Chapter 33 Fang Wan'er's visit

Since playing this game yesterday, Xu Yang has completed three tasks in total, and his level has also been upgraded to level three.

According to this progress, it will not take too long for Xu Yang to reach the fifteenth level.

According to the completion of one mission in one game, and one mission being upgraded by one level, Xu Yang would need at most twelve days to reach level fifteen.

But Xu Yang was keenly aware that level 15 was only the minimum threshold for special tasks. Reaching the threshold only meant that he could accept the task, but it did not mean that he could complete the task after reaching level 15.

This can be seen from the system extending the original one-month time limit to three months.

Therefore, if Xu Yang wants to successfully complete the special task, he needs a higher level.


"Anyway, there are still three months, don't worry."

Xu Yang is still very optimistic. Although the special tasks are special and difficult, they are not in a hurry. With these three months, Xu Yang has time to develop.

What he has to do now is not to think about how to complete the special task, but to find a way to complete the task, then level up, and find a way to improve his strength.

Completing the task can get experience points, so as to achieve the purpose of leveling up, and while completing the task, you can get system rewards, and you can also get rewards for leveling up. These rewards can improve Xu Yang's strength.

With stronger strength, you can complete the task better, which is a virtuous circle.

Until this moment, Xu Yang had the real experience of playing games.

"I just don't know if other beta players are the same as me." Xu Yang muttered.

To be honest, Xu Yang is now very curious about the closed beta of this game.

In this game developed by Longevity Technology, are there any internal beta players? If so, are they experiencing the same situation as themselves? If so, where is their birth point?

It's a pity that the time he has been in contact with this game is too short, Xu Yang has experienced too many things this day, and he has no time and energy to investigate.

But now that he has a certain understanding of the game, he may be able to plan well.

After closing the game interface, Xu Yang glanced at the countdown on his wrist again.

Countdown: 00:15:22

In fifteen minutes, Xu Yang can quit the game. He feels that he can take this opportunity to continue exploring.

"Would you like to go and say hello to the residents of 4045 first?"

Only, the idea came to him, and he gave up.

Since this game world is based on the real world, Xu Yang felt that before doing the task, he should first understand the situation of the surrounding neighbors.

Although Xu Yang has lived in Liming Community since he was a child, he is not particularly familiar with the residents of Liming Community.

Most of the people living in Liming Community are migrant workers, and they are very mobile. In addition, Xu Yang lives on campus most of the time. As a result, many people he has only met, knew, but not familiar with.

In Xu Yang's impression, there were still many residents in Building No. 4 when he was a child, but as time passed, there were fewer and fewer residents in Building No. 4, and most of them moved away, or moved from Building No. 4 to other buildings. The buildings have gone, and now there are less than ten households in the entire fourth floor, and the entire fourth floor, only the 4044 where Xu Yang is located, and the 4041 room are inhabited.

"Would you like to go to 4023 and ask Fang Wan'er about the situation?"

Xu Yang thought this was a good idea. The first two of the three novice tasks were related to Fang Waner, and Fang Waner's body was found in the real world. Instead of waiting for the police to investigate slowly, it was better to ask Fang Waner directly.

But after Xu Yang had this idea, he hesitated again.

First of all, he lives on the fourth floor and Fang Waner lives on the second floor. If Xu Yang wants to find Fang Waner, he must go downstairs. With the previous experience, Xu Yang is very sure that there are many ghosts living in this building, and he is going to find Fang Waner. , is likely to alarm these ghosts.

The last time he was able to escape, on the one hand, Fang Waner and the courier ghost Wang Kai had a fight, and most of the ghosts were attracted by them. On the other hand, he met the red-clothed female ghost. It was good luck, Xu Yang didn't think he luck will continue.

Xu Yang wasn't sure if these ghosts were full of malice as the old people said, but he didn't dare to gamble. If he lost the gamble, he would have to lead him.

Up to now, Xu Yang still clearly remembers that when the system released the first mission, it warned Xu Yang that if he died in the game, the real world would also die.

Xu Yang wasn't sure if the warning was true, but he didn't dare to gamble.

Secondly, whether it is the courier ghost Wang Kai, or

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Fang Wan'er of 4023, or the other ghosts he encountered, what kind of existence they are, Xu Yang has not yet figured out.

If nothing else, just talking about Fang Wan'er, police officer Yang Xueqi told Xu Yang that Fang Wan'er was already dead, and how did she appear in the game world who had already died in the real world?

Finally, and most importantly, Xu Yang's strength is too weak.

The most important thing for a person is to know oneself, recognize oneself, and know one's own strengths and weaknesses. Only in this way can one better survive and live.

After thinking of this, Xu Yang decided not to go out first.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, making Xu Yang startled, he stood up from the sofa, turned his head, looked towards the door, and took out the folding knife and held it in his hand.

The knock on the door was not hurried, but very rhythmic, but Xu Yang was facing a formidable enemy.

"Could it be that the courier ghost is here?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

Although he thought so in his heart, Xu Yang moved slowly towards the door without making any sound.

"Is Xu Yang there? I'm Fang Wan'er from 4023."

Just when Xu Yang was about to keep silent and pretend that no one was at home, a woman's voice sounded outside the door.


Xu Yang was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Why is she here?"

The voice was very quiet and familiar, Xu Yang hesitated for a while, but still opened the door.

However, he just opened a gap in the door, followed the gap to look outside, and found that it was not Wang Kai standing outside, but Fang Wan'er.

Fang Wan'er, who was standing in the corridor, was wearing a white dress and holding a book in her hand. She was standing pretty at the door, watching Xu Yang quietly.

Today's Fang Wan'er is very different from the Fang Wan'er I saw before.

First, her lost hands are back again.

Secondly, Fang Waner's dress that was torn due to the fight was restored to its original state.

In the end, her complexion was much worse than before, and there were still some scars on her face, which should have been left after the fight with Wang Kai.

After seeing that it was Fang Wan'er, Xu Yang asked with a smile on his face. "Sister Fang, why are you here?"

Although it was confirmed that the other party was Fang Wan'er, Xu Yang had no plans to let the other party in, after all, she was a ghost.

Fang Wan'er didn't seem to mind Xu Yang's caution, but she smiled and said, "Thank you last night."

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "Sister Fang is very polite. We are all neighbors, so we should help each other. Sister Fang is not injured, right?"

Fang Wan'er heard the words, shook her head and said, "No."

"How is that guy?"

Originally, Xu Yang wanted to ask if the courier ghost was dead, but when the words came to his lips, Xu Yang chose to change his mouth.

Fang Wan'er had a worried look on her face, and said helplessly, "He was injured, so let him run away."

"Oh, what a pity." Xu Yang said softly.

In fact, when he completed the novice task 2 yesterday, Xu Yang knew that the courier ghost was not dead, which made Xu Yang very disappointed and uneasy.

After all, that guy looks like a lunatic, and Xu Yang is hated by him again. If this guy is not eliminated, Xu Yang's safety will always be a problem.

"What a pity?" Fang Wan'er asked in confusion.

"Oh, I mean, is that guy coming back?"

Fang Wan'er shook her head and said, "He was seriously injured and shouldn't be here in a short time."

Xu Yang nodded, secretly relieved in his heart.

"Sister Fang knows him?"

Fang Wan'er shook her head again and said, "I can't talk about acquaintance, he just sent me a courier before."

However, after Xu Yang heard the words, he narrowed his eyes.

He, who had assisted the police in handling the case, keenly discovered that Fang Waner's eyes were a little erratic when she said these words, obviously she did not tell the truth, which made Xu Yang more and more curious about Wang Kai's identity.

Just when Xu Yang was going to continue to ask questions, Fang Waner took the initiative to change the subject.

"Thank you for sending me the courier, and thank you for your shot last night. My sister has nothing to do. Knowing that you are still a student, I sorted out the study notes and sent them to you. It should be something for you. help."

As he spoke, Fang Waner handed the thick book in his hand to Xu Yang.

Only at this time did Xu Yang realize that Fang Wan'er was not holding a book at all, but a notebook.


Seeing this scene, Xu Yang was a little confused, but after hesitating, he still chose

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He opened the door, took the notebook, and said thank you.

Then, Xu Yang invited: "Since you are here, why don't you come in and sit?"

Facing Xu Yang's invitation, Fang Wan'er hesitated for a while, and seemed a little moved.

But for some unknown reason, when Xu Yang invited Fang Waner to enter, Fang Waner turned her head and looked at the end of the corridor, then shook her head with an unnatural expression: "No, I have already delivered the things, so I will go first."

Just when Xu Yang opened the door and invited Fang Waner, he keenly felt that at the end of the corridor, the door of a certain room seemed to be open, and a pair of eyes were watching them in the dark, which made Xu Yang nervous for a moment.

Fang Wan'er turned around and left after rejecting Xu Yang's invitation.

She only took two steps before she stopped again, turned her head and said to Xu Yang, "Xiao Yang."


"When will your second uncle come back?"


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed instantly, and he asked subconsciously, "Are you looking for him?"

Fang Wan'er nodded and said, "Well, I do have something to do with him."

"What's the matter? You can tell me first, maybe I can help."

Fang Wan'er hesitated after hearing this, then shook her head and said, "Let's talk about it when your second uncle comes back."

Immediately, Fang Wan'er changed the subject and said, "Xiao Yang, your second uncle is not here, you'd better leave the room."

Xu Yang: (°ー°〃)


"This building is very dangerous, and many outsiders have come."

After saying this, Fang Wan'er didn't give Xu Yang a chance to continue asking questions, she turned around and left, looking at her hurried appearance, she seemed to be escaping from here.

Seeing Fang Wan'er who soon disappeared into the stairwell, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

As Fang Wan'er left, the gaze at the end of the corridor also disappeared.

Xu Yang waited for a moment, then let out a long breath.

Then he turned his head and looked at the place where his eyes appeared, but he didn't see anything, as if the feeling of being watched just now was just an illusion.

There are only two rooms at the end of the corridor, one is room 4046 next to 4044, and the other is room 4047 diagonally opposite. Xu Yang is not sure whether the gaze came from 4046 or 4047.

Fang Wan'er left, and his gaze disappeared. Xu Yang didn't think about it anymore, and closed the door.

Taking the study notes and returning to the living room, Xu Yang did not rush to open the notebook, but was thinking about Fang Waner's every move.

"She came to me, not just to thank herself, but to send her study notes, she came to find my second uncle"

Thinking of this, Xu Yang frowned and muttered: "It seems that she knows the second uncle and is very familiar with the second uncle, but I don't remember how the second uncle communicated with her, and I have never heard the second uncle mention it. past her?"

"Besides, what is she doing with the second uncle?"

Following Fang Wan'er's few words, a series of questions arose.

After some thought, Xu Yang suddenly thought, "Does she know that she is dead?"

This question is critical.

Judging from Fang Wan'er's appearance, she probably doesn't know. After all, her words and deeds are undoubtedly the same as those of a living person. What's more, this is the game world. The Fang Wan'er that Xu Yang sees may not necessarily be the real Fang Wan'er. Until now, Xu Yang still doesn't quite believe it. , there are ghosts in this world.

But these are not the key, Fang Wan'er's words made Xu Yang realize a problem.

If Fang Waner really knew the second uncle and knew him very well, and came to 4044 to find the second uncle, does that mean that the second uncle