Chapter 28 Live Streaming Daily

"Hehe! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o"

Looking at the gray game interface of the local tyrant, Xu Yang wanted to laugh, but he was used to it.

The local tyrant is rich and loves to play. He has basically played all the games on the market, but most of the games have been played for a few days. The most, the most frequent game changer, the local tyrant is definitely among the best.

But what a good game, or how bad a game, local tyrants can play, and they can also play new tricks [how to be tortured to death. ]

Watching the local tyrants play games, just one word, exciting!

As long as he plays the game, after entering the interface, the first thing is to recharge, all kinds of props, skins, fashion, VIP, etc., fill it up first, in short, he must have what others have.

Oh no.

He must have everything that is available in the game. As for whether to use it or not, he will not care whether it is useful or not. He will get it first.

Many fans in the live broadcast room actually didn't come to see him play games, but to come to see him.

Especially seeing the local tyrant pay the most money and be beaten the most, it feels very sour.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is the earliest game played by the local tyrant. Although the local tyrant often changes games, he has never given up on this game.

When others play this game, they are thinking about how to eat chicken, but he uses practical actions to tell fans about the 108 ways to die when the main game is up.

Counting down the video collections in the local tyrant's post bar, among them, the top all year round, and the most commented are the moments of the local tyrant's various boxes and ways of death.

Of course, this video collection is also from Xu Yang's hands.

Sure enough, after Xu Yang entered the live broadcast room, after a short screen refresh, some fans finally started shouting at Xu Yang.

"Brother Ghost, it's a pity that you are late today, you didn't see it, the local tyrant has almost dropped the ground into a box in the past eight hours, and died miserably, this is a good material what."

"Second brother, when will there be a video about the new eighty-one way of death of the local tyrant?"

"Second brother, please persuade the local tyrant, I can play with my feet better than him."

"Second brother, station d is about to have a ranking event again, have you charged your d coins?"

"Brother Ghost, I'm optimistic about you this time on the list, hehe!"

"Second brother, what kind of job do you do? You get so many gifts at every event. Are you a nurse?"


With the arrival of Xu Yang, the originally sluggish live broadcast room instantly became lively.

Of course, this is not how popular Xu Yang is, but the real dish of the local tyrant, and it is the kind that is fun and fun, but Xu Yang will occasionally edit the live video of the local tyrant, and then Post it on Tieba to attract more fans.

This is naturally also the request of the local tyrant. Every once in a while, Xu Yang is asked to edit the video and perform secondary creation. What's the point?

Not to mention, the dishes played by the local tyrants in the game, but the edited videos have attracted countless fans. Of course, these are all micro-operations of the anchor.

Xu Yang paid no attention to the words of these fans. He rarely spoke in the live broadcast room, but as long as he spoke, the effect would definitely be overwhelming.

The most important thing is that he is also a phantom god-level 'big guy', the second on the list of local tyrants. Since he is a big brother, he naturally needs to be a big brother.

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Of course, Xu Yang didn't think so, he just simply didn't want to talk. Many times, when the local tyrant was broadcasting live, Xu Yang just hung up his account in the live broadcast room.


WeChat rang.

Xu Yang opened it and saw that it was from a local tyrant.

Too Much Money: Having trouble?

Xu Yang hesitated for a moment, but still replied: No.

A lot of money: really not?

Xu Yang: Not really.

There is so much money: If you have something to say, as long as it can be solved with money, it will be fine.

Seeing the earthy and domineering words, Xu Yang was speechless for a while, but also moved.

The local tyrant is very kind to Xu Yang. After the second uncle disappeared, Xu Yang suddenly lost his source of income. It was also at that time that Xu Yang met the local tyrant by chance and got a part-time job from him, thus Have a stable income.

Of course, although the second uncle disappeared, he still left a sum of money for Xu Yang, but since he knew that the second uncle was not his relative, Xu Yang did not move the money.

Xu Yang has been self-sufficient since his first year of high school. He has done a lot of part-time jobs, of which the local tyrants make more money.

Xu Yang: Have you found the person who released the inside qualification of "Thriller Survival Game"?

So much money: no.

So much money: why are you so interested in this game, it's not like your style.

Seeing this sentence, Xu Yang was silent for a moment.

Fortunately, the local tyrant saw that Xu Yang did not reply, nor did he go into it, but said: It will be November soon, and the new round of ranking activities will start, it is still the same, I will pay you to brush the rankings.

Xu Yang: Good.

Next, the two briefly chatted about the ranking.

At the end, the local tyrant sent a message and asked: Have you encountered anything new recently, and are there any good videos?

Xu Yang glanced at it, hesitated for a while, and typed: I have a video, you can post it on the post bar.

So much money: Huh? Yes, come here.

Xu Yang directly sent the video of the bathroom just now.

When uploading the video, Xu Yang typed: I still have something to do, so I will leave first.

So much money: Good.

Put down the phone and glance at the time.


Countdown: 00:05:00

With five minutes left, Xu Yang began to prepare.

First charge the phone, then go to the door to get the umbrella, then take out the VR glasses from the backpack and connect the red phone.

After doing this, Xu Yang glanced at the bathroom subconsciously, then stood up and locked the bathroom door from the outside.

He didn't know why he did this, maybe because he was worried that something would run out of the bathroom.

Going back to the sofa and sitting down, Xu Yang glanced at the countdown on his wrist, and in less than a minute, he took a deep breath and put on the VR glasses.

The field of vision was pitch black at first, and then the familiar game interface appeared.

The pitch-black screen was surging with gray fog, then a looming eyeball appeared, and then the screen turned blood red.

[The game is about to start, good luck! ]

Just after this text appeared, the wind bell rang in Xu Yang's ears, and then a strong sense of distress hit his heart, Xu Yang closed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to the game again. world.

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At this time, the room 4044 of the fourth unit of the Liming Community in the real world was empty, and Xu Yang disappeared again.


Station D, the live broadcast room of the local tyrant.

The local tyrant who had finished chatting with Xu Yang quit the game, and then said, "Old irons, it's no fun to play games, let's show you something interesting."

"Room rounds!"

"Room rounds!"

"Room rounds!"


Just after the local tyrant finished saying this, the public screen was swiped again by the word rounds.

In the live broadcast room of the local tyrant, it is meaningless to play games. If there is any, it is to spy on the screen in the live broadcast room, and then snipe the local tyrant in the game.

But this kind of gameplay is still interesting once or twice, and it will be boring if you do more.

Whether it's for the local tyrant or the fans in the live broadcast room, there are only three interesting things.

Krypton gold pumping props, event rankings, and ward rounds and Lianmai's work.

The first two have nothing to do with most fans, just for fun, but the last one is the favorite thing for all fans.

Don't look at the local tyrant's ability to play games, people are stupid and have a lot of money, but they are good friends.

As the top up master of station D, the traffic that comes with him is still very large. Whenever the local tyrant is abused in the game, he will go to the live broadcast rooms of major beauties to make rounds.

When you meet the kind of female anchor who looks good, speaks nicely, and can let go, that gift is definitely indispensable.

After brushing the gifts, start the work.

What dress-up performances, what singing and dancing, what small games, in short, everything you can think of, local tyrants have played it, which made many fans in the live broadcast room feast their eyes and gasped.

Many anchors at station d like the local tyrant. On the one hand, he is generous, and he always gives gifts. On the other hand, the local tyrant brings his own traffic. In recent years, the new anchors who suddenly became popular because of the local tyrant's house inspections are actually not there. few.

There are good people who have compiled a harem list on the Internet, and the female anchors at the top are all the top anchors of station D.

Closer to home.

The local tyrant brother looked at the ward rounds on the public screen and said with a smile: "What kind of room is to be checked, you will know the ward round every day, young people must know how to restrain!"

"The anchor is empty!"

"The anchor is empty!"

"The anchor is empty!"

Well, as soon as this sentence is exported, it is a new wave of screen refreshes.

The local tyrant ignored this and said directly: "Brother Ghost sent me a video just now. I heard that it is very interesting. Do you want to watch it?"

"Huh? Brother Ghost has released a new video? Come on!"

"Could it be a new game review again?"

"Could it be the kryptonite daily life of the local tyrant?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I bet this video must be a boxed collection of local tyrants, if "No, I'll live stream upside down shampooing. "

"I bet it's a new game evaluation video, if not, I'll live stream it."

"I bet it's a krypton gold video, if not, I'll live stream the inverted 360-degree spiral!"

"Brother upstairs, you're trying to get your job done."

But there are still others who said, "Don't watch it, definitely don't watch it, I want to make a round of the house."

Below is another swipe.

But the local tyrant ignored them and directly clicked on the video sent by Xu Yang, and it was played in full screen.