Chapter 30 Novice Task Three

After some searching, Xu Yang did not find this person. Instead, he saw the boning knife on the coffee table where the clutter was piled up.

Seeing the lost and found boning knife, Xu Yang immediately narrowed his eyes.

After assisting Fang Wan'er to stab the courier ghost Wang Kai, Xu Yang did not expect this ghost to come back. Unexpectedly, the bloody boning knife came back by himself, which made it even more certain that someone had entered his room.

I picked up the boning knife and looked at it carefully. I found that the boning knife was even more broken. Almost all the blades were broken, and new stains appeared on the knife. I don't know if it was blood or corpse fluid. It was disgusting. The smell looks disgusting anyway.

Xu Yang tried to put it in his backpack, and it was a success.

Open the attribute panel, click on the backpack, the introduction of the bloody boning knife has not changed, but the number of uses has changed from three times to one.

Xu Yang was not surprised by this result, but felt a little pity.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[After running around all night, you were so tired that you lay on the sofa and fell asleep. When you woke up from your sleep, you found that the lost ghost had returned. You are still smart, and realized that someone was taking advantage of you while you were sleeping. entered the room. ]

[You who have 11 points of luck don't know if it's lucky or unfortunate. After you were hated by the courier ghost, you successfully attracted the attention of special existences. However, now He has not figured out how to face you. This may be good news for you. ]

[You who have completed two novice missions have a preliminary understanding of this world, but danger is coming. As a ninth-level disabled and five scumbags, and you are still mentally handicapped, please make persistent efforts, you need to speed up your exploration. Step, complete new tasks as soon as possible, and improve your abilities. Only in this way can you survive better in the horror world. Although the hope is very slim, it is still worth a try. ]

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[A good living environment is a necessity of life. A clean and tidy room will make a good impression on others. Novice task three, please tidy up the room within the next hour. ]

[Tip 1, you can get a lot of experience points to complete the task, and the experience points can be used to upgrade. The higher the level, the faster you can integrate into the game. ]

[Tip 2, this task is a novice task, after completing it, you can get triple the experience, and according to the completion of the task, a certain task reward will be given. ]

[Tip 3, this task is a novice bound task, once accepted, it cannot be given up. ]

[Tip 4, if the mission fails, the player will be punished by a mysterious mystery. ]

[Tip 5, completing this task will unlock the new task function. ]

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention! Whether to choose to accept the task. ]

After hearing this, Xu Yang was stunned.

After the first thrilling and exciting game experience, Xu Yang felt the system's deep malice.

Originally, he thought that when he entered the game this time, there might be some underworld mission released, and he would take the opportunity to kill him.

Unexpectedly, the task released by the system this time was very simple, so simple that Xu Yang wondered if he was in the game world.

"Accept the mission!"

After being stunned for a while, Xu Yang directly chose to accept it.

It's just cleaning the room. For Xu Yang, it's not embarrassing.

Xu Yang is looking forward to other rewards, but what he is looking forward to more is the new task function.

After accepting the task, Xu Yang started cleaning the room.

The room is not big, but there are a lot of things. It is a little troublesome to organize, mainly because it is too messy.

Xu Yang took the lead in tidying up from the living room. He found a garbage bag in the corner, and swept the empty wine bottles, cigarette butts, and other messes on the coffee table and sofa into the garbage bag.

After a while, with the cleaning of these clutter, the whole living room looks a lot fresher.

While tidying up the living room, Xu Yang also took the opportunity to rummage through to see if there was anything of value.


The living room was like a pig's nest, except for empty wine bottles and cigarette butts, and a lot of smelly and moldy clothes, there was nothing of value.

The living room was cleaned up quickly and smoothly, and there were no accidents during this period, which made Xu Yang, who has always been vigilant, secretly relieved, but he was very puzzled.

People are like this, they always worry about gain and loss. When the accident does not happen, there is always some expectation that the accident will occur, but when the accident occurs, it will be feared to death.

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Miscellaneous, or people are more complex.

After the living room is cleaned up, the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are left.

In Xu Yang's impression, more than ten years ago, Xu Yang's family didn't start cooking.

At that time, he was still very young and could not cook at all, and the second uncle was a lazy person. It was impossible to cook. Three meals a day were served outside. became a decoration.

Of course, this situation has changed since the second uncle disappeared.

On the one hand, after the disappearance of the second uncle, Xu Yang lost his main source of income, and he had to plan his life carefully. However, since his elementary school, he basically lived on campus, and this aspect was easy to solve.

On the other hand, after the second uncle disappeared, Yang Xueqi appeared. After she appeared in Xu Yang's life, she bought a lot of kitchen utensils. Whenever Xu Yang came back from school, she would come to the house to cook. As for the taste, Xu Yang Yang can only laugh.

After tidying up the living room, Xu Yang went to the kitchen.

Sure enough, the situation in the kitchen was the same as Xu Yang remembered. There was nothing in the kitchen, no kitchen utensils, the kitchen table was covered with dust, and the mice would cry when they saw it.

This is a good thing for Xu Yang, because there is no cooking, the kitchen is cleaned up relatively smoothly.

"Tick! Tick! Tick!"

While Xu Yang was cleaning the kitchen, he vaguely heard the sound of dripping water.

In fact, the sound had been there since he started cleaning the living room, but it was very quiet at the time, and the sound was not frequent. Xu Yang didn't pay much attention to it, but now the sound has gradually become louder and more urgent.

Xu Yang took the rag and looked at the vegetable sink. There was no water dripping. Obviously, the sound did not come from the kitchen.

Since it's not the kitchen, it must be the bathroom, so Xu Yang looked at the bathroom subconsciously.

To be honest, Xu Yang didn't really want to go to the bathroom at this moment.

Before coming to the game world, Xu Yang played a mirror game at home. He almost scared himself to death. He was temporarily afraid of the bathroom. To be precise, he was afraid of the bathroom mirror.

Pricked up his ears and listened intently for a while, Xu Yang was sure that the tick was coming from the bathroom.

But apart from the ticking of the water, there was no other sound, which made Xu Yang frown.

In this scary world, any abnormal noise would make Xu Yang nervous, mainly because the opening scene was too scary.

"Would you like to take a look?" Xu Yang muttered.

At this point, the kitchen was almost finished. Next, he would either go to the bedroom or the bathroom, but after Xu Yang accepted the task, he found that the bedroom door was locked, and Xu Yang's key could only be opened, but Xu Yang did not bedroom key.

"When did I become so timid?"

Xu Yang glanced at the brand-new kitchen, laughed at himself, and walked towards the bathroom.

The door to the bathroom was left open, Xu Yang stretched out his hand and pushed it gently, and the door opened in response.

There is no light in the bathroom, it is very dark, even if the light in the living room is on, you can't see what's inside.

With the opening of the door, the sound of water droplets, which was not a sound, suddenly became clear.

The sound of water droplets was very rhythmic, dripping with Xu Yang's heartbeat, which made Xu Yang frown.

Standing at the door, Xu Yang stretched out his hand to touch the switch on the wall, but the moment he reached out, what he touched was not the light switch, but an ice-cold, wet, creamy and smooth. object.

After Xu Yang touched this thing, his body suddenly tensed, and the hand he stretched out also shrank back like an electric shock, and his heartbeat suddenly increased.

The moment Xu Yang retracted his hand, the thing also retracted, and then Xu Yang vaguely saw something flashing away from his eyes, and then the sound of water drops stopped abruptly, but soon began to drip again, but, This time the sound of water droplets was much smaller.

"There is someone in the bathroom!"

When Xu Yang touched it just now, he seemed to have touched a person. To be precise, it seemed to be a hand.

But Xu Yang wasn't sure whether it was or not, so he stretched out his hand again.

However, this time, he quickly touched the switch. After pressing the switch, the light in the bathroom came on for a moment, then went off again, but soon began to flash again.

The old light bulb flickered wildly, and finally stabilized, and everything in the bathroom came into view, but Xu Yang frowned.

The bathroom looked normal.


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The rusty washbasin, with simple toiletries on it, also has a mirror on the washbasin, but the mirror is covered with dust.

The rough concrete floor was damp, the squatting pan was tan, and there was a trash can in the corner, as well as a mop and the like, and the guy who was suspected to be a human being touched just now was not in the bathroom.


Xu Yang didn't think it was very similar. The cold and smooth touch was so real that it couldn't be an illusion.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang walked into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Xu Yang looked behind the door for the first time, but he found nothing.

Except for the wet floor, there was no other abnormality in the entire bathroom, and the sink that was suspected of dripping water was dry, as if everything just now was Xu Yang's hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

But Xu Yang was still keenly aware of the abnormality.

At the place where the floor drain was, Xu Yang saw a strand of long black hair, which was very long and still wet.

Crouching down, Xu Yang stretched out his hand to touch his hair, but just as his hand touched the hair, the strand of hair disappeared, as if there was something hidden in the floor drain.

This sudden change shocked Xu Yang directly.

In addition, with the news of the hair, the subtle sound of water droplets disappeared, and the entire bathroom returned to normal.

Xu Yang, who was squatting beside the floor drain, narrowed his eyes and looked down along the gap.

The inside of the floor drain was pitch black, and nothing could be seen, but just when Xu Yang thought that everything was just an illusion, an eye suddenly appeared in the floor drain, staring at Xu Yang.

This made Xu Yang's heartbeat stop suddenly, and his breathing stopped at this moment.

When Xu Yang reacted and wanted to take a closer look, the eye had disappeared.

"It's not an illusion."

At this moment, Xu Yang was extremely sure that while he was cleaning the living room and kitchen, there was indeed someone in the bathroom.

No, there are ghosts.

The sound of water droplets just now came not from the sink, but from the floor drain, because when the eye disappeared, Xu Yang heard a similar sound, but at this moment the sound of water droplets disappeared.

A ghost appeared silently in his home, which made Xu Yang feel very scary and dangerous, especially the eye just now, that look was extremely cold.

Yes, it is cold, cold without the slightest emotion.

"Damn it, how many ghosts are there in this community?" Xu Yang, who was relieved, couldn't help but complain.

And just when Xu Yang complained, the system's voice sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You who have 11 points of luck are really lucky, you have successfully attracted the attention of the owner of room 4034. ]

[The owner of 4034 is a very eccentric person, maybe you can go to room 4034 and take a look, of course, provided you can find his words. ]

[Congratulations to player No. 0004, you are being targeted again, this is really a good start, please keep it up, good luck, hee hee! ]

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang's whole body felt bad in an instant.

He just cleaned the room and did a task. He didn't even get out of the door, but he was caught by someone, not a ghost. He was very speechless.

In addition, judging from the tone of the system, Xu Yang felt that the system was gloating, as if it really wanted to see Xu Yang hanging here.

At this moment, Xu Yang has clearly felt that the Dawn community in the game world is not simple and dangerous.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You still have ten minutes, please hurry up to complete the task. If the task fails, there will be a mysterious punishment. You must be curious about what the mysterious punishment is. Maybe you can try it. ]