Chapter 15 The mysterious second uncle, the wind ringtone

After checking all the rewards, Xu Yang began to think about everything he had now.

Brain Power: 9

Stamina: 9

Attack Power: 12

Active skills: continuous thrusting [primary level 1], Swift Shadow [primary level 2]

Passive Skill: Song of Courage.

Innate Skills: Eye of Insight [Unknown], Life Extension [Primary Level 1]

Ghosts: Xueba's ballpoint pen [special purple outfit], folding knife [unknown]

Favorability: Fang Waner +10 [Slight Favorite], Shu Yue +30 [Favorite]

Hate Point: Wang Kai +50 [Dangerous! ! ! ]


When checking the favorability, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment.

Xu Yang was not surprised that Fang Wan'er's name appeared in the favorability rating, and Xu Yang was not surprised that the other party had ten points of favor towards him.

Just because of these ten points of favor, Xu Yang almost risked his life, but even so, Fang Wan'er only had a slight favor with him. I have to say that the favorability of this NPC is really difficult to gain.

Behind Fang Wan'er, an unfamiliar name appeared, which made Xu Yang very puzzled.

"Shu Yue? It sounds like a girl's name, who is she? Could it be..."

Xu Yang subconsciously thought of the female ghost in red. Could it be that Shu Yue was her name?

If this is the case, then why does she have such a high degree of favorability towards herself?

Xu Yang didn't check her favor, and it was the first time Xu Yang heard this name.

Or, Shu Yue is not the name of the female ghost in red, but the name of other ghosts?

If it is another ghost, who is this person?

Xu Yang couldn't figure it out, he tried to ask the system.


[The system ignores you and rolls its eyes at you! ]

"I Ni-ma..."

After thinking about it, Xu Yang still didn't think about who this Shu Yue was, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, it is a good thing to have a good impression. At least, the other party will draw the knife before meeting.

At this time, it was quiet outside, and there was no movement at all. Everything seemed to return to when Xu Yang first came. As for the ghost in red, he didn't come to him, which made Xu Yang relax a lot.

Although he was very curious about the battle situation outside, Xu Yang restrained his curiosity and did not go out to check.

The outside world is too scary, there are ghosts everywhere, and these ghosts are probably very greedy for his body. Boys are outside, and they must learn to protect themselves.

Raising his left hand, he glanced at the wrist of his left hand.

Countdown: 00:03:30

The two-hour countdown was about to end before he knew it. Xu Yang was secretly relieved as he watched the beating countdown on his wrist.

In the past two hours, since he woke up to now, the surprises have been wave after wave. If it wasn't for his strong psychological quality, it is estimated that he would kneel before he walked out of room 4044.

It seems that the past experience has given him a lot of help, and this includes the credit of his second uncle, who can't see anyone in life and can't see a corpse in death.


With three and a half minutes left, Xu Yang got up from the ground and decided to seriously check everything in the room.

The room of about 50 square meters has only one bedroom. The living room is also divided into two, which is divided into the living room and the kitchen. The whole room looks extra cramped.

The room was messy and dirty,

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Xu Yang was exactly the same when he was a child.

Xu Yang is not an orphan, but he is better than an orphan. His mother died when he gave birth to him, and his father died unexpectedly when he was very young. His only relative is his second uncle Xu Wu.

But the second uncle is not a relative of the second uncle, and they have no blood relationship at all. This was also known to Xu Yang when he went to the police station to report his disappearance after the second uncle disappeared.

The second uncle disappeared when Xu Yang was a freshman in high school. After he disappeared, Xu Yang immediately went to the police, but the household registration police told Xu Yang something when he checked the files.

Xu Yang's father did have a younger brother named Xu Wu, but he died 20 years ago, and there is a record in the household registration. As for who Xu Yang's second uncle is now, the household registration cannot be found.

At that time, Xu Yang was stunned when he heard the news.

Xu Yang did not believe this truth. He returned home, found the biological sample of the second uncle, and did a DNA test. The results of the test showed that Xu Yang had no blood relationship with the second uncle.

Xu Yang couldn't accept this appraisal result for a while. He did three appraisals before and after, and changed three appraisal places, but the results were the same.

In the end, he had to accept the result, but new problems emerged.

The second uncle is not the second uncle, so who is he? Why did he take care of himself after his parents died? What is his purpose in doing this? Why is he missing? Is it missing or dead?

This series of problems has always plagued Xu Yang.

Although Xu Yang reluctantly accepted this fact, he still wanted to find his second uncle and asked him what was going on in person.

Xu Yang once took the photo of his second uncle and developed the fingerprints collected, and went to the police station to find out his identity, but the result was only four words: there is no such person!

In the police's archives database, the second uncle could not be found at all. He was like a ghost and could not be found at all, or he did not exist at all, which made Xu Yang extremely puzzled.

What made Xu Yang even more puzzled and disturbed was that when he was going crazy looking for his second uncle, someone had sneaked into his house and erased all traces of his second uncle's existence.

At that time, after Xu Yang told the police about his experience, it attracted their attention and sent someone to follow Xu Yang home.

However, when the police arrived, all traces of Xu Yang's family about the second uncle were gone. If the neighbors in the neighborhood hadn't testified for him, Xu Yang might have been treated as a false police report at that time.

But even if it proves that what Xu Yang said is true, there are not too many clues about the second uncle, and the investigation will not end. After all, the police are also very busy.

Now, three years have passed, Xu Yang has become a college student from high school, but he has never been found or obtained any information about him.

At this moment, looking at the layout of the room in front of me, a familiar feeling came to my mind.

After Xu Yang woke up and looked at the room, he quickly determined that this was his home, and it was his home more than ten years ago. The place he was in was Liming Community, because he was familiar with everything here. The layout of the room is almost identical to the layout of his current home.

The relationship between Xu Yang and Xu Wu is very strange. They are like uncles and nephews, like father and son, but more often they are more like buddies.

Since Xu Yang was sensible, Xu Wu didn't treat him as a child. He was not as harsh as other parents when he treated Xu Yang. Xu Wu would intervene in matters of study, but would not interfere.

As for life, it's hard to say.

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Before the age of eight, it was Xu Wu who took care of Xu Yang, pulling Xu Yang up with feces and urine, but since the age of eight, Xu Wu was the one who was taken care of.

Every time Xu Yang came home, he didn't open the door for the first time, but to open the door for ventilation. The small room was always filled with smoke, the ashtray on the coffee table was always full, and the ground was even full of smoke. The empty wine bottle on the ground, as for Xu Wu, was lying on the sofa or unconscious on the ground.

For all this, Xu Yang was used to it, or rather numb.

From the age of eight, it's really hard to say who Xu Wu and Xu Yang are supporting who.

Before the disappearance of the second uncle, Xu Yang always thought he was a homeless person.

This is indeed the case. Xu Wu does not have a serious job, dresses sloppily, and lives in a mess. He smokes, drinks and plays cards. Xu Wu has all the bad habits of men, and he is very proficient, but he is very good, especially to Xu Yang. .

But to say that Xu Wu does not have a job is not entirely true.

Xu Wu hasn't stayed at home since Xu Yang was eight years old. After ten o'clock every night, he would go out on time, even if he was very drunk before that, he would wake up at ten o'clock and leave.

Xu Yang also asked about it, and even quietly followed him out of curiosity. Unfortunately, every time he was either discovered or lost, Xu Yang was no longer curious.

The unique family environment makes Xu Yang more precocious and mature than the average person.

For his parents, Xu Yang didn't have much impression. The only impression was the black and white group photo at home that had turned yellow.

On the contrary, the second uncle, the 'stranger', occupied Xu Yang's entire life.

Looking at the messy room in front of him, Xu Yang murmured, "Second Uncle, where are you?"

"Jingle Bell!"

Just then, a gust of wind rang.

The sudden feeling of exhaustion swept through the whole body in an instant. The exhaustion came without warning, which caught Xu Yang by surprise. He staggered forward a few steps and came to the sofa. One of them was unstable, and the whole person collapsed on the sofa. superior.

Countdown: 00:00:03




Three seconds later, Xu Yang, who had collapsed on the sofa, suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile, outside room 4044.

The female ghost in red, who didn't know how long she had been standing outside the door, stretched out her hand and pushed the door.

With a slight push, the door didn't open.

But the next second, a strand of black hair entered the room along the crack of the door.

The black hair seemed to be alive, twisting the door handle, with a click, the door of 4044 was opened, and the female ghost in red came in.

After the female ghost in red came in, she didn't rush into the room, but bent down and took out a pair of red slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them on.

After doing all this, the female ghost in red walked towards the living room.

When she came to the living room, the female ghost in red looked at the empty sofa with gentle eyes. She reached out and picked up a thin blanket and covered it on the sofa. On the empty sofa, a human silhouette instantly appeared.

After doing all this, the female ghost in red came to sit down at the desk. On the desk that was empty, a photo album appeared at some point. She stretched out her hand and flipped it gently.

On the window frame above the desk, there is a string of wind chimes that are ringing gently.