Chapter 27 Anchor, I'm Your Fan

After staring at each other for a long time, Xu Yang gradually calmed down, let go of his hand gripping the folding knife, and began to clean the wound.

While cleaning the wound, Xu Yang murmured, "Is it a hallucination just now, or..."

Speaking of which, Xu Yang shook his head.

Everything that happened just now was too real, so real that Xu Yang was deeply caught up in it, but when the candles burned out and the lights came on, everything disappeared without a trace.

After cleaning the wound, turn off the faucet, turn around and walk to the corner, pick up the phone, and find that the phone is still recording.

After finishing the video, Xu Yang, who was holding the phone, said softly, "Fortunately, I kept my hand."

Xu Yang didn't rush to check the video, but first closed the window that was blown open by the wind, then put away the folding knife, and then walked out of the bathroom with the phone.

The door of the bathroom was indeed closed, but it was not locked. When Xu Yang opened the bathroom, he glanced at the door subconsciously and found that there were scratch marks on the door. footprints, that are cat footprints.

With the help of the bathroom light, Xu Yang realized that the footprint was coming from the living room, so he raised his head, looked at the window, and narrowed his eyes.

The window that had been bolted and tightly closed by him was actually opened, and the raging night wind was blowing in along the opened window.

After a short pause, Xu Yang didn't say anything, but went straight to the living room, found the light switch, and found that the hanger at the door was down, and the hanger just touched the switch.

He lifted up the hanger, reopened it, etc. The dark living room turned on the lights again, bringing a trace of warmth to Xu Yang.

Before returning to the sofa, Xu Yang turned on his phone and began to check the video.

The time of the video is not long, but it is continuous, a full twenty minutes.

Due to the lack of light, the video was not very clear, only Xu Yang could be seen standing straight in front of the mirror, and between the mirror and Xu Yang, a white candle was lit.

For the first ten minutes, the video was calm, and all I could see was Xu Yang standing stiffly in front of the mirror, his lips squirming, saying something.

Because the bathroom was small, Xu Yang could still hear his voice even though he was murmuring in a low voice.

"Who are you?"

I don't know if it was too long, or if Xu Yang started to get nervous, Xu Yang whispered more and more frequently, and it was almost impossible to hear what Xu Yang was saying at the back.

However, overall, everything is normal.

But when the video entered thirteen minutes, an accident happened.

The video suddenly flickered, and a black screen appeared for three seconds. After the black screen, Xu Yang, who was standing straight in front of the mirror, slowly bent his body and put his hands on the sink. It might be because of his too much movement that he touched the faucet. , the water flowed out slowly, and his face was slowly sticking to the mirror.

Due to the angle of the mobile phone, the camera did not capture Xu Yang's face, but only his profile, so he couldn't see the expression on his face, but the camera clearly captured Xu Yang in the mirror.

I saw that Xu Yang, who had opened his eyes originally, had closed his eyes at this time, with a strange expression on his face.

Doubt, shock, fear, anticipation, excitement...

In just a few short moments, countless expressions appeared on Xu Yang's face.

At the same time, there was noise in the video, and the picture flickered like an old-fashioned TV.

But Xu Yang's voice was still so clear, but it sounded very strange, not like Xu Yang's voice, but like a mature man's voice, and the question Xu Yang asked has also changed. Who you were before becomes who I am.

"Who am I? Who am I? Who am I..."

In the video, Xu Yang seems to be smitten with evil, and seems to be hypnotized, repeating this sentence mechanically.

Just when Xu Yang behaved abnormally, the candles on the sink began to flicker wildly, followed by the sound of windows being blown open, and the sound of fingernails scratching the door.

As time passed by, Xu Yang's face was getting closer and closer to the mirror, but just as Xu Yang's face was about to stick to the mirror, there was a cat meowing outside the door, and his body trembled suddenly. , and the screen of the video also jittered, and the screen that was still slightly bright appeared a black screen for a few seconds.

After the black screen disappeared, Xu Yang had already stood up straight, opened his eyes, held the folding knife in his hand, and smashed it towards the mirror.

With the sound of the mirror breaking, the only one in the bathroom

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The light source also went out, and then a shrill scream sounded, and the picture turned completely dark. If you didn't see the progress bar still scrolling, you would have thought the video was over.

After about three or four minutes, the dark picture appeared bright again.

Xu Yang was still standing in front of the sink. He was looking at the mirror, but his body was shaking slightly.

The mirror opposite Xu Yang had already shattered, and at the moment when the light sounded, something flashed away in the mirror.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang immediately narrowed his eyes.

He paused the video, then played it backwards, and watched it several times, but he still couldn't see what the flashing thing was. He just thought it looked like an eye.


After repeatedly watching to no avail, Xu Yang exhaled a long breath and slumped on the sofa, frowning.

"I was hypnotized? And I was hypnotized by myself?" Xu Yang murmured.

Judging from the video, after the first black screen, Xu Yang seemed to be hypnotized, but Xu Yang did not remember that he was hypnotized. He kept his eyes open from beginning to end.

The real feeling is completely different from the video picture, which makes Xu Yang very puzzled.

"cat meow."

After pondering for a while, Xu Yang thought of the cat meowing in the video, Xu Yang stood up and walked straight to the window.

On the windowsill and on the desk, he did see the footprints of cats and a few cat hairs, but Xu Yang looked around and saw no traces of cats.

Standing by the window, Xu Yang looked at the opened window and frowned.

From the current situation, combined with the video, it seems that everything is clear.

Xu Yang listened to the words of the netizen Niezi and tried to play the mirror game, but when he was playing the game, he hypnotized himself, so he did those incredible things in the bathroom.

While he was playing the game, the wind suddenly became stronger and blew the living room window open. The night cat from nowhere entered the room along the window and went to the bathroom. As a result, the door of the bathroom was closed by the wind. If the cat can't get in, it tries to scratch the door.

Because the wind was too strong, the hanger at the door was blown over, and the toppled hanger hit the switch, turning off the lights in the living room.

As for the poor video signal, it can actually be explained.

Liming Community is an old community. Because of the initial construction problems, the signal here has always been poor. When Xu Yang was young, snowflakes often appeared when watching TV, and occasionally some foreign channels popped up, which appeared strange and strange, not suitable for children. 's program.

Even with the development of the Internet and technology, occasionally the signal is unstable, especially when there is a violent storm, which is even more serious.

Everything seems to have a reasonable explanation, but is this explanation really reasonable?

Thinking of this, Xu Yang stretched out his hand to fiddle with the window, and then he found out that the bolt was broken. Even if the window was closed, as long as the wind was stronger, the window would be blown open. Before the wind and rain stopped suddenly, when he closed the window did not notice.

But when Xu Yang inspected the bolt, he accidentally discovered that the bolt was not damaged due to natural aging, but was destroyed by man. From the traces, it should have been destroyed some time ago, and during that time, Xu Yang happened to be damaged. in school.

Obviously, someone came in while Xu Yang was not at home, so who is this?

"Is it Yang Xueqi, or the second uncle?" Xu Yang murmured while pinching his chin.

Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question.

According to common sense, only three people can freely enter and exit this room.

Xu Yang, second uncle, and Yang Xueqi.

The reason why Yang Xueqi had the key here was given to her by her second uncle. As for whether it was true or not, Xu Yang had no idea.

But even if Yang Xueqi had the key, she seldom opened the door by herself and came in by herself. In a situation like today, there were only a handful of times.

But Liming Community is an old community. The security here is really hard to describe. The door lock is actually a decoration. If you really want to go in, you can go in without a key. When Xu Yang went to explore room 4023 before, he just used a piece of iron wire. Just poke it open.

Therefore, it is really difficult to tell who is coming in.

But also because of this discovery, there is a loophole in Fang Cai's explanation.

Thinking again that this mirror game was proposed by the villain, Xu Yang had to suspect that it was probably this guy who entered his room and broke the window latch.

"if it is true

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It's him, why would he do this? "Xu Yang puzzled.

The answer to this question, it is estimated that only Nie Zi himself knows.

After thinking for a while, Xu Yang's doubts became more and more, but there was no result. He glanced at the time, it was already 5:30 in the morning, and the countdown: 00:30:10

There was still half an hour before the next game, Xu Yang temporarily gave up thinking.

After a night of running around, Xu Yang was actually very tired. At this moment, he really wanted to take a shower, but when he thought of everything that happened in the bathroom just now, Xu Yang gave up this plan.

"Half an hour left, what can I do?"

While thinking about it, he opened his mobile phone and found that there were unread messages on WeChat. He opened it and found that it was sent by a local tyrant.

Zhenduo Qian: Live tonight, why didn't you come?

The message was sent half an hour ago. After reading it, Xu Yang replied: There is something temporarily wrong.

After sending the message, Xu Yang opened the D station and entered the live broadcast room of the local tyrant.

[Welcome to the live broadcast room! ]

Following Xu Yang's entry, a long banner appeared above the live broadcast room, and then the public screen began to swipe.

[Welcome Ghost! ]

[Welcome the second child! ]

[Welcome brother! ]


Looking at the live broadcast room that was swiped, Xu Yang was speechless and helpless for a while, and couldn't help but complain: "In the middle of the night, aren't these people sleeping?"

Xu Yang is No. 2 in the local tyrant's live broadcast room. Ever since he met the local tyrant, he has always been on the list. This position has hardly changed. Occasionally, the change is also when there are some activities in the d station and it is necessary to make the list.

But no matter how much he swipes every time, the eldest brother on the list will swipe more than him. Therefore, Xu Yang is affectionately called the second brother by fans in the live broadcast room.

In addition, Xu Yang also has a nickname, Millennium Second.

Damn, I don't know which big smart gave him such a nickname.

As for the second list, Xu Yang naturally couldn't pay for it himself. Whether he is a phantom god, or a gift for the ranking event, it was all the local tyrant who paid for it and asked him to brush it, wanting Xu Yang to spend money?

Ha ha! how is this possible! Unless this world really has ghosts.

To be honest, Xu Yang really doesn't understand what it means to spend money to reward himself.

Of course, for Xu Yang, this kind of coquettish operation may not be interesting, but for the local tyrant, it is very interesting, and he has also obtained a lot of benefits from it.

For example, the eldest brother on the list, whenever the local tyrant asks Xu Yang to swipe a gift, the eldest eldest brother on the list will appear.

Of course, it's not just the big brother. Whenever Xu Yang and the big brother go to war, the other big brothers will also end the game one after another, and other fans will also secretly take a wave of gifts when they see it. All in all, it is The local tyrants stimulated other big brothers to compete by giving themselves gifts.

How to say, the money on the second list was returned in full, and the money on the first list was divided into ninety-one accounts. Regardless of the local tyrant's upstart and the temperament of a prodigal, he was a top-notch player in terms of money.

Every time the competition is over, after Xu Yang loses unexpectedly, the local tyrant will give Xu Yang a big red envelope. Maybe this amount of money is not even a drop in the bucket for the local tyrant, but for Xu Yang, But it's a lot of income.

At this time, it was early in the morning, and the local tyrant was playing a game in the live broadcast room. He was playing the old game "Jedi Survival". After all, he was a game anchor, so what would he do if he didn't play games?

The game threshold is very low, and the operation difficulty is not complicated, but it is still very difficult to play this game well, at least for the local tyrants, it is very difficult.

When Xu Yang entered the live broadcast room, the local tyrant was parachuting from the plane.

If nothing else, in a few minutes, the local tyrant will fall into a box.

Sure enough, before the local tyrant had landed, he saw three pairs of people following him closely.