

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

Hearing the system's prompt, Xu Yang's heart lifted instantly.

Before, he didn't understand what the attack power on the basic panel did, but now he understands.

Attack power is combat power. Now his attack power is only 11, while the lowest level ghost, Cannian's combat power is between 10-15.

In other words, Xu Yang might not even be able to beat a little monster, no, even a little devil, let alone a higher level of obsession.

At this time, the system remembered the prompt sound again.

[Hint 1: Players cannot kill ghosts, only ghosts can kill ghosts! ]

[Tip 2: Players can use ghosts, heavy wounded ghosts, and high-level ghosts, which can cause high damage to ghosts, but still cannot kill ghosts. ]

[Tip 3: Increase the ghost's favorability, but after the favorability reaches a certain level, he will be influenced by you and become your closest partner. ]

Hearing this prompt, Xu Yang was stunned again.

"What the hell is this

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ah? ! "Xu Yang couldn't help complaining.

Players can use ghosts to injure ghosts, but they can't kill ghosts. If they want to kill ghosts, they can only find a ghost to help him fight. In other words, use magic to defeat magic.

But the problem is that Xu Yang has not encountered any other ghosts except the courier ghost, and the only ghost he knows still wants to kill him. This situation is very underworld.

According to the system's prompt, he keenly found that the system was suggesting something to him.

First, get high-level ghosts, that is, good equipment.

Although this still can't kill the ghost, it can at least injure the ghost. In this way, he has a certain degree of security.

Second, the player can't kill the ghost, but the ghost can kill the ghost. He can improve the favorability of the ghost and turn the ghost into his own, so that he can defeat the magic with magic.

"That seems to be the way to go."

However, Xu Yang scratched his head and said, "Where am I going to find another ghost?"

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding! Player number 0004, please note that you signed the death courier note, which has successfully attracted the attention of the courier ghost. He is approaching you and is expected to arrive in ten minutes. ]

"I go!"

Xu Yang glanced at the countdown on his wrist.


The courier will be here in ten minutes, what should I do? How to do?

[Ding! Players may go to room 4023 downstairs to have a look, and there may be unexpected gains. ]


Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang's eyes lit up and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, this courier was originally sent to 4023 Fang Waner. As long as the courier is returned to her, maybe this is a good solution."

As for being tough with the courier ghost, hehe...

Xu Yang thought it was better. He had seen and experienced the terrorist attack power of that guy just now, but he couldn't beat it!

"Go to 4023 and visit her by the way."

But Xu Yang had a faint feeling that the system seemed to be tricking him, the purpose was to let him leave the room and go downstairs.

Just when Xu Yang thought so, the system began to release new tasks.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You who entered the game for the first time, stepped on the shit luck, and successfully signed for the death courier but was not killed. You are still smart, and found that the courier was wrong, so you decided to give the courier to its real owner. ]

[The second task of the novice is to hand over the courier to its real owner. ]

[Tip 1, you can get a lot of experience points to complete the task, and the experience points can be used to upgrade. The higher the level, the faster you can integrate into the game. ]

[Tip 2, this task is a novice task, after completing it, you can get triple the experience, and according to the completion of the task, a certain task reward will be given. ]

[Tip 3, this task is a novice bound task and cannot be given up. ]

[Tip 4, since the player has completed a mission and triggered the protection mechanism, after the mission fails, the player will not die, but there will be a mysterious punishment. ]

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention, if you choose to accept the task, the countdown...]

"Come again!"

After hearing the last countdown, Xu Yang immediately said, "Accept."

[Ding! The player accepts the task, please the player as soon as possible

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Complete the task, the murderer is approaching, I wish the player good luck, hee hee! ]

The familiar scene was staged again, and Xu Yang had slowly adapted.

Compared with the first task, the novice task two is relatively humane.

At the very least, after the mission fails, the player will not die, that is to say, he has a chance of trial and error.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang didn't think too much about it. He put the courier bill that had turned completely red and the pieced together photo into the courier box again.

Picked up the express box, picked up the dusty key from the shoe cabinet, opened the door, and walked out of the room.


Outside the room, it was dark.

Because it is an old-fashioned building, there are no voice-activated lights here, but there are strands of light shining in outside, and the narrow corridor is not too dark.

But the strange thing is that these lights are reddish, and the light shines in the corridor, coating it with a light red outer veil, and the corridor is extraordinarily quiet, as if he is the only one in the whole building.

Walking out of the door, Xu Yang subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him.

On the wooden gate, there is a house number, 4044.

Opposite room 4044 is room 4045, the door is closed, the door is covered with talismans, and a mirror is hung on the door frame, facing room 4044.

It may be because of the age, or because it has not been cleaned for a long time, the mirror is covered with dust.

"Would you like to go over there and say hello?"

Xu Yang, who walked out of the room, had this idea in his heart, but he quickly rejected it.

Before he had thoroughly figured out the game, Xu Yang didn't want to make trouble, what if it wasn't a neighbor, but another ghost?

An obsessive courier ghost has already lost half of his life, and if he provokes another one, it is estimated that the system will say: You are not dead!

If you don't die, you won't die. Xu Yang still understands this principle.

Shaking his head, leaving these miscellaneous thoughts behind, Xu Yang decided to complete the task as soon as possible.

Turn around and close the door.

But just as the door was about to close, he seemed to think of something, and instead of closing the door completely, he kept it open.

He was not sure what would happen when he went to room 4023 to deliver the courier this time. In case of failure, room 4044 would be his only retreat, leaving a retreat for everything.

However, although the door was ajar, Xu Yang was careful, just in case, he pulled a hair from his head and inserted it into the keyhole.

After doing this, Xu Yang took the express box and walked towards the stairs.

The corridor is very dark, I don't know if it is because of the age, or because it has not been cleaned for a long time. The ground is covered with dust, and a rancid and musty smell is constantly irritating Xu Yang's nose, and there are a series of footprints on the ground. , it must be left by the courier Wang Kai.


Xu Yang just took a step, and suddenly loud footsteps sounded in the silence, which startled Xu Yang.

It's not that he is timid, but that the sound was very sudden, and there was an echo, and one step fell, but it seemed that several people were stepping at the same time.


Xu Yang exhaled a long breath, without hesitation, he continued to walk ahead.

Maybe it was to avoid disturbing the neighbors, or maybe it was because of the fear in the silence, Xu Yang subconsciously took his steps lightly.

ps: Ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!