Chapter 31 Unlocking new features, getting started with physical strength

With one minute left, Xu Yang walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the bedroom.

Standing at the door of the bedroom, Xu Yang looked at the locked door. After thinking for a while, he found a wire, inserted it into the keyhole, and wanted to open the bedroom door.

However, this time he failed.

There seemed to be something stuck in the keyhole. No matter how much he fiddled with the wire, he couldn't turn the lock cylinder, and naturally he couldn't open it.

"Can't open?"

After several unsuccessful attempts, Xu Yang muttered.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The novice task three is completed! ]



Hearing this prompt, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment.

The bedroom hadn't been cleaned, and he didn't even go in the door. How could it be done?

The system ignored what Xu Yang was thinking, and continued to broadcast mechanically.

[The task completion rate is 60%, the performance is poor, and there is no full attribute point reward. ]

Hearing this, Xu Yang nodded subconsciously, the completion rate was only 60%, and there was no reward at this stage.

[The task completion rate is divided into five levels: poor, poor, average, good, excellent, and perfect. The task completion rate is less than 60% as poor, 60% as poor, and so on. The completion degree is only 60%, the completion degree is equal to the average, only the experience reward, and the task completion degree is lower than the average, there will be a mysterious punishment. ]


After Xu Yang heard this, he immediately took a deep breath. My dear, the system is really doing something.

Even if the task is very graded, the completion of the task is also graded.

According to the system's prompt, Xu Yang understood its mission mechanism.

If players want to survive in the game world, they must do tasks, and tasks are released by the system. After completing the tasks, there will be a series of rewards, such as all attribute points, attribute points, skill points, talent points, etc., and Ghosts and other rewards, after players get these rewards, they can improve themselves and increase their strength.

In short, to survive better in the game, doing tasks is an essential part, which is no different from most games.

But unlike most games, this underworld game also has mission completion.

In fact, when he completed the task for the first time, Xu Yang noticed the problem of the completion of the task. At that time, he was guessing that the completion was likely to be linked to the reward, but he had no way to prove it. After all, this Roush subsystem is too cold Now, almost never bird him.

Now the system is in a showdown with him. The degree of task completion is indeed linked to the reward. The degree of completion is divided into five levels. This is like passing a 60-point exam like a student, but when it comes to the system, a 70-point pass is considered a pass.

This means that players not only have to do tasks, but also brush the task completion rate, which is a bit outrageous.

Xu Yang felt that the Luo Shi subsystem seemed to be deliberately messing with him.

No, it's not like, it's just messing with him.

"I don't know if other beta players have encountered similar situations." Xu Yang muttered.

However, now Xu Yang is more worried about the so-called mysterious punishment by the system.

This is not the first time the system has mentioned the mysterious punishment. When he took the second novice task, the system mentioned it. Although he did not know what the mysterious punishment was,

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Xu Yang felt that it was definitely not a good thing.

To be honest, Xu Yang was a little flustered right now, the most terrifying thing was the unknown.

Just when Xu Yang was thinking about it,

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The player's completion of this task is poor, and there will be a mysterious punishment. However, since this task is a novice task, the mysterious punishment will be temporarily cancelled, but it will be accumulated, but after three accumulations, the player will receive an epic punishment. ]


Hearing this, Xu Yang took a deep breath again.

At this moment, he was a little confused. The system really wanted to mess with him, but it didn't seem to be in a hurry to mess with him, which made Xu Yang slightly relieved.

However, the next second....

[Congratulations to player No. 0004, who has accumulated a mysterious punishment, presumably players are also looking forward to the epic punishment, please keep it up. ]

Xu Yang: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"My Ni-Ma, who is looking forward to it? The ghosts are looking forward to it!" Xu Yang couldn't help but complain.

But the system did not stop because of Xu Yang's complaints.

[The task is completed, the player will be rewarded with twice the experience, the player level will be increased by one, the attribute point will be increased by one, and the player level will be level three. ]

"Huh? There is actually an experience reward. Although it's only twice as big, it's not a loss." Xu Yang said in surprise.

Failing to complete the task, not only did he not get punished, but he also received an experience reward. Although it is not tripled, it can be doubled. At least his level has been upgraded again. This may be that the system may earn blood, but many Yang never loses.

But when he thought of the mysterious punishment, and the epic punishment of the slaughter, Xu Yang felt that he should restrain himself. It is best not to accumulate the mysterious punishment. This dog system is always thinking about messing with him, so it is better not to give it to the other party.

Before, Xu Yang didn't know the mechanism of task completion and didn't care. Now that he knows, he will naturally pay attention.

[The novice task three is completed. Although the player's completion is poor, the system is still very generous in unlocking new functions. ]


And this good thing?

[The system detects that the player is a vulnerable little garbage. In order to help the player better explore the world, the system enables the player protection mechanism and daily task mechanism, whether to choose to view it. ]

"Protection mechanism? Daily task mechanism?"

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then quickly chose to check.

[Player protection mechanism: Every time a player enters the game, he must complete a task and wait for two hours before exiting the game. When the player chooses to exit the game, the player will not suffer any damage. ]

"Huh? This protection mechanism is pretty good."

The introduction of the system is very simple, but Xu Yang is very excited.

It was the first time I experienced the game. To be honest, the experience of this game for Xu Yang was not very good. Whether it was entering the game or exiting the game, the system was in control, and the player could not control it at all, which was very passive.

If this mechanism had appeared last time, then when Xu Yang was blocked by the red-clothed ghost and other ghosts, he would have chosen to quit without hesitation. After all, at that time, Xu Yang did not know that the red-clothed ghost did not mean to hurt him.

With this mechanism, Xu Yang is equivalent to one more chance for trial and error.

[Daily tasks: In order to allow players to have a better gaming experience, the system will randomly release three daily tasks each time a player goes online. Players only need to choose one of the three,

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After completion, the completion degree reaches the general level or above, and the protection mechanism can be triggered. ]

"System conscience, this is the beginning of a normal game."


[System Tip 1: Tasks are divided into five levels: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Nightmare, and Hell. Daily tasks are divided into three levels: Easy, Difficult, and Nightmare according to the actual situation of the player. ]

[System prompt 2: Daily tasks are refreshed every 24 hours. Players can only accept one task at a time. After accepting the daily tasks, they cannot give up. If the task fails, or the completion level is lower than average, there will be punishment by God and the task is completed. There will be rewards. The higher the difficulty of the task, the higher the degree of completion, and the richer the reward. ]

[System prompt 3: Choose one of the three daily tasks. After the player selects one of the tasks, the remaining two tasks will not be refreshed. ]

[System prompt 4: Daily tasks are time-limited tasks with time limits. Notice! Individual missions are extremely dangerous, players should choose carefully. ]

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

After listening to the introduction of the system, Xu Yang smacked his lips.

When accepting the novice task 3, the system prompts that after the task is completed, the new function will be unlocked. Xu Yang was looking forward to it, but now the new function has appeared, which sounds very good.

Completing the novice task three this time, there is no other reward except for the level up, but two new functions can be unlocked, and at the same time, Xu Yang has a new understanding of the game.

First, the tasks are divided into five levels, with different levels, different levels of difficulty, and different rewards.

Second, the degree of task completion is also graded. The higher the degree of completion, the more generous the reward.

Third, the emergence of the protection mechanism not only provides players with opportunities for trial and error, but also provides players with life-saving opportunities, and also prevents players from passively entering and exiting the game.

Fourth, there are more tasks, more choices for players, and more playability. It is no longer as hellish and scary as the first time. This is a good start.

Fifth, the mysterious punishment can be accumulated, but Xu Yang has not yet figured out what the mysterious punishment is.

He asked tentatively, but the system unexpectedly ignored him.

[The system ignores your inquiry and rolls its eyes at you. ]

"Ha ha!"

Xu Yang was used to this.

Although he didn't get an answer, Xu Yang felt that the harvest was still great.

At this moment, the system stopped talking, and Xu Yang started to check his attribute panel.

After the completion of this mission, Xu Yang was promoted to one level and gained a little more attribute points. This time, without waiting for the system to speak, Xu Yang took the initiative to add attribute points to his physical strength.

[Ding! Add some success! ]

[Physical Strength: 9→10]

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The player's physical strength level has reached level 10. After passing the primary stage and entering the entry-level stage, the high-strength physical strength bonus can obtain a physique far beyond ordinary people. Presumably the player has already experienced the benefits of high-strength physical strength, please continue to maintain it! ]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for entering the entry-level stage, but even so, the player is still a little trash, and now you still can't escape the ghost, but this is not a good start, please continue to work hard, I believe that one day, you can Those who have run past ghosts, come on, hee hee! ]

The familiar sarcastic tone of the system made Xu Yang's sense of excitement vanish in an instant. The dog system is a real dog.