Chapter 26 Underworld Games

At four in the morning, it was the darkest time of the day.

The rainstorm outside has stopped, only the drizzle is still falling with the wind, and the night wind has become more unscrupulous. Because the window of the bathroom is too old, it is impossible to close it tightly. The sound that makes teeth sore.

The night wind was blowing, gently stroking Xu Yang's face, which was cool, wet, salty, and the candlelight on the sink also began to sway under the night wind, and Xu Yang's face also changed. It was flickering, and Xu Yang in the mirror also twisted, as if he was alive.

The squeaking of the wind blowing windows, the seepage of water from the ceiling, the rustling of insects crawling in the sewer, the snoring and snoring of the neighbors, Xu Yang's questioning, and the sound of his breathing and heartbeat, which gradually became rapid.

In the silence, all sounds are amplified infinitely. In this environment, many people will feel uneasy, but Xu Yang is an exception.

People are social animals, so people are afraid of loneliness, but the general game people are an exception. They not only do not fear loneliness, but enjoy loneliness. Xu Yang is the best example.

From a very young age, Xu Yang was used to living independently, studying alone, going to and from school alone, eating and sleeping alone. truly become a person.

But as time passed, Xu Yang, who was staring at himself in the mirror, became somewhat uneasy.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Xu Yang felt that the temperature around him was starting to drop gradually, and there seemed to be more people in the small bathroom. At this moment, this person was hovering beside Xu Yang, whispering in his ear, asking who you are over and over again. .

When a person keeps repeating a sentence, you will find that the more repetitions and the longer the time, the sentence will gradually become unfamiliar, just like when you repeatedly write a certain word, with the continuous writing , in the end, even the writer himself began to not recognize the word.

During this process, your attention will gradually be dispersed, and you will start to think wildly. If you don't believe it, you can try it.

"Psychological suggestion game? Haha! Play this with me." Xu Yang muttered in his heart.

The game isn't actually scary, but it can be disconcerting.

Although it is a new century, not many people believe in the rhetoric of ghosts, but when a person is in a special environment, he will always think of some related ghost legends at the first time, and then in his heart The fear will be infinitely magnified.

What is really scary is not the so-called ghosts, but the fear in people's hearts.

At this moment, Xu Yang, who stared at the mirror and kept repeating that sentence, had seen through the essence of the game. In this case, Xu Yang felt that there was nothing to fear.



Just when Xu Yang thought so, the door was closed suddenly, as if someone reached out and closed the door.

After hearing the sound, Xu Yang subconsciously turned his head to look, but when he thought of the hint given by Nie Zi, no matter what happened, don't look away from the mirror, so Xu Yang resisted and did not look back.

However, in the next second, the hairs on Xu Yang's body stood up.

Just before the bathroom door was closed, Xu Yang clearly felt that there was another person in the bathroom, and this person was peeping at him.

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The familiar sense of voyeurism struck again, just as he did on the way back from school.

Xu Yang's breathing began to become rapid, and his heartbeat involuntarily became intense, but Xu Yang looked behind him through the mirror, but saw nothing.

The sense of peeping gradually became stronger, and the candles on the sink also swayed more crazy, and Xu Yang in the mirror began to distort, but no matter how distorted the shadow, those eyes were always staring at the mirror. of Xu Yang.

"Who are you? Who are you? Who are you..."

Originally it was just Xu Yang's whispers, but at this moment, this voice resounded in the entire bathroom, hovering in Xu Yang's ear, as if there was really a person beside him.

As time passed, the questioning voice gradually became impatient and anxious. It seemed that Xu Yang had become impatient because he did not answer his question.

Xu Yang subconsciously reached out and held the folding knife on the sink, the cold metal touch made Xu Yang's heart gradually calm down.

But the peeping feeling on his back did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Yang felt a slight chill on the back of his neck, as if someone was standing behind him blowing air, which made him very uncomfortable.

Holding the hand of the folding knife, the blue veins burst out. At this moment, he really wanted to turn around and give the guy behind him a knife, but Xu Yang controlled it.

The night wind outside the window became more turbulent, and the rainstorm that had stopped suddenly became more rapid at this moment. The crawling sound of insects in the sewer, and the snoring and snoring of neighbors became clearer and more rapid at this moment. .

At this moment, Xu Yang felt that countless people were asking him, who are you!


Xu Yang suddenly felt cold on his forehead, and water droplets fell on his forehead. He didn't know whether it was the water seeping from the ceiling, the raindrops blown in by the night wind, or Xu Yang's cold sweat.

He wanted to look up and take a look, but he held back.

"Da! Da Da! Da Da Da!"

The candle flames flickered wildly and erratically, but footsteps sounded outside the door. It seemed that someone entered his room and was walking towards the bathroom step by step.

With the sound of footsteps, Xu Yang felt that the other party was getting closer and closer to the bathroom, and Xu Yang's calm heart was no longer calm at this moment, and his slightly immature face became more and more under the candlelight. Hair turned pale.

The bathroom was extremely lively at the moment, and Xu Yang, who was staring at the mirror, even felt himself in the mirror at a certain moment, as if he had come to life. Those eyes were looking at him with interest, like a hunter looking at his prey. .

The white candles gradually bottomed out, and the footsteps outside the door also stopped at the door. The questioning voices in the bathroom suddenly became erratic and faint, as if everything was about to end.



Just when Xu Yang thought that everything was about to end, the sound of fingernails scratching the door suddenly sounded outside the door, and the thin door also began to shake at this moment, as if someone outside wanted to come in.

It's not over yet.

At the moment when the sound of scratching the door sounded, the echo that had been so weak that it was inaudible suddenly exploded in Xu Yang's ear.

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become stiff.

The sound of water seepage on the ceiling was even more rapid, drop after drop of water fell on Xu Yang's forehead, and the sewer made the sound of something running, as if something was about to climb out of the sewer.

What made Xu Yang even more terrified was that the self in the mirror had disappeared at some point, replaced by a pair of eyes, which were gradually approaching Xu Yang, and their eyes were full of jokes.

Xu Yang even saw that between those eyes, a hand seemed to stick out.

At this moment, Xu Yang is no longer calm before, his breathing is rapid, his face is flushed, his eyes are red, his heartbeat is like a drum, he feels suffocated, and he feels that a pair of hands are pinching his neck, making him unable to breathe. His anger was coming, and his body was as stiff as iron, unable to move at all.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just then, a gust of wind bell suddenly rang.

At the moment when the wind chimes rang, Xu Yang, like a drowning man, grabbed the last straw, and his stiff body regained freedom.


After his body regained consciousness, Xu Yang let out a low growl, held the folding knife, and smashed it towards the mirror.



Just as Xu Yang smashed the mirror with his knife, the candle that had bottomed out also burned out and went out. At the moment when the candle went out, Xu Yang smashed the mirror.

With the extinguishing of the candle, the shattering of the mirror, the questioning in the ear, the scratching of the door, the sound of water seeping above the head, the crawling of the sewer, the snoring and babbling of the neighbors, and the sudden sound of the wind chime, all the All sounds disappeared in an instant at this moment.

Only the wind blowing on the screen, the sound of rain hitting the glass, and Xu Yang's rapid breathing and heartbeat.

The bathroom was completely dark, and the lights in the living room, which were originally lit, also went out at some point. At this moment, Xu Yang was completely in the dark.


I don't know how long it took, Xu Yang slowly recovered, and he stretched out his hand to turn on the bathroom light.

At this moment, the bathroom is in a mess.

The faucet of the washbasin was turned on for some reason, the water was rushing, and the burned candles turned into a pool, and the mirror on the washbasin was now full of cracks, and Xu Yang in the mirror was divided into countless pieces. It looks extremely unreal and extremely scary.

What made Xu Yang even more horrified was that in the middle of the mirror, where Xu Yang's eyes were, there was an eyeball-like hole, which was smashed by a folding knife.

The hole was covered with blood, and the blood was slowly slipping down at the moment, it looked like the eyes were shedding blood and tears.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Yang felt that the eye was looking at him with incomparable resentment.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang subconsciously looked at his right hand.

When he lowered his head, Xu Yang realized that his hand was shaking slightly, and he was holding the folding knife tightly, maybe it was too tight, the sharp blade cut through his fingers, and blood dripped down the wound It fell, leaving bloodstains on the floor.

Even though everything was back to normal, Xu Yang still stood motionless in front of the mirror, staring at himself in the mirror. After three minutes of confrontation, Xu Yang slowly recovered.

"This game Zhenni-ma Hades!"