Chapter 34 4046

After a brief thought, Xu Yang focused on the note in his hand.

"Could it be a ghost?"

Xu Yang tentatively put the note close to his left hand, but the system did not give a hint, it seemed that it was just an ordinary study note.

In this regard, Xu Yang was slightly disappointed, but he was not too entangled.

But when Xu Yang opened the note, he frowned.

There was nothing on the notebook, which seemed to be an unused notebook.


Xu Yang didn't believe in evil, so he started flipping through the notebook.

The notebook is very thick, Xu Yang turned from the beginning to the end, and did not see a word, which made Xu Yang very puzzled.

Fang Waner said that she wanted to thank herself, so she gave her study notes, but there was nothing on the so-called study notes.

"Is she kidding me?"

Xu Yang muttered, and he turned from back to front again, but still didn't see anything, but when he turned to the title page of the notebook, he finally found it.

There is a series of numbers written with a light-colored pen on it, the color is very light, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.



Seeing this string of numbers, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment.

"4046? Is it room 4046?"

The first thing Xu Yang thought of was room 4046. If it was really room 4046, it would be room 4046 in the game world or room 4046 in the real world.

Looking at the notes in his hand, he glanced at the countdown on his wrist.

Countdown: 00:05:00

"Five minutes left, do you want to go to 4046 to see?"

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[You who took the study notes were surprised to find that this was a blank study note. If you were careful, you still found a clue in the notes. Maybe you can go to room 4046 to take a look. ]

[System prompt: Room 4046 is a special room with a lot of secrets in it. Maybe you can enter room 4046 to get some of the answers you want. ]

[Notice! This is not a system task, players can choose to ignore it. ]


Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang let out a light sigh.

Fang Waner gave herself a blank note, and there were numbers on the note. Xu Yang guessed that this was a clue, and the system prompt proved it, but what surprised Xu Yang was that this was the first time the system gave something unrelated to the task. hint.

According to the system's prompt, Xu Yang guessed that room 4046 should be dangerous.

In fact, even if the system did not give any hints, Xu Yang felt that the two rooms 4046 and 4047 were dangerous.

When entering the game for the first time, the female ghost in red who came out of his house seemed to live on this floor; when Fang Waner came to visit just now, Xu Yang felt that someone was watching them, and when he invited Fang Waner into the house Fang Waner was obviously very moved at the time, but when she was about to go in, she suddenly changed her mind and left in a hurry.

All of this shows that the two rooms at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor are definitely not ordinary.

"Let's go and have a look. Anyway, it's about time. If you encounter danger, quit the game."

After thinking about it in his heart, Xu Yang decided to go out to room 4046 to check it out. He wanted to know

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Dao, Fang Wan'er guided herself to room 4046 in this way, what did she want to do?

Xu Yang is not a hesitant person. Now that he has a decision in his heart, he stands up and walks towards the door.

Entering the game twice, the time period is different, but the surrounding environment has not changed. It is dark night, red light, and the surrounding is silent. It seems that there is no day here.

Xu Yang, who opened room 4044, did not act immediately, but picked up a slipper from the shoe cabinet and placed it at the door.

After confirming that there is a way out, Xu Yang took out the folding knife and the boning knife and held it in his hand, and then walked towards 4046.

Room 4046 was right next to Xu Yang's house, and it was only a few steps away.

Arriving at the door of room 4046, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

The door was closed and could be opened with a slight push, but Xu Yang didn't do that. Standing at the door, he felt a strong danger. It seemed that something was staring at him behind the door.

After realizing the danger, Xu Yang suddenly felt like a big enemy, his breathing subconsciously became rapid, and his heartbeat was also beating violently.

What made Xu Yang horrified was that just now he only vaguely felt that there was something behind the door, but after he was short of breath, there was also the sound of fast breathing from behind the door.

Someone is behind the door!

"Is it the female ghost in red?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

While Xu Yang was thinking about who was behind the door, Xu Yang vaguely heard footsteps coming from the stairwell. The footsteps came from upstairs, as if something was going downstairs.

This is the same as when Xu Yang came back from the second floor.

With the sound of footsteps, Xu Yang also smelled a strong smell of blood.

The bloody smell greatly stimulated Xu Yang's nerves, which also made Xu Yang echo what Fang Waner said before leaving.

"Your second uncle is not here. You'd better not leave the room easily. This building is very dangerous, and many outsiders have come."

At that time, Xu Yang's attention was focused on other places, and he didn't think about it at all. Now Xu Yang seems to realize it.

"Damn, sloppy!" Xu Yang cursed.

The sound of footsteps became clearer and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. Xu Yang turned his head to look at the stairwell, and found that there seemed to be blood flowing down at the entrance of the stairway, which greatly stimulated Xu Yang's nerves.

"It doesn't matter, let's go back first."

Glancing at the countdown with less than three minutes left on his wrist, Xu Yang decided not to explore room 4046 for now.

But just as he was about to leave, 4046's door opened.

As the door opened, the footsteps in the stairwell stopped abruptly, but the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, which made Xu Yang stunned for a moment.

However, the next second.

The footsteps that stopped abruptly sounded again, and this time, the other party was going downstairs very fast, Xu Yang was just a stunned effort, and a dark shadow appeared in the stairwell.

Xu Yang turned his head subconsciously, only glanced at it, all his hair stood up.

It was a man in a white coat with a sharp-mouthed hammer in his hand. The man's white coat had already been stained red with blood. Through the dim light, Xu Yang could clearly see that there was no blood on the white coat. It was dry, but it was fresh. It seemed that it was just splashed. Under the dark red light, it appeared suddenly bloody and terrifying.

At this moment, as the man walked, blood was dripping down the white coat and sharp-nosed hammer.

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When Xu Yang saw the man, the man also saw Xu Yang.

I saw him grin, showing white teeth, and then charged towards Xu Yang with a sharp-mouthed hammer.

"Your uncle, come again!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang was taken aback, he didn't even think about it, he turned around and ran towards 4044.


But at this moment, the door that was stuck by Xu Yang's slippers suddenly closed, directly cutting off Xu Yang's escape route.

"I Ni-Ma..."

Seeing the man who came straight at him, and the door that was closed for no reason, Xu Yang was immediately stunned, but the movement on his feet didn't stop, he turned around again, and returned to room 4046.

After returning to the door of 4046, Xu Yang had no choice but to walk directly into room 4046, and then closed the door.

After closing the door, Xu Yang was not at ease, and groping around, he found the door lock, and locked the door from the inside, and he leaned against the door and held his breath, not daring to make any sound.

Almost at the same time as Xu Yang entered room 4046, the upstairs neighbor with a sharp knife also came to the door of room 4046, and slammed his body directly against the door, making a loud noise, and then he heard a loud knock on the door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The hammer slammed on the door again and again, making a loud noise that resounded directly through the entire building.

Xu Yang, who was hiding behind the door, was shaken by the huge impact.

"What a long memory!"

Xu Yang, who was leaning against the door, was very regretful at this time.

A few hours ago, when I first experienced this game, the process was extremely dangerous, but this time I entered the game, and the novice task 3 released by the system was too simple. Although there was a little episode in the middle, there was no danger. This made Xu Yang subconsciously relax his vigilance.

Especially after completing the novice quest, unlocking new functions and the blessing of the protection mechanism, this made Xu Yang subconsciously feel that he could wave for a while.


Now, not only can he not go back to his birthplace, but he is also being watched by the neighbors upstairs, blocking the door. What makes Xu Yang even more frightened is that he has entered an unfamiliar room.

Room 4046 didn't turn on the lights, it was very dark, and there seemed to be no windows in this room. The moment Xu Yang closed the door, the whole room fell into darkness.

If it's just pitch black, it's nothing, but what makes Xu Yang uneasy is that the temperature in the room is very low, and the bone-soaked coolness constantly impacts Xu Yang's senses, giving people a feeling of being in a morgue.

In addition, Xu Yang clearly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

Yes, that's right, there are countless pairs of eyes. There seems to be more than one person in this room. Xu Yang didn't dare to look for the owners of those eyes, for fear that he would provoke other things.

The slamming of the door continued, and the wooden door was smashed with a bang.


At this moment, Xu Yang, who was leaning against the door, suddenly widened his pupils and his body stretched straight.

Just now, a hole was smashed into the wooden door. The hole was only a few inches away from Xu Yang's cheek. The blood-stained sharp-mouthed hammer appeared in front of Xu Yang's eyes. Instantly poured into Xu Yang's nose.

This sudden scene scared Xu Yang back quickly, not daring to touch the door with his body again.