Chapter 25 Mirror Game

On a stormy night, at three o'clock in the morning, a person who had been silent for seven years suddenly replied to a message and asked if you believe there are ghosts in this world. This experience is not without horror.

However, seeing the news from Nie Zi, Xu Yang was not horrified, but rather puzzled.

Ghost: How to prove it?

Niezi: Have you been to room 4023?

Ghost: How do you know?

Niezi: Since you have been to room 4023, I have unfortunate news to tell you.


Seeing the news from Nie Zi, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment.

Ghost: What news?

Evil Son: You have been targeted by him.

Ghost: Him? Who is he?

Niezi: The ghost in room 4023.

Seeing this news, Xu Yang subconsciously pouted.

He didn't believe that there was a ghost in room 4023. If there was, then why didn't he meet him when he went to room 4023. As for the woman he met in the room, Xu Yang was quite sure that she was a person.

At this moment, Niezi sent a message again.

Niezi: I know you don't believe me, I think I'm talking nonsense, we can do an experiment.

Ghost: Experiment? What test?

Niezi: It's three o'clock in the morning, and at four forty-four, go to the bathroom, turn off the light, light a white candle in front of the mirror, stare at yourself in the mirror and ask a question repeatedly.

Ghost: What's the problem?

Evil Son: Who are you.


Seeing this message, Xu Yang's pupils shrank abruptly, he subconsciously looked at the notebook, and there was this sentence on the notebook.

Looking back, Xu Yang typed: Then what?

Evil Son: He will appear in the mirror.

Then, without waiting for Xu Yang to continue asking, Nie Zi sent several messages in a row.

[No matter what you see, don't panic, the more fearful you are, the more real He is, but when you are terrified to the extreme, He will appear in the real world,]

[Before the candle burns, no matter what happens, don't leave the bathroom, and don't leave the mirror, otherwise there will be a big horror. ]

[This is a fun game, have a good time, good luck, hee hee! ]


Seeing the last message, Xu Yang's pupils contracted violently again.

Why is this schadenfreude tone so familiar?

"This villain is not a trumpet of the survival system, right?" Xu Yang murmured subconsciously.

But soon, Xu Yang denied this speculation.

After the evil son sent these messages, he chose to remain silent. No matter what Xu Yang sent, the other party did not respond, and the messages sent by Xu Yang also showed an unread status, and the other party seemed to be offline.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"This guy is doing something."

Seeing that Niezi no longer resumed the news, Xu Yang clicked on the other party's avatar, and in the next second, Xu Yang's eyes narrowed into a slit.

I saw that the online time of Niezi still stayed on April 3, 2018.

This discovery made Xu Yang stunned for a long time, and the villain was just online, but why did the time stop seven years ago? Could it be that it was not the villain who went online just now, but a... ghost?

"Ha ha!"

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For some reason, this idea suddenly popped into Xu Yang's mind, but he was soon amused by his own thought.

There are no ghosts in this world. If there are ghosts, they are people pretending to be.

Although Xu Yang still didn't believe that ghosts would appear in the real world, he became more and more curious about this guy whose online name was Niezi.

Xu Yang has not found the information of the courier Wang Kai for the time being, but the appearance of the evil son has given Xu Yang a new direction of investigation.

According to the chat with Nie Zi just now, Xu Yang got some clues, and then he became suspicious of Nie Zi.

First, Nie Zi is Fang Wan'er's classmate and friend. She is very familiar with Fang Wan'er and knows her very well. The two have a love-hate entanglement that cannot be explained. If Fang Wan'er was killed, who would be most suspected, except for the courier Wang Kaizhi. Besides, it's this guy.

Second, Fang Wan'er was not missing, but was killed. The villain knew this for a long time. According to the thinking of normal people, if the person he cared about was killed, the first time he should choose to call the police, let the police intervene in the investigation, find out The real culprit was right, but the evil son did not. He chose to hide it, which further increased his suspicion.

Third, Nie Zi should live in Liming Community, maybe even in Building No. 4. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to know that Xu Yang has been to room 4023 after Xu Yang said that he is Fang Wan'er's neighbor, which further deepens him. Suspect on the body.

Fourth, the game that Niezi asked Xu Yang to play seems to be a game that the owner of the notebook once played, as can be seen from the content of the person on the notebook.

Obviously, this game is not that simple, and the evil son asked Xu Yang to play this game, there should be a conspiracy, in the last chat, Xu Yang obviously felt that the evil son seemed to regard him as a new prey, and the words in his mouth That He was the hunter, and Xu Yang suspected that the real hunter was actually a villain.

Looking at the phone screen, Xu Yang decided to follow the clue of Niezi and investigate further.

As a result, Xu Yang began to be a human being on the Internet.

However, Xu Yang was disappointed by the result of human flesh. He didn't know if the other party was already prepared, or because the other party didn't play anything other than forums. Xu Yang didn't find any news related to Niezi on the Internet.

"This guy is really cautious." Xu Yang muttered after searching to no avail.

People often say that geese pass pictures, and people pass marks. Although this is the Internet age, the Internet is not a place of lawlessness. Many things can be found online, unless the other party is not online.

The search for Niezi was fruitless, which only showed one problem. This guy is very cautious. He cleared all traces on the Internet. This shows from the side that this guy is a computer expert.

If he wants to continue to investigate the evil son, Xu Yang's skills are obviously not enough, and he needs professional help.

Yang Xueqi is undoubtedly the best choice. After all, the police are very powerful, but how could the police spend their energy for Xu Yang.

After thinking about it, Xu Yang decided to try this mirror game later. He wanted to see what tricks a mirror game could play.

He raised his head and glanced at the time, it was almost four o'clock.

Usually at this time, Xu Yang had already fallen asleep, but today he was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

Seeing that it was still early, Xu Yang decided to tidy up the house first to see if he could find some clues.

The arrival of Yang Xueqi brought Xu Yang an important message.

The second uncle seems to be back!

The courier that appeared in Yang Xueqi's hands is the best proof, and Xu Yang's second uncle

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I understand that if he does come back, he will definitely go home, check the room, maybe he will find something.

So, for the next half hour, Xu Yang rummaged through boxes at home, looking for clues everywhere, but unfortunately he found nothing.

Home, or this home, but there are only traces of his life alone, and the second uncle has not come back.

This result disappointed Xu Yang.

Back in the living room, Xu Yang glanced at the time. It was 4:35 in the morning, less than ten minutes before the game time that Niezi said.

"Try it, I hope you can gain something."

After looking for the traces of the second uncle to no avail, Xu Yang thought of the game Niezi mentioned again, and he decided to play it.

After making up his mind, Xu Yang first went to the door, checked the door lock, and after confirming that it was locked, Xu Yang went to the window again, closed the window tightly, and inserted the latch.

Although Xu Yang didn't believe that there would be any accidents while playing a game, he was cautious in his bones, and he still killed all the possible accidents in advance.

After doing all this, Xu Yang went to the bathroom with a white candle he just found.

The room itself is not big, so the bathroom is very cramped, and it is okay for a person to move freely in it, but if there are more people, it will be very crowded.

Xu Yang fixed the candle on the sink, wiped the glass with a towel, and then put the folding knife on the sink. If there was an accident, he could get the weapon as soon as possible.

In addition, in order to avoid ignoring something when he was playing games, he put his mobile phone in the corner of the bathroom, turned on the video recording function, and the camera was facing the mirror.

After doing this, the time has come to 4:43.

Looking at the beating numbers on the phone, Xu Yang took a deep breath. At this time, Xu Yang was still a little nervous. After all, unknown things can always arouse people's curiosity and the deepest fear in people's hearts.

Taking a breath, Xu Yang turned around and closed the bathroom door, turned off the light, and stood in front of the mirror. After the number jumped to 4:44:44, he lit the candle directly.

The bathroom was dark, the burning candle and the flickering flame became the only light source in the darkness, standing between the mirror and reality, like a soul lamp guiding the way, trying to draw something out of the mirror.

Because of the angle, the pale candlelight shines on Xu Yang's face from bottom to top, making his face look ghostly and incomparably scary, and the same is true for Xu Yang in the mirror, who is staring at the mirror with wide eyes. Xu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, this game is a bit hellish.

However, now that the matter is over, Xu Yang no longer thinks about other things. He stared at himself in the mirror and asked softly, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

The bathroom was cramped, and Xu Yang closed the door again. Even if Xu Yang spoke in a low voice, it was still abnormally loud in the silent bathroom, and there was a weak response.

With Xu Yang asking who you are over and over again, the accident did not happen.

At this moment, Xu Yang is looking at himself in the mirror, and Xu Yang in the mirror is also looking at Xu Yang, Xu Yang speaks, and he speaks, but Xu Yang has a voice, but he can't make a sound.

The candle on the sink is slowly burning at a normal speed, everything is normal, and no accident happened.

Of course, it is normal for Xu Yang, but if there is a second person here, he must feel that Xu Yang is not normal. How can anyone stand in front of the mirror and ask who they are without sleeping in the middle of the night?