Chapter 13 Add points!

Hearing a series of system prompts, Xu Yang's mood was mixed.

Xu Yang, who escaped from the dead on the second floor and finally came back alive, originally thought that the mission had failed, but he did not expect that the mission was actually completed, which was surprising.

"So, Fang Wan'er won, and she's still alive?" Xu Yang asked thoughtfully.

In fact, when Xu Yang decided to make a reckless move, he saw Fang Wan'er's miserable appearance. He thought that Fang Wan'er must be cold this time. Despite his help, Xu Yang still felt that Fang Wan'er should still be unable to beat the courier ghost king. Kay.

Unexpectedly, Fang Wan'er beat him.

Thinking back about the situation just now, Xu Yang felt that it was likely that the people on the first floor participated in the battle and helped Fang Waner.

After all, before the courier ghost found Xu Yang and Fang Waner, they 'delivered the courier' on the first floor.

At that time, Xu Yang shot and stabbed Wang Kai, and Fang Wan'er chose to take Wang Kai to the first floor, presumably just to find someone to help.

And when Fang Waner and Wang Kai went to the first floor, the residents on the second floor also came out. Some people went to the first floor, maybe to go to the theater, or to help. Of course, did they have other ideas? , then it is unknown.

All in all, Fang Wan'er won.

But the system's prompt also told Xu Yang another thing.

The courier ghost Wang Kai is not dead!

In the system prompt, Xu Yang was completely missed by the courier ghost, and it was hatred, but Xu Yang's task was completed again, which means that even Fang Waner and others could not kill the courier in the end. ghost.

"Is the obsession-level ghost so strong? So many people failed to kill him?" Xu Yang frowned and said puzzled.

It's no wonder that Xu Yang was puzzled. Xu Yang didn't see the other ghosts clearly and didn't know their strength, but Fang Wan'er's strength, he still saw clearly, is also a ghost of obsession, but compared to the courier ghost, Fang Wan'er was much weaker. It stands to reason that if a group of people beat a person, even if their strength is very weak, they can still kill the courier ghost.

But what Xu Yang didn't know was that the courier ghost is not a resident of this unit building. He belongs to outsiders, and the people living here are just ordinary ghosts. Most of them have become ghosts for various reasons. Most ghosts The strength is of the level of remorse.

Although these people have become ghosts, they don't know it themselves, maybe they know it, but they don't admit it, they still think they are ordinary people, and when ordinary people face fierce gangsters, they often shy away, even if they appear, They are all here to watch the fun, and only a small part of them are willing to help.

If it weren't for the special existence of Xu Yang, who appeared in the unit building and made such a big noise, it is estimated that other residents would not be able to come out.

In addition, there is another thing that Xu Yang does not know.

Fang Wan'er did not defeat the courier ghost, they were just evenly matched, but because Xu Yang was followed by other ghosts, it attracted the attention of the special existence of the red-clothed female ghost. After the red-clothed female ghost appeared, the courier ghost directly chose to run away, otherwise If so, I don't know how long this fight will last.

Wang Kai, the courier ghost, was not killed, which is indeed a good news. However, Xu Yang had a wave of Fang Wan'er's goodwill. Overall, it was not a loss, at least worthy of his previous adventures.

"The courier should not come back for a while, so don't pay attention to him for the time being."

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Xu Yang muttered and started to check his reward.

The completion of Novice Task 2 can be described as extremely thrilling, but because of this, the rewards of Novice Task 2 are much richer than Novice Task 1.

The level has been upgraded, Xu Yang has changed from a first-level rookie to a second-level rookie, but the rookie is still a rookie, but Xu Yang is still very happy.

First, he got a full stat point, and also got a stat point.

In addition, he also got a little skill point, as well as a reward for a special purple ghost, and a lottery ticket.

Open the basic properties panel, and at the same time, the sound of the system sounds.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You now have a full attribute point, you can fully upgrade the basic attributes, whether you choose to add points. ]

After Xu Yang heard the words, he chose yes without hesitation.

[Ding! Add success. ]

[Brain Power: 8→9]

[Physical Strength: 7→8]

[Attack Power: 11→12]

[Adding points is complete! ]

With his brain power upgraded, Xu Yang still didn't feel any obvious changes, but his body was sore and extremely weak. With the addition of physical strength, he recovered instantly. Most importantly, his health was instantly full of blood.

Seeing the full HP, Xu Yang exhaled a long breath, and a sense of security involuntarily rose from his heart.

This mechanism of the system is very good. As long as you add some physical strength, you can instantly be full of blood. According to Xu Yang's experience in evaluating countless games, he seems to have found a bug in the system.

Adding points to physical strength can fill up the blood, and Xu Yang's skills will stab in a row, and once used, half of the blood will be lost directly, and the longer the time of use, the more blood will be lost, which is a one-time attack.

A typical three-second real man, after attacking, Xu Yang will be paralyzed, but with this mechanism, Xu Yang can perform two consecutive thrusts.

Of course, the premise is that Xu Yang has extra attribute points.

"Is this a card game bug?" Xu Yang looked at the full HP, narrowed his eyes, and asked thoughtfully.

In fact, it is not a card bug. Many mobile games and end games have this mechanism, but few people play it like this, especially in the early stage.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You now have a little attribute point, you can choose one of brain power, physical strength, and attack power, whether you choose to add points. ]

Xu Yang hesitated after hearing it, and he found the game bug. To be honest, he didn't really want to add more.


[Hint: According to the system detection, player No. 0004 is a mentally handicapped person who is disabled at level 9 physical strength and has almost zero attack power. It is recommended that players choose physical strength plus points. Although it cannot make you have a stronger physique, it will allow you to encounter ghosts next time. When it was time to run faster, the experience just now, presumably players have already realized the benefits of high physical strength. ]

Xu Yang: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"Come again!"

Hearing the sarcastic tone of the system, Xu Yang almost collapsed.

However, Xu Yang thought about it, the system's words were not without reason.

He did find bugs in the game mechanics, but for him now, the damage of skill attacks

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The weak are pitiful. There is actually no difference between one attack and two attacks. Instead of keeping attribute point card bugs, it is better to build up physical strength first.

There is a saying in the system that is right, if you can't beat a ghost, at least you have to run past the ghost. Xu Yang felt that as long as he ran fast enough, the ghost would definitely not be able to catch up with him.

System: Haha!

Therefore, Xu Yang chose to increase his physical strength very wisely.

[Ding! Add some success! ]

[Physical Strength: 8→9]

Not surprisingly, after the system prompted the success of adding points, there was another wave of ridicule.

[Even if the physical strength is upgraded to level 9, the player is still a vulnerable little garbage. Although you still can't run the ghost, this is a good start. Please continue to maintain it. I believe that one day, you can run past the ghost. Come on! whee! ]

Familiar voices, familiar tastes, and familiar formulas are worthy of being a game in the underworld. Even the system is so underworld, but Xu Yang has slowly gotten used to it.

The basic panel attributes have been upgraded, and the health value is full, but the spiritual power has not been restored due to the upgrade. The spiritual power is slowly recovering like the health value.

"It seems that adding some attributes does not directly restore mental power." Xu Yang murmured.

However, seeing that his spiritual power continued to rise, Xu Yang didn't care.

He clicked on the skill bar.

Below the skill bar, there is also a little skill point.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You now have a little skill point, please choose one of the consecutive thrusts and the quick shadow to add points, whether to choose to add points. ]

Seeing this option, Xu Yang hesitated again.

The two skills that come with the system are very good for Xu Yang. Even thrusting is an offensive skill, but this skill... is a bit tasteless, at least for him at the moment.

Adding some Swift Shadow seems to be a good choice. After all, this skill can be used to escape. With his physical strength, it is simply a life-saving artifact, but this skill is a bit mentally draining.

Xu Yang still remembers that when he was casting Jiying, all kinds of negative emotions appeared in his heart. The lower his mental strength, the more negative emotions Xu Yang had. Overwhelmed by negative emotions, Xu Yang realized that mental power is also very important.

[System Tip: Now you are just a scumbag. Instead of choosing to be tough with the ghost, it is better to choose to run. Jiying can add buffs to teammates, and Jiying can help you better explore the world of horror. ]

Hearing this, Xu Yang nodded subconsciously, the system's prompt was similar to what he thought, so Xu Yang didn't bother and chose to add some quick shadows.

[Ding! Add some success! ]

[Skill Shadow: 1→2]

[System Tip: Skills are divided into Beginner, Beginner, Proficient, Master, etc. Before level 10 is Beginner, after Level 10 is Beginner, after Level 20 is Master, and after Level 30 is Master. It will also be enhanced and new changes will occur, bringing new surprises and a new gaming experience to players. ]


Hearing the system prompt, Xu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Skills can be upgraded, which is good, but it's normal to think about it. When he saw the skills before, he saw the primary mark behind the skills. At that time, he guessed that the skills should be upgradeable. Now it seems that it is true. .