Chapter 22 Evil Son, Anonymous, Wang Kai

After Yang Xueqi left, Xu Yang started to inquire about Fang Waner on the Internet.

After some searching, Xu Yang found three useful pieces of information.

The first message was found on a certain forum. The publisher was called Niezi, a very strange screen name, and it was published ten years ago.

[She is gone, out of this city, and maybe out of my life forever like this. She was originally a small flower in the center of the source of my life. Her roots are always planted in the depths of my life. However, I may never see that sad face that is hidden and indescribable. Her departure , which took most of my life away. ]

[Four years ago, when I first saw you, you were like a white lotus flower, suddenly appeared in my world, and took root in my heart. At that moment, my world had light, and it changed from dark to dark. Color, full of flowers in my heart, at that time I was lucky, happy, and even more satisfied. ]

[A year ago, because of cowardice, I quietly plucked this flower from my heart, and the leaves were stained with a few drops of my heart's blood, dyeing the entire petals red, and the white lotus turned into a blood lotus, I thought I had plucked the flowers , I can forget everything, but I found that I was wrong, your roots are still deep in my heart, my blood is used every day from the broken place, and finally turns into pus, day after day, the wound never scabs , but evolved into a very ugly appearance. ]

[Before you left, how many big lies I told you! But my blood has dyed them real. It was a lie before it came to my mind, but after painstaking baptism, it became the real truth. I now think it's the only use of my heart. If you know that every lie is squeezed out of my heart, unlike the unspoken truth, you must not let me keep lying like this. I collected the best of my life, put them all in these lies, and threw them at your feet, so now all I have left is this dregs, this dregs of myself that will always be. I'm like a match, a magic spark has been rubbed out with you, and the years after that are spent lying on the floor and being a rotten sawdust! What if people trample on it? ]

[Before you left, you always listened to my confession silently. You are the best listener, and I am a poor speaker, but you still tell me the bitter experience of the past ten years. Climb up to the tip of her brow, into your crystal clear eyes. Your light and crisp laughter is the perfect tune that pops out of your heartstrings, your tearful expression conveys all the pain in the world, you make me awe-inspiring, I feel infinitely ashamed, so I have to filter some pure effort , condensed into a few lies. You are like an angel! I deeply understand that you will forgive, and from your forgiveness I get my only value as a person. You said to me, "Most women are extremely narrow-minded and intolerant, but I am the most generous." Your confession made my dark heart shine. ]

[Do I really know you? Did you really go to the hidden place of your heart? ]

[When you left, the strings of my life suddenly broke, did you hear that? Come back, Fang Wan. ]

The post is very long, with thousands of words, and this is just a part of it. Xu Yang raised his brows after reading it.

Another campus love story.

Judging from the time when the net name Niezi posted the post, it was in July ten years ago, when Fang Waner was still in his senior year, and in the post, Niezi mentioned two time points, one was ten years

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The first four years ago, one was ten years ago and one year ago.

The first time period should be when Fang Waner was admitted to Yangcheng University. From the reading between the lines, Niezi should be Fang Waner's classmate or alumni, and the two are likely to develop into a romantic relationship.

The second time period was when Fang Wan'er was in his third year. During this time, Nie Zi abandoned Fang Wan'er, causing the relationship between the two to break down.

A year later, Nie Zi came to his senses and remembered that she really wanted to get back together, but at this time, he could not find her, so he could only post on the Internet.

For this kind of college love story, it is normal to divide and close, and you can find a lot of them by searching the Internet casually.

However, what caught Xu Yang's attention was that the time when Niezi posted, and the three consecutive years of self-replying that followed, each of his replies consisted of only one sentence.

[Come back, Fang Wan. ]

What's interesting is that the time for Niezi's self-post reply is very special. It is at 13:14 on the 14th of each month, which happens to be Valentine's Day every month, but this reply came seven years ago. It came to an abrupt end on April 14th, and after that, the evil son never appeared again.

Xu Yang clicked on Niezi's avatar, the avatar was gray, and the last time he went online was at eleven o'clock on April 3, 2018, which was seven years ago.

"Couples? Boyfriends? Or confidants?" Xu Yang murmured.

Judging from the words in the post, the two should be a couple, but Xu Yang always felt strange. He felt like a one-sided love, and it felt more than just one-sided love. In short, it was very strange. , Xu Yang couldn't tell for a while. After all, he had no experience in love, so when faced with this situation, he was still a little powerless.

Xu Yang tried to send a message to Niezi.

The message has been sent, but it is displayed as unread, obviously the other party is not online.

Xu Yang was not surprised when he saw this, he just had the mentality of giving it a try.

In addition to this post on a certain forum, Xu Yang also found two pieces of information about Fang Wan'er.

These two are notices of missing persons, and the object they are looking for is Fang Wan'er. One of them was posted by Fang Wan'er's parents, and the other was posted anonymously.

On the tracing notice posted by Fang Wan'er's parents, there is not only the contact information, but also the remuneration for providing clues. The remuneration is not much, only one thousand yuan, which seems normal.

On the contrary, it is this anonymous tracing notice, which is a bit strange.

The above not only describes in detail Fang Waner's physical features, but also her various preferences, etc., and at the end, there is a photo attached, and this photo Xu Yang has also seen.

It was the photo in the courier he got during the game time.

However, this is not a group photo, it is a single photo, Fang Waner was wearing a white dress, holding a book and standing in the sun.

What is really strange is not the various details on the tracing notice, but the tracing notice itself, which has neither payment nor contact information, just two words.


There is no difference between the presence and absence of this kind of tracing notice, but it just exists.

What made Xu Yang even more strange was that the time for this missing person notice was published eleven years ago.

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Cloth, and that time period happened to appear after Niezi and Fang Waner broke down.

Looking at the photo on the screen, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and murmured, "Is this anonymous person Wang Kai, a courier?"

Immediately, Xu Yang murmured again: "Or, Wang Kai, Niezi, Anonymous, the three of them are actually one person?"

According to the information obtained in the game world and the information he was searching for at the moment, Wang Kai and Fang Wan'er knew each other, at least Wang Kai was very familiar with Fang Wan'er.

To be so familiar with a person, apart from her parents, it is estimated that there are only people who really care about her.

In the game world, Xu Yang had met Wang Kai and Fang Wan'er. Fang Wan'er was still the same as ten years ago, and his appearance had not changed much, as was Wang Kai.

Being of the same age and knowing Fang Wan'er so well, it's hard not to associate Wang Kai and Niezi.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Yang raised his head and hesitated: "Would you like to go to 4023 to see, maybe there will be some clues somewhere."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang had already stood up, prepared things, and planned to go to room 4023 to have a look.

This is not Xu Yang's temporary intention, but when he returned to Liming Community, he planned to visit 4023, but the arrival of the woman in the raincoat and Yang Xueqi disrupted his plan.

Apart from the curiosity in his heart, what is more important is that Xu Yang feels that things in the game world are inextricably linked with the real world.

The horror survival game is very underworld, and I almost hung myself up after the first experience, which made Xu Yang feel very passive, and he is not a person who likes passive. Xu Yang felt that if he found out the secret between Fang Waner and Wang Kai, maybe he could Let him survive in the game world better, at least it can also allow him to better develop the favorability of Fang Wan'er, an NPC.

In addition, Fang Waner's body was found, and seventeen lives were found, and the bells of wind chimes appeared at the scene of the crime, which means that the second uncle had been to the scene, perhaps to find out the truth of Fang Waner's case. The second uncle has new help.


At this time, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning.

The entire unit building was silent and dark, and the rainstorm outside had become smaller, but the wind had become stronger.

Xu Yang took the equipment, put on the backpack, flashed the flashlight and left the room.

The corridor was pitch-dark and there was no one there. Xu Yang came to the stairwell and went all the way down.

When I came back before, the sensor light that was still on was not turned on at the moment. I don't know if the light bulb was burned out or the contact was bad.

In this regard, Xu Yang did not care.

There was nothing wrong all the way, Xu Yang quickly came to the door of room 4023.

The door was still a wooden door from ten years ago. It was covered with dust and cobwebs. It looked like it had not been opened for a long time.

This is indeed the case. Room 4023 has been vacant since Fang Wan'er moved out of here.

Xu Yang has no keys, but he has his own way.

I saw that he took out a thin wire, inserted it into the keyhole, flipped it a few times, and with a click, the door was opened.

As for why Xu Yang has unlocking skills, then he has to ask his second uncle, who is not a son of man.