Chapter 29 Exploding video, enter the game again

Because Xu Yang didn't appear in the live broadcast room on time today, he only appeared when the local tyrant's live broadcast was about to end, resulting in an instant influx of many people in the originally small live broadcast room.

The video taken by Xu Yang was played as it was. Looking at the screen, a boy who could not see his face turned off the light and stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Many people didn't know what he was going to do, so the public screen appeared. A bunch of question marks appeared.

What followed was a three-character screen refresh.

"Just here?"

The quiet night, the small bathroom, and the dim environment, only the young man whispered, which made the atmosphere suddenly rise.

Time passed by, and the young man stood motionless in front of the mirror like a puppet, repeating a sentence, which made everyone in the live broadcast room confused.

The people watching the video are confused, but they feel that something bad will happen next.

Sure enough, when the video came to 13 minutes, the screen suddenly flickered a few times, which shocked everyone, it felt a bit like watching a horror movie.

"I go!"


When the picture returned to normal, Xu Yang finally moved, which made the local tyrant who watched the video for the first time make a subconscious sound, and there was the sound of something falling to pieces. Obviously, he was also frightened.

It's really scary when a hunch comes true, especially when something bad happens.

Next, is the climax-climax part of the video.

Xu Yang closed his eyes, leaned forward, and approached the mirror a little bit. The lines in his mouth also changed. Coupled with the various noises in the video, the effect was directly filled.

Viewers who originally thought it was boring to watch the video were instantly attracted by the video, and the public screen no longer swiped, but various problems occurred.

"This guy is mentally ill! He didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and went to the bathroom to do this kind of thing."

"Who is he talking to?"

"At thirteen minutes and thirteen seconds, the screen flickered and the screen went black for three seconds. Who can tell me what's going on?"

"What's wrong with this guy? Was he hypnotized?"

"Eighty percent of it is due to sleepwalking."

"What's with the noise in the video?"

"Why do I feel like there are two people in the video."

"The person in the mirror seems to be alive."

"Look at his expression, what is that expression?"

In addition to these discussion videos, there are all kinds of scolding.

"Fuck! I was just about to fall asleep, but was woken up by fright. This weekend, it's hard to rest, the anchor is not a human being."

"I wiped it, and I was so scared that I couldn't hold my phone steady, and it hit my face directly."

"The anchor is from your uncle. In the early morning, you show your uncle the things in the underworld."

"I glanced at my bathroom subconsciously, and the door actually opened."

"I think I heard someone calling my name from the toilet."

"Ni-Ma, the anchor loses money!"

Those who asked curiously, those who directly spoke abuse, those who silently exited the live broadcast room, and those who came to watch curiously, all of a sudden, the entire live broadcast room was boiling.

And the local tyrant brother who was watching the video directly burst out with national quintessence, and then everyone in the live broadcast room could hear the local tyrant brother's heavy breathing.

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Originally, the video was scary enough, but when I heard the heavy breathing of the local tyrant, and the heartbeat that could be heard across the screen, the terrifying atmosphere filled him.

At this time, it was six o'clock in the morning, many people were sleeping in, and many night owls who had stayed up all night were about to go to bed, but after seeing this video again, they were directly frightened, and the whole person became energetic.

If it were any other time, it would be fine to be frightened, but today is the weekend. Many 996 social animals finally took a day off, and when they saw this thing, how could they rest?

All of a sudden, all kinds of voices scolding the anchor for not being a person came and went in the live broadcast room.

But it is precisely because of this that countless people poured into the live broadcast room of the local tyrant in this short 20 minutes, the number of people online has skyrocketed, and the popularity has also risen again and again.

Those who came in in the last few minutes were better. They only saw a teenager standing upright in front of the mirror, but those who watched the whole video from beginning to end were not well.

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room was frightened, but the local tyrant was also frightened.

Others don't know who the person in the video is, but he does.

Although, the local tyrant has not met Xu Yang, but he has seen Xu Yang's photos.

When he was broadcasting live last night, he felt a little strange that Xu Yang didn't come, so when Xu Yang replied to his news, he would ask Xu Yang if something happened to him. When Xu Yang said no, He really thought it wasn't.

But after watching this video, the local tyrant finally knew why Xu Yang didn't come.

So, after the video was played, the local tyrant sent a message to Xu Yang for the first time, but unfortunately he did not get a reply.

"What is this guy doing?"

Just when the local tyrant went to contact Xu Yang, the live broadcast room was also crazy about Ai Xu Yang.

It was not until this time that they discovered that Xu Yang had left the live broadcast room without knowing when, so many people began to privately message Xu Yang, some inquired about what was going on, some questioned the authenticity of the video, and some doubted The boy in the video is the second eldest brother, but there are others who go to abuse.

However, most of the fans in the live broadcast room still asked the local tyrant on the public screen what happened to this video. Unfortunately, the local tyrant did not know, so he chose to remain silent.

The video has finished playing, but the popularity of the live broadcast room remains high. The local tyrant who has always been very talkative, this rare silence seems a little cold, but this does not affect the live broadcast effect of the live broadcast room.

But when everyone's discussion was the most intense, the local tyrant chose to stop broadcasting, which made everyone stunned.

In this fast-paced Internet era, major Internet platforms are flooded with videos such as singing and dancing, games and food, and live broadcasts. This supernatural video that suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of local tyrants can be described as a thriving one.

It didn't take long for the local tyrant to broadcast, the original video appeared on its post bar, as well as some videos edited by fans and friends themselves, and there were countless comments below these videos.

The local tyrant went down, and the creator of the video, Xu Yang, ran away early, but there were still countless fans gathered in the live broadcast room with a black screen, and the local tyrant, as the head anchor, naturally had his own operation team.

Looking at the rising attention, the operations team realized the business opportunity, and they edited the 20-minute video and posted it on major platforms.

Step-by-step relative to the original video

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, The edited video has a direct climax at the beginning, and the horror effect is directly filled. Once the video is released, passers-by will soon be recruited.

Unlike fans and water friends who watched the end from the beginning to the end in the live broadcast room, these people who were going to sleep after reading the short video were directly scared to pee by this dose of material, and then began to curse at the bottom of the video.

Of course, one-click three consecutive reports are essential.

There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason. The inexplicable curses and reports attracted more people to watch, which led to the direct fall of the short video comment area of ​​the local tyrant's operation team account.

At six o'clock in the morning, it is rare for social animals to go back to sleep. When night owls are resting, or when they are hugging Miss Sister, doing morning exercises, and listening to where Miss Sister is babbling, they swipe this video and watch a video. Big living, lighting candles, playing games with mirrors in cramped bathrooms, Genni-Ma is a talent.

Unsurprisingly, this wave of show action by the local tyrant before the broadcast directly caused many people to spend an unforgettable weekend, and Xu Yang, who was the initiator, started a new round of games at this moment.


The brief feeling of exhaustion and dizziness disappeared quickly.

Maybe it was just a moment, when Xu Yang opened his eyes again, he returned to the game's birth point.

At this moment, he is lying on the dilapidated sofa.

Opening his eyes, Xu Yang sat up directly from the sofa and looked around subconsciously.

Messy room, dim lighting, everything is so familiar, yet so unfamiliar.

Half-sitting on the sofa, Xu Yang felt a sense of transcendence.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual in the room, Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, welcome to the horror survival game again, I wish you a good time, hee hee! ]

Xu Yang directly ignored the system's voice. He subconsciously raised his left hand and glanced at his wrist.

As expected, a new countdown appeared on the wrist.


"Another two hours." Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and muttered.

Xu Yang, who had one experience, has now figured out the purpose of the countdown on his wrist.

The countdown that appears in the game world is his game time, while the countdown in reality is the time when he next enters the game. Overall, this countdown setting is quite humane, at least before playing the game, Preparations can be made in advance.

However, what makes Xu Yang curious is how Longevity Technology can achieve this.

Shaking his head, Xu Yang stopped thinking about it and prepared to stand up, but when his eyes moved down, his pupils suddenly shrank.

There was a thin blanket covering Xu Yang's body, and there was a special smell in the room.

Xu Yang clearly remembered that when he quit the game, he collapsed on the sofa, but he was not covered with anything, and now he was wearing a blanket, which means that someone came in while he was away.

"Who is it? The courier ghost? Fang Wan'er? Or the female ghost in red? Or other ghosts?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's body tensed instantly, he turned his head subconsciously, looked around, and subconsciously held the folding knife in his hand. The cold metal touch gave Xu Yang a little sense of security.