Chapter 21 Wind chimes, warning

three days ago.

Yang Xueqi came back from a business trip, and when she was sorting out her work, she saw a courier, and the sender of the courier was Xu Yang.

At first, Yang Xueqi thought it was a gift from Xu Yang, but after opening the courier, she found that it was not a gift at all, but a photo with an address written on the back of the photo.

The address is in a grove in the western suburbs.

Yang Xueqi was a police officer, and when she saw the skeletonized body, she knew it was a murder case, so she took someone and found the grove according to the address on the photo.

After some excavation, they dug up a white bone in the woods, exactly like the photo.

After forensic identification, it was the body of an adult female, aged around 22 years old, who had been killed for at least seven years.

As for the cause of death, the preliminary judgment is homicide.

The hands of the corpse were artificially cut off, the wounds were flat, and the murder weapon should be a sharp weapon, but no hands were found at the scene, and no murder weapon was found.

In addition, the body and bones of the deceased were damaged in many places, most of which were caused by beatings during his lifetime. Obviously, the deceased was abused before his death.

The identity of the deceased was quickly established following a site survey and biological sample extraction.

The deceased Fang Waner was from Kangyang County, Xinyang City. He was admitted to the Literature Department of Yangcheng University 14 years ago and was 22 years old.

According to the police files, ten years ago, when Fang Waner was a senior, on the eve of her graduation, Fang Waner suddenly disappeared. The school even called the police to look for him, and soon found Fang Waner in her hometown. That's it.

However, according to the latest investigation, Fang Waner disappeared again after she was found by the police and received her graduation certificate after completing her studies. The disappearance lasted for ten years. During these ten years, Fang Waner had no news.

Until three days ago, the police found her body.

Hearing this, Xu Yang said, "So, Fang Wan'er disappeared again ten years ago. In fact, she was not missing, but was killed?"

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "Our police preliminarily deduced that this is the case, but we still need to wait for the forensic autopsy report to confirm the details."

Xu Yang nodded, then asked, "Is there a suspect?"

Yang Xueqi shook her head and said with a bitter face: "Fang Wan'er has been missing for ten years, and although the time of her murder is uncertain, it has been at least seven years, the age is too long, the clues are too few, and there is no suspect for the time being, and... …"

Speaking of which, Yang Xueqi hesitated.

"What's wrong? Could there be other discoveries at the scene?" Xu Yang asked.

Yang Xueqi turned her head to look at Xu Yang, nodded, and said, "You are still so keen, yes, we not only found Fang Wan'er's body at the scene, but also found seventeen bodies, including Fang Wan'er's total of eighteen bodies."


As soon as these words came out, Xu Yang instantly narrowed his eyes.

He thought about the first item he got into the game, the bloody boning knife.

[Fang Wan, I love you so much, for you, I travel through the streets of the city every day, running between floors, I just want you to live a good life, but why did you betray me? Which man is who? Where is he? I will find him, I will find him! ! ! ]

This is the introduction of the bloody boning knife. The bloody boning knife is a ghost in purple. Seventeen people were killed.

However, Xu Yang thinks it is unlikely. He has lived in Xinyang City for so long, and he has never heard of a serial killer committing a crime, and killing seventeen people in one go. If there is, there must be reports in the news. , so Xu Yang didn't care too much at that time.

But now, hearing Yang Xueqi say this, Xu Yang was stunned.

His initial guess was correct, the boning knife did kill seventeen people, and the reason why they were not found was because their bodies were not found.

Of course, whether the seventeen skeletons dug up in the grove are theirs still needs further investigation by the police.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang asked, "Are there any other discoveries?"

Yang Xueqi glanced at Xu Yang with deep meaning, and said, "I found a lot. According to the preliminary identification of the forensic doctor, the seventeen deceased are all male, between the ages of eighteen and thirty."

"They were killed at the same time?" Xu Yang asked again.

"No, the seventeen skeletons have different degrees of decay. Most of them died more than seven years ago, but a few were killed three years ago, and the most recent one was three years ago."

"This is a serial murder case. The murderer started the crime ten years ago and ended it three years ago, right?"

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "It looks like this at the moment."


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Has the identity of the other deceased been established? "

"Still comparing."

Hearing this, Xu Yang was silent, and Yang Xueqi didn't say anything else.

After a long time, Xu Yang suddenly said, "But what does this have to do with me, and what does it have to do with my second uncle?"

Yang Xueqi narrowed her eyes, looked at Xu Yang, and said quietly, "After we found these bodies, I immediately investigated the source of the courier."

"what's the result?"

"no result."


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "No result? What do you mean?"

"We asked the courier company and the guard. The courier did not go through the courier company, but someone placed it directly in the guard room."

Is it the second uncle?

Xu Yang had a faint guess in his heart, and his breathing became quicker in an instant.

Yang Xueqi seemed to know what Xu Yang was thinking. She shook her head and said, "It's not your second uncle. Our surveillance did not capture the person delivering the courier."

"What about the doorman?"

"At that time, the guard went to the cafeteria to make meals, not in the guard room."

Xu Yang immediately fell silent when he heard the words, while Yang Xueqi continued: "However, we have identified the handwriting on the courier and the handwriting on the photo. The results of the identification show that these handwritings are similar to yours, but not yours. The handwriting is your second uncle's handwriting."

"So, my second uncle is back?" Xu Yang raised his head suddenly.

Yang Xueqi shook her head and said, "Whether your second uncle is back, we don't know for the time being. If it is your second uncle, then this matter will become troublesome."

"What's the meaning?"

"We found this at the scene."

As she spoke, Yang Xueqi took out a wind chime.

The moment Xu Yang saw the wind chimes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He knew this wind chime. It was a gift from his second uncle when he was very young, saying that it was left to him by his mother. There are a lot of wind chimes, forty-four.

However, this string of wind chimes disappeared with the disappearance of the second uncle three years ago, and it disappeared at the same time when the traces of the second uncle were erased. In addition, still looking for wind chimes.

Unfortunately, he has achieved nothing in these three years.

At this moment, the wind chime held in Yang Xueqi's hand was one of the string of wind chimes.

"Is this found at the scene?" Xu Yang asked after taking the wind chime and looking at it.

Yang Xueqi nodded.


Xu Yang held the wind chime, pondered for a moment and asked, "Can this wind chime be given to me?"

"I'm here this time to return your wind chimes."



Hearing this, Xu Yang suddenly raised his head, looked at Yang Xueqi, and said in surprise, "Isn't this evidence? Is it illegal to give it to me like this?"

However, Yang Xueqi smiled and said, "It is evidence, not evidence."

"What's the meaning?"

"I found this wind chime, and I am the only one who knows it exists. Now I will give it back to you."

Xu Yang looked at Yang Xueqi, and Yang Xueqi also looked at him. After the two looked at each other for a long time, Xu Yang silently put away the bell.


Yang Xueqi shook her head, raised her wrist, glanced at her watch, then stood up and said, "It's getting late, I should go back, if you see your second uncle, remember to tell me, if you encounter If anything strange happens, you can come to me."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at Yang Xueqi, nodded and said, "I will."

Seeing that Xu Yang agreed, Yang Xueqi stopped staying and left.

Xu Yang sat on the sofa, looked at the bell in his hand, and fell into deep thought.


Yang Xueqi walked out of the room, stood in the corridor, turned her head, glanced at room 4044, sighed softly, and walked towards the stairwell.

When she came to the second floor, Yang Xueqi glanced at room 4023, then turned to look upstairs. She didn't go to room 4023, but went downstairs directly.

When they came downstairs, Yang Xueqi opened the door to get in the car, glanced at room 4044 through the car window, and started the car to leave.

"Give him something?"

After the car drove out of Liming Community, a voice sounded in the car, and an old man was sitting in the back row. The light in the car was dim, and the face of the old man could not be seen at all.

Yang Xueqi didn't look back. She was not surprised that there was someone in the car. She nodded and said, "Give it to him."

"How did he react?"

"No response."

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The man in the back row was slightly surprised, and then there was a long silence.

"Is it too early for us to give him this thing at this time?" Yang Xueqi asked.

The old man did not answer the question, and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh, by the way, when he came back, he brought a red umbrella, which was a little weird."

The old man said suddenly: "He has entered that world."



As soon as the old man said this, Yang Xueqi, who was driving, slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped directly on the road. Yang Xueqi turned her head and looked at the old man in the back row.

Facing Yang Xueqi who reacted so strongly, the old man was not surprised, but looked out the window and said lightly, "Back then, when Xiao Wu left that thing to him, I guessed that he would enter that world sooner or later. Yes, I just didn't expect that this day would come so early and so fast."

"Is he still alive?" Yang Xueqi looked at the old man and asked.

"do not know."

"Is he in that world?"

"do not know."

"When will we enter that world?"

"I can't get in for now."

"The courier before that..."

"That's what he left behind three years ago."

"You already knew?"

The old man shook his head and murmured, "I just found out too."

Yang Xueqi looked at the old man, narrowed her eyes and frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

The old man turned his head at this moment, looked at Yang Xueqi and said, "This is his choice."

Yang Xueqi turned around, restarted the car, and said softly, "I know, but Xiaoyang he..."

"Only he can enter that world at the moment."

"But he's still a kid."

"Do you think he looks like a child?" the old man asked.

Yang Xueqi opened her mouth and hesitated, but in the end she didn't say anything.

The old man turned his head, continued to look out the window, and murmured, "It's going to change."


After seeing Yang Xueqi away, Xu Yang stood up, walked to the window, and watched the car downstairs.

After seeing Yang Xueqi get in the car and leave the community, Xu Yang returned to the living room and sat down.

Yang Xueqi's visit this time is definitely not as simple as telling him the case, nor as simple as sending him wind chimes. She has other purposes. As for what the purpose is, Xu Yang can't think of it yet, but it must be related to the second uncle.

Games that can affect the player themselves, the countdown on the wrist, ghosts appearing in the real world, mysterious couriers, wind chimes appearing at the crime scene, red mobile phones, behind all this, there seems to be a big hand controlling something .

"Will this person be the second uncle?"

Xu Yang didn't know that he had too little information, and he needed to explore a lot of things step by step. Maybe this game could bring him new clues.

Looking back on everything he experienced today, Xu Yang was full of doubts, and one of them caught Xu Yang's attention.

The countdown on his left wrist seems to be only visible to him, and its