Chapter 14 Special Purple Ghosts, Wheel of Fortune

After adding points, Xu Yang chose to check passive skills.

The skill bar is divided into two parts, one is active skills and talents, and the other is passive skills.

The first time I looked at the attribute panel, the passive skills were grayed out, and there wasn't a single passive skill, but now it is.

Passive Skill: Song of Courage [When the player's mental power changes rapidly, there is a certain chance to trigger this skill, giving the player endless courage, overcoming the fear in his heart, slowing down the decline in mental power, and slightly increasing the player's physical power. ]

Looking at this skill introduction, Xu Yang pinched his chin, thoughtfully.

He took stock of the attributes and skills he had now.

According to the system's recommendation, Xu Yang should increase his physical strength, so that he can better survive in the horror world, and the skill Jiying can also be considered to strengthen his physical strength, but Jiying's shortcomings are obvious, and his mental power will be lost quickly.

The skill of Swift Shadow can only be used at the most critical time. Once his mental power drops to the bottom, Xu Yang will either be chased by a ghost and killed, or he will be scared to death, which is outrageous.

But with the passive skill of Song of Courage, it undoubtedly greatly extended the duration of Swift Shadow and created more time for Xu Yang to escape.

As a result, Xu Yang's escape-based route was finalized.


"Why do I feel weird?" Xu Yang said with a frown.

Xu Yang always felt that the path recommended by the system was not for him to confront the ghost, but to run away, which made Xu Yang speechless.

"The first time I saw that I played a game not to fight monsters, but to run pictures, it's really interesting, hehe!"

Xu Yang complained, not thinking too much.

He started checking the other two rewards.

Ghost: Xueba's Ballpoint Pen

Level: Special Purple Ghosts.

Introduction: It was originally a mediocre pen. Its first owner was a certain scholar. Using this pen, he must pass every test and overcome difficulties all the way. He has become a legend among the scholars. After that, it was left to the later juniors. Because of its existence, it has become an unparalleled mathematician, but after repeated achievements, it was only ruthless abandonment in the end. Anyone who abandoned it would be cursed by a mysterious curse, one after another. Death, therefore, the pen of the Xueba is also called the death pen. After several Xueba died in a row, it was broken and reduced to a ballpoint pen.

Effect 1: [You must pass every test, but every time you use it, you will be subject to a mysterious curse. ]

Effect 2: [The curse of the scholar, whoever abandons it will be cursed by the scholar. ]

Times of use: [20 times. ]

Remaining times: [10 times. ]

Remarks: [Repairable, this is one of the few purple ghosts that can be repaired, and its more effects will not be displayed until it is repaired. ]

"It's a bit tasteless!" Xu Yang muttered while looking at the ballpoint pen in his hand.

Xueba's ballpoint pen is really tasteless, especially for Xu Yang.

Xu Yang is a scholar himself. This is not a boast, but a fact. When he took the college entrance examination, he was admitted to Yangcheng University with the first place in the school and the fourth place in the city.

Of course, with his grades, he can actually go to a better school, but for some special reasons, Xu Yang only filled in Yangcheng University when filling out his voluntary program.

Xu Yang has a strong learning ability and a strong memory. Exams are not difficult for him.

If he was a scumbag, this ghost would be of great help to him, but unfortunately he is not.

What's more, he is now

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As a college student, he doesn't have to be as hard as he was in high school. He just needs to make sure that he doesn't fail the course and can get his diploma, and that's fine. For Xu Yang, it's not too easy.

And even if Xu Yang is a scumbag, he doesn't really want to use this pen. It's not bad to pass the exam, but he has to bear the mysterious curse. Looking at the information in the introduction, several academic bullies have died. Xu Yang I don't think it's a good thing.

However, when he saw the second effect, Xu Yang's eyes lit up, he had a bold idea.

The curse of the Xueba, whoever abandons it will be cursed. If Xu Yang sticks this pen on the ghost when he encounters a ghost, does the pen curse him or the ghost?

If it is the former, then naturally needless to say, but if it is the latter, this has become a new skill point.

As for the truth, you may only know after trying it, but Xu Yang doesn't want to try it for the time being.

After playing with the ballpoint pen for a while, Xu Yang threw it into his backpack. To be honest, he was a little disappointed with the ghosts rewarded this time, but something is better than nothing.

Now there is one last reward left.

Raffle ticket!

Xu Yang had seen the roulette before, but at that time, the roulette was gray and he couldn't open it, so he didn't know its specific function.

At this moment, Xu Yang turned on the roulette wheel, which was no longer gray.

This is a lottery roulette with a pointer and a lottery button. Next to the button, there is a lottery ticket lying there quietly, and all the partitions on the roulette show unknown, but there is one partition, Xu Yang is abnormal of familiarity.

Thank you for participation!

Yes, yes, thank you for participating.

Just when Xu Yang opened the roulette, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The Wheel of Fortune is activated! ]

[Life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, there are ghosts of unknown level, there are unknown talent skills, and there are ghosts full of hatred, opportunities and risks coexist, each lottery needs to consume a lottery ticket. ]

[Note: The lottery ticket can only be obtained by completing the task. To speed up the progress of exploration and complete more tasks, you can get more lottery tickets. ]

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You have a lottery ticket now, do you want to try your luck and see what kind of rewards you will draw if your lucky value is as high as 11? One blow, maybe turning the wheel of luck will be your way to rise quickly, whether to choose a lottery or not. ]

Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

The system is going to do something!

Xu Yang keenly felt that the system seemed to imply that he was drawing a lottery.

No, not implied, but express!

This made Xu Yang very hesitant. He always felt that the so-called wheel of luck might not be that simple.

Moreover, based on his preliminary understanding of the system, the system regrets that he did not die in the second mission. This can be seen from the previous comments.

This bad system is so bad!

However, when he thought that the Wheel of Fortune could draw unknown ghosts and innate skills, Xu Yang was very moved.

What does he lack most now?

He has everything, attribute points, skill points, ghosts, talents... In short, he lacks everything except ghosts.

"Do you want to do it?" Xu Yang hesitated.

Although he hesitated in his heart, he made a decision quickly.

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[Ding! The draw begins! ]

Then, Xu Yang watched as the pointer on the roulette began to spin wildly, and Xu Yang's eyes kept turning with the rotation of the pointer.

The pointer was spinning very fast. After about ten seconds, the pointer gradually became slower, and Xu Yang's breathing became faster.

However, when the pointer that gradually slowed down was about to point to thank you for participating, Xu Yang almost scolded his mother.


[Ding! Congratulations to the player for obtaining the talent skill, life extension technique! ]

[You, who have 11 points of luck, turned the wheel of luck for the first time, and actually obtained a talent skill. It was a pity that you really stepped on dog shit and got lucky! ]

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

"Huh? What do you mean, system? What do you mean by bad luck? What do you mean by pity?"

Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang's whole body felt bad.

He found that the system was really not serious. He had to ridicule Xu Yang all the time, and hit Xu Yang from time to time. More importantly, Xu Yang's previous worries and guesses were right. The system tricked him into drawing lots. Not at ease.

The system was disappointed that Xu Yang had drawn a talent skill.

At this time, when Xu Yang suddenly sounded, when the system rewarded him with lottery tickets, among the many reminders given, there were reminders about lottery tickets.

[There are rich rewards and great horrors in the roulette wheel. ]

Xu Yang felt that the reason why the system was disappointed was probably because he did not draw a big terror.

"I'll wipe! This system is really doing things in secret!" Xu Yang complained.

However, when he complained, Xu Yang checked his newly acquired talent skills for the first time.

Talent Skill: Life Continuation.

Level: Beginner, First Class.

Effect: When the player's health is lower than 10%, there is a 30% chance of triggering, restoring 30% of the player's health.


After Xu Yang saw this introduction, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This talent is so powerful."

The innate skills drawn by the Wheel of Fortune are indeed very strong, especially for Xu Yang at this stage, they are simply divine tools.

In this world where any ghost can kill him in seconds, nothing is more important than life.

As for attack power, it's not that important. Anyway, no one can beat him now. Even if he is given powerful attack skills now, Xu Yang can't use it. At least it can improve his fault tolerance.

Although this life extension technique is not 100% triggered, it is better than nothing.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang suddenly felt very happy, and when he looked at the Wheel of Fortune again, his eyes brightened a lot.

"This wheel of fortune is a good thing."

However, Xu Yang looked at the empty lottery ticket, frowned again, and said, "It's just that this lottery ticket is not easy to deal with."

But when he thought that as long as he completed the task, he would have a certain chance to get a lottery ticket, Xu Yang also stretched his brows.

However, Xu Yang soon realized that this wheel of luck is a double-edged sword. With good luck, he can draw useful things. If he is unlucky, he may draw unknown horrors. If he draws a ghost, then Xu Yang wants Barbie Q.

Moreover, Xu Yang felt that this Roush subsystem was wise, and it was secretly calculating itself, which made Xu Yang start to be vigilant.