Chapter 23 The Woman in the Room

This door, which had been sealed for nearly ten years, was opened from the outside on this stormy night.

After the door opened, Xu Yang walked in.

The room had not been ventilated for a long time, and a musty smell came to his face, Xu Yang subconsciously covered his mouth and nose.

The room was very dark. Standing by the door, Xu Yang stretched out his hand to press the switch to see if he could turn on the light.


With a crisp sound, the lights in the room suddenly turned on.

After the old-fashioned light bulb was turned on, it flickered wildly, and at the same time, there was a sizzling sound in the room.

Xu Yang just tried it, but he didn't expect that after ten years, the vacant room 4023 was still powered on.

After a frantic flickering, the light bulb gradually stabilized, emitting an orange light. At this moment, Xu Yang seemed to have returned to the game world.

Xu Yang turned off the flashlight and began to look around the room.

The units in the unit building of Liming Community are not very big, basically they are one-bedroom and one-hall, and the same is true for Room 4023.

There is a shoe cabinet at the entrance. There are several pairs of shoes on the shoe cabinet. Most of them are canvas shoes and slippers, and the styles are all women's.

Xu Yang took a general look and determined that these shoes are cheap, they are all street goods, and they are all seriously worn. Obviously, the people who live here have not bought new shoes for a long time.

There is very little furniture in the room. There is a wooden sofa and a homemade coffee table in the living room. On the opposite side of the sofa is a TV cabinet with a large TV on it. There is nothing on the sofa, but on the coffee table. with some books.

Xu Yang glanced at it and found that it was several literary magazines. Originally, Xu Yang only glanced at it, but when his eyes fell on the date of the magazine, his pupils suddenly shrank.

2025, August issue.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang squinted his eyes instantly, turned his head subconsciously, and looked around.

I didn't pay much attention when I entered the door just now. Now Xu Yang found that room 4023 had been vacant for ten years, but it was very clean and tidy.

There are foot mats at the entrance. Although the shoe cabinet is very old, and the shoes are also from ten years ago, the shoe cabinet is spotless, and the shoes are neatly placed. The sofa, coffee table, TV cabinet, even if it is rough The cement floor was exceptionally clean, and even Xu Yang saw the water stains that were not dry. It seemed that someone came here to clean it not long ago.

Xu Yang thought to himself, "Someone has been here before."

There are no traces of life here, but there are traces of cleaning, which makes Xu Yang very puzzled and vigilant.

"Did the landlord come?"

However, the idea came up and was rejected.

In Liming Community, the most mysterious person is the landlord.

There is only one landlord in the entire Liming Community, and most of the residents living here are tenants. Of course, Xu Yang is an exception.

As for who the landlord is, whether it's a man or a woman, few people have said it clearly so far, but the tenants from a long time ago know, but whenever someone asks, the faces of these tenants are ugly.

Anyway, Xu Yang had never met the landlord, and every six months, someone would come to collect the rent. She was a woman in her thirties. She was said to be a relative of the landlord. Some said she was the landlord's daughter. The landlord's lover, in short, has everything to say. Anyway, the rent is still paid, but the landlord never shows up, and the people in the community are used to it.

However, it is precisely because of this that dawn

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The number of tenants in the district is decreasing year by year.

Seeing such clean room 4023, Xu Yang's doubts grew more and more.

"Could it be Fang Wan'er's parents?"

However, the idea was quickly rejected by him.

Fang Waner is a child from a small county town. His parents are village teachers and his income is average. The rent in Liming Community is cheaper than other places, but after all, in the city, even if it is cheaper, it will cost nearly 1,000 yuan a month. , how can one or two thousand a month, who would rent a house that doesn't live when they have nothing to do?

Seeing the water stains on the ground that had not completely dried up, Xu Yang became vigilant, grabbed the folding knife subconsciously, and walked cautiously into the room.

The layout of the room in 4023 is similar to that of Xu Yang's house. There is a separate kitchen across the living room.

Xu Yang entered the kitchen and found that the kitchen was also exceptionally clean, with no oil stains and no dust. All the kitchen utensils that one should have are here. Although they are a bit old, they are kept clean. Even the trash cans are clean. Yes, and a garbage bag.

Next to the kitchen is the bathroom.

The door of the bathroom was closed, Xu Yang opened it and took a look, and found that the bathroom was also clean, with various toiletries on the sink.

However, when he saw the mirror, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

I saw water stains on the mirror, it seemed that someone had washed here not long ago, and the dripping towels on the hanger also confirmed Xu Yang's guess.


Just as Xu Yang was checking the bathroom, there was a sound in the bedroom, Xu Yang turned his head sharply, and looked at the bedroom.

The door to the bedroom was closed, the lights were not turned on, and it was pitch black inside, so I couldn't see anything clearly.

The sudden sound made Xu Yang's body tense immediately. He took out the folding knife and walked cautiously towards the bedroom.

Although Xu Yang was very careful, he still made a sound when he was walking.


At this moment, Xu Yang clearly heard the sound of the window opening, and then with a bang, someone capsized and jumped out.

Hearing this voice, Xu Yang didn't have time to think about it, he rushed to the bedroom, pushed open the door and rushed into the bedroom.

With the dim light in the living room, Xu Yang saw that the bedroom window was open, and a chair was placed beside the windowsill. The curtains were swaying wildly in the night breeze.

Xu Yang took two steps in three steps and went directly to the window. He saw wet footprints on the chair and on the windowsill. Obviously, there was someone in the bedroom before Xu Yang came in.

Because it is an old-fashioned unit building, there is no protective net installed, and the floor here is not high. Xu Yang, who came to the window, subconsciously stuck his head out and looked outside.

But it was pitch black outside, and nothing was seen.

However, at this moment, a strong sense of crisis hit his heart, and the hair on the back of Xu Yang's neck stood up instantly.

Just as Xu Yang stretched out his head and looked outside, behind the door, a black figure held a wooden stick and smashed it towards Xu Yang's back. Obviously, the people in the bedroom did not leave.

Xu Yang didn't have time to turn around or dodge, so he could only turn his back to the shadow, and shrank down.


The wooden stick slammed hard on the windowsill, making a dull sound, and Xu Yang only felt wet on his face, not sure if it was rain or water.

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Something else splashed Xu Yang's face.

After the black shadow man failed to hit, he swung the stick and smashed it down at Xu Yang's head.

At this time, Xu Yang didn't care about his image, so the donkey came to the spot and rolled, rolled to the foot of the wall, and then took the opportunity to stand up.

This sudden attack made Xu Yang very stunned. Because of the emergency, the folding knife in his hand had fallen. At this moment, he did not have any weapon in his hand.

After Xu Yang stood up, with the weak light, Xu Yang could see clearly.

Standing in front of him was a man in pajamas, and he was not holding a stick, but a mop.

"When did this house change its owner?"

This discovery surprised Xu Yang and was puzzled.

However, the other party didn't give Xu Yang any chance to think, and smashed it with a mop.

The other party is not tall and thin, but he has a lot of strength. Just the two blows just now directly smashed a gap on the cement window sill. If it hit Xu Yang, even if he didn't break a bone, it would be enough for Xu Yang to endure.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Seeing this, Xu Yang asked quickly.

He was talking, but the movements of his feet did not stop. He did not choose to confront the other party, but chose to retreat towards the living room.

The guy who was waving the mop could see Xu Yang's intention. After he failed to hit, he jumped onto the bed and walked directly from the bed to the door of the bedroom, blocking Xu Yang's way.


When the way to go was blocked, Xu Yang was startled at first, and then he was stunned.

This guy is a woman with long black hair, wearing a pink pajamas, and the long hair is waist-length. At this moment, it is let down, covering her original face, and she cannot be seen clearly at all.

"Women?" Xu Yang muttered.


Xu Yang's voice fell, and the woman seemed to be stimulated by something. She screamed, threw the mop in her hand towards Xu Yang, and then ran away directly, closing the bedroom door before leaving. Door.

Seeing the mop attacking him, Xu Yang easily avoided it, but when Xu Yang stood up and looked at the door again, the woman was gone.

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then chased towards the door.

Just when Xu Yang went to open the bedroom door, the door outside was opened and closed again.

The woman ran away.

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

This made Xu Yang very confused, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he opened the bedroom door and chased outside.

At this time, the light in the living room was turned off by the woman, and the whole room was pitch black. Xu Yang didn't dare to move too fast. He could only rely on his memory to avoid the furniture in the room, come to the door, and open the door.

After opening the door, there was no one in the corridor, but there was a noise from the first floor, and Xu Yang walked towards the first floor without thinking.

However, when he reached the first floor, the woman had already disappeared, which made Xu Yang speechless.

Looking at the drizzle outside, Xu Yang hesitated for a moment, and could choose to continue chasing, but turned around and walked upstairs.

When he returned to the second floor, he found a string of barefoot footprints in the dusty corridor. Obviously, the woman left without shoes.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang rubbed his nose, speechless and embarrassed.