Chapter 12 Special red clothes, mission completed

Seeing Xu Yang rushing towards him like a reckless man, the female ghost in red was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips and smiled.

Her eyes first fell on Xu Yang, and finally on the folding knife, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Just when everyone, including Xu Yang, felt that the red-clothed female ghost would fuck him, the red-clothed ghost actually turned slightly sideways and easily escaped Xu Yang's attack.


Xu Yang closed his eyes and rushed, but unfortunately he used too much force.


He fell directly to the ground, and the whole person smashed to the ground, like a yo-yo, and slid in the corridor that was not too long.

At this time, Xu Yang was stunned, causing the other guys watching the fun to be stunned for a moment.

After Xu Yang fell to the ground, ignoring the pain in his body, he turned his head and looked at the red-clothed female ghost behind him.

I saw that the female ghost in red looked at Xu Yang with a half-smile, her eyes looked at Xu Yang so embarrassed that her feet could almost dig out three rooms and one living room in this corridor.

"Why didn't she hit me?"


Just when Xu Yang was thinking about this, the red-clothed ghost no longer paid attention to Xu Yang's disgraced face, but stretched out in place.

I have to say that the figure of the female ghost in red is really good, even at this time, Xu Yang couldn't help but take a second glance.

The scene of being pinched before and after was actually resolved because of Xu Yang's cowardly operation. The female ghost in red did not mean to hurt Xu Yang, which made Xu Yang secretly glad.

However, Xu Yang was all right, but the group of ghosts who were chasing after him were in big trouble.

When the red-clothed female ghost was stretching, these people did not take the initiative to attack the red-clothed female ghost, but began to retreat, as if planning to leave the fourth floor.

Obviously, they are afraid of the female ghost in red.

The female ghost in red finished stretching and walked straight towards the group of ghosts.

She was still so coquettish, but when she took a step, the entire corridor on the fourth floor seemed to come alive.

Xu Yang's eyes widened, and he saw countless long black hairs like seaweed pouring out of his room frantically, occupying most of the corridor.

As the red-clothed female ghost continued to move forward, almost all the places she passed were covered with hair.

On the ground, on the walls, on the ceiling, wherever you can see, except for hair.

In just a moment, Xu Yang could no longer see the group of ghosts at the entrance of the stairs, nor the female ghost in red. Looking around, there were only countless surging long hair.

Then, Xu Yang heard the sound of fighting at the entrance of the stairs.

However, the sound of fighting only lasted for a moment before being covered by screams.

The female ghost in red has reached the stairs on the fourth floor, and countless long hairs have already rushed over. The corridor that was originally dark is now back to its original state.

Xu Yang got up from the ground and didn't care about anything else. He rolled and crawled back to his room, closed the door regardless, and locked the door.

After doing all this, Xu Yang collapsed, and his whole body was like a puddle of mud, sliding down against the door panel and sitting on the ground.

"Thriller survival game, Zhenni Ma is a thriller, no wonder it's called this name." Xu Yang sat behind the door and whispered.

Although Xu Yang was terrified at this time, he still subconsciously listened to the movement outside the door.


Apart from the sound of fighting and screaming at the beginning, the door soon returned to silence.

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Not only is the fourth floor quiet, but the entire building seems to be quiet, as if nothing happened just now.

Xu Yang didn't know what was going on outside, but he realized that this female ghost in red who entered his room while he went downstairs to deliver the courier, she was very strong, very, very strong.

According to Xu Yang's preliminary estimate, this female ghost in red is at least resentment-level existence. As for the specific existence, it is not clear for the time being.

"Is it over?" Xu Yang murmured.

There was no movement outside the door, and it seemed to be over.


After confirming that there was no movement outside, Xu Yang let out a long sigh of relief.

Until this time, Xu Yang did not have time to check his own situation.

Opening the attribute panel, Xu Yang only glanced at it, and felt a pain in the ass.

Health: 13!

Mental Power: 10!

There is also a big blood-red exclamation mark behind the health and mental power data.

Before Xu Yang went out, his health was full because he added physical strength twice, but he went out once, and when he came back, he almost killed himself.

After performing a series of thrusts, Xu Yang was full of blood and dropped to residual blood, and his health dropped from 100 to 35. On the way back from the second floor, Xu Yang's health had actually recovered to 38.

As a result, after he met the female ghost in red, he did nothing and lost blood frantically. He dropped from 38 to 13 directly, and lost 25 blood all at once.

But it had been quite a while since Xu Yang returned home from the corridor, and his health was recovering automatically. That is to say, Xu Yang lost at least thirty blood when he saw the red-clothed ghost.

How terrifying!

Even more terrifying is the spiritual power.

Xu Yang's mental power is 110. According to the introduction of the system, Xu Yang has 10 more mental power than normal people. That is to say, his ability to accept terrifying things is stronger than ordinary people, but now he has dropped a full 100. If it weren't for him If it is 10 points more for a normal person, it is estimated that he has a nervous breakdown now.

As for whether the mental power will be zero or not, Xu Yang does not know, the system did not say, but even if he does not die, it is estimated that he will become a mentally handicapped child.

At this moment, Xu Yang couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he had 10 more mental strength than the average person.

The mental power consumed so much, mainly because Xu Yang used the Quick Shadow skill in order to escape.

The Swift Shadow skill was originally an auxiliary skill. Currently, for Xu Yang, it is a running artifact, which consumes mental power in exchange for a physical improvement. From the second floor to the fourth floor, Xu Yang consumed fifty mental power points, but only After a few glances at the red-clothed female ghost, he lost another 50 points of mental power.

Thinking of the situation just now, Xu Yang felt that his fate was really big.

If he hadn't thought of dying together at the time, he would have acted recklessly, if it wasn't for the female ghost in red who ignored him, if the group of ghosts behind him hadn't chased him, he would have reckless, if...

Without these ifs, Xu Yang might have died by now.

Do not! Not a possibility, but a certainty.

After reading the basic attributes, Xu Yang glanced at the skill bar again, and found that the two skills in the skill bar were all grayed out.

Obviously, these two skills have entered the cooldown.

"I really lost my wife and lost my army! In the game too, I want to go home, woo woo woo..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang let out a mournful cry.

The loss of Xu Yang's trip is not too big, the task has not been completed, and the crisis has not been solved.

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Apart from that, he also provoked a bunch of ghosts in one go, and he also lost the boning knife with the blood of purple ghosts.

The courier ghost Wang Kai is dead, Xu Yang doesn't know, Fang Wan'er is still alive, Xu Yang doesn't know, he only knows that this building is too dangerous, and the whole building is not populated by humans, which is very scary .

Now Xu Yang has returned to the state where he first came to the horror world.

One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and at a glance, the damage is 2.5, and Zhenni-Ma is amazing!


I don't know how long it took, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The novice task 2 is completed! ]



Hearing the sound of the system, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment. Has the task been completed?

[The completion of the task is 90%, and all attribute points are added by one. ]

[The task is completed, the reward is three times the experience, the player's level is increased by one, the attribute point is increased by one, and the player's level is level two. ]

[The player has completed the task this time, showing superhuman courage, performing well, adding one skill point, rewarding the player with a special purple ghost-the ballpoint pen of Xueba, and obtaining the passive skill Song of Courage. ]

[Therefore, the task is a novice task, and the player completes two tasks in succession. Hereby, the player is rewarded with a lottery ticket. The lottery ticket can be drawn on the roulette. ]

[Note 1: Xueba's ballpoint pen is a special purple ghost. It used to be a legendary ghost - Xueba's pen. Unfortunately, it was broken and turned into a purple ghost. If players can find other fragments, It can be restored to a legendary ghost. It is said that this is a pen that must pass every test. ]

[Note 2: Passive skills cannot be actively triggered, nor can they actively add points. When the player encounters danger, there is a certain chance to trigger it. The Song of Courage can enhance the player's courage, overcome the fear in the heart, and slow down the decline in mental strength. Improve player's stamina. ]

[Note 3: The lottery ticket can be drawn on the roulette wheel. There are rich rewards in the roulette wheel, and there are also unknown horrors. Whether it is heaven or hell depends on the luck of the player. I believe that you who have 11 points of luck will not be lucky. would be too bad. ]

[Hint 1: The player returned the courier and assisted the owner of 4023 to fight against the enemy. The player initially gained Fang Waner's goodwill. Establishing goodwill is the first and most important step for the player in the horror world. A high degree of goodwill will be favored by ghosts. , she may become your partner in exploring the horror world, please keep it up. ]

[Tip 2: You wounded the courier with the boning knife of ghosts. He has already remembered you. He will stare at you and keep his eyes on you. His hatred for you cannot be further increased. There is no other choice but to find a way to kill him. ]

[Tip 3: The fourth unit of Liming Community has not been so lively for a long time. Your active attack broke the tranquility of the unit building and successfully attracted the attention of the residents of the unit building. They have already noticed you. To be lucky or unfortunate. ]

[Tip 4: The door of room 4044 has not been opened for a long time. This time, you opened room 4044 and successfully attracted the attention of the special existence, but fortunately, she has a strong interest in you. ]

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention! You have completed the second mission of the horror survival game, please make persistent efforts to speed up the pace of exploration, good luck, hee hee! ]