Chapter 35 Exit the game, photo wall

Xu Yang was not only frightened by these.

Just as he stepped back, his body hit something.

Ice, cool, soft, slippery, like seaweed, and like a person.

Xu Yang, whose body was already highly tense, was too frightened to move.

With such a close contact, Xu Yang smelled a special smell from the other party, a bit like the smell of jasmine, a bit like a perfume, and a woman's body fragrance, or a mixture of several flavors. All in all, the taste is unique and it smells good.

Xu Yang's body was stiff and he didn't dare to take a deep breath, but the unique smell poured into his body along his nose.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Xu Yang smelled this unique smell, his nervousness actually calmed down, and this unique smell actually made him feel peaceful.

More importantly, the smell made Xu Yang very familiar, and he seemed to have smelled it somewhere.

However, now is not the time to think about this. The men outside are still smashing the door frantically. The wooden door has been smashed and deformed, and it is full of holes. It is estimated that this door will be scrapped soon.

Just like the first time, Xu Yang was pinched back and forth again, but this time he didn't have the help of the female ghost in red, and his only reliance now was that the countdown was over and he could quit the game.

From the moment he heard the man coming downstairs, Xu Yang saw that there were less than three minutes left in the countdown, but after so long, and the countdown was not over yet, he felt that one second was as long as a century.

His body gradually became cold, and he was close to the person behind him. Xu Yang felt that he was about to freeze, but he didn't dare to move or turn his head. He just stared at the door and didn't dare to go. Looking at the countdown on his wrist, he could only pray silently in his heart that the countdown would end soon.


With a louder smashing sound than before, the wooden door that had been in disrepair for a long time finally couldn't hold on, and was directly smashed open. The man in the blood-white coat, holding a sharp-mouthed hammer, stood at the door and looked at Xu Yang proudly.

Seeing the wooden door that was about to hit him, Xu Yang subconsciously wanted to step back, but the person behind him didn't move.

Xu Yang really wanted to avoid the person behind him, but his legs were just rooted to the ground, and he didn't obey him at all.

"It's over, Barbie is queered. Instead of being killed by a ghost, she has to be crushed to death by a wooden door. It's really interesting."


Just when Xu Yang thought he was finished, a sigh sounded behind him.

Then, Xu Yang saw the wooden door that was only a few steps away from him, and was caught by a hand.

At the same time, the sound of the system finally sounded.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[The online two-hour task is completed, and the conditions for free exit from the game are met. Whether the player chooses to continue the game or choose to exit. ]

"The countdown is finally over!"

Hearing the cold voice of the system, Xu Yang felt extremely familiar and warm. He didn't have time to think about why after the countdown was over, he could choose to continue the game and simply choose to quit the game.

Just when Xu Yang chose to quit, the wind bell rang in his ears again, but this time he didn't feel tired, but he didn't disappear immediately.

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Xu Yang's vision turned blood-red, he felt that something was preventing him from leaving. His body that was only tense at the moment seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar and was frozen directly, and his shoulders were as heavy as a thousand jins.

He turned his head stiffly, looked at his shoulders, and found a hand on his shoulders.

That hand was very slender and fair, and it was a woman's hand, as if she was trying to keep Xu Yang away.

Xu Yang wanted to continue turning his head to see the woman's appearance, but the next second, Xu Yang raised his head, and he left the game directly.


Before Xu Yang left, he heard a faint sigh again, and out of the corner of his eyes he saw that the man who was standing at the door had already rushed towards him and the woman.


Inside room 4044.

On the originally empty sofa, a figure suddenly appeared.

The figure is Xu Yang, who is sitting on the sofa at the moment, wearing VR glasses.

When Xu Yang returned to the real world, his face was extremely pale, his clothes had already been soaked with sweat, his hair was sticking to his face, and the whole figure seemed to have just been picked up from the water.

Time passed by, the whole room was incomparably silent, only Xu Yang's heavy breathing and the beating of his heartbeat could be heard.

I don't know how long it took, the body as hard as iron finally eased, and gradually relaxed, Xu Yang regained control of the body.

The moment his body regained consciousness, Xu Yang stood up abruptly, took off his VR glasses, revealing his bloodshot eyes, his eyes were empty, as if he had lost his soul.

Only Xu Yang stood up, his body staggered, and he fell back on the sofa, holding the hand of the VR glasses, still shaking uncontrollably.

After a long time, Xu Yang's hoarse voice sounded.

"Curiosity will not only kill cats, but also people!"

At this moment, Xu Yang's empty eyes had begun to focus, and the fear that was beyond words showed from those eyes.

"This horror survival game, Zhenni-Ma thriller, is the underworld thing created by which designer?"

Xu Yang complained, it seems that only in this way can he relieve the fear in his heart.

At this time, the sky outside was already bright, and the bright light illuminated the room through the window and illuminated the entire room. It was not until he saw the bright light that Xu Yang was sure that he had really left the game world.

The two games gave Xu Yang a bad feeling, but quitting the game this time gave Xu Yang a really good feeling of being alive, which was outrageous.

Xu Yang is a very rational person, and this also makes him calm no matter what he does or encounters. It is precisely because of this that whether he is in school or getting along with the police, they all appreciate it. Xu Yang.

Of course, this is only for the teacher, the old policeman, and for his peers who are about the same age as Xu Yang, Xu Yang is a weirdo.

But even though he was so rational, after two gaming experiences, he suddenly became emotional, and he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for Xu Yang.

The fear gradually faded, Xu Yang stood up from the sofa again, walked to the window, opened the window, and let the breeze blow his face.

Because he was too nervous, Xu Yang sweated a lot, and when the wind blew, he shivered subconsciously, but this made Xu Yang even colder

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Be still.

If it weren't for the emergence of this thriller game, Xu Yang would have started to act long after he knew that Fang Wan'er's case was related to the second uncle, but it is not too late to act now.

Both games were related to Fang Wan'er, which made Xu Yang realize that if he checked along Fang Wan'er's line, he might be able to find clues related to the second uncle.

Standing by the window for a while, breathing the fresh air, Xu Yang exhaled a long breath, then turned around and went to the bedroom.

Before entering the bedroom, Xu Yang glanced at his wrist.

Countdown: 15:50:55


Seeing this new countdown, Xu Yang let out a light sigh.

There was a new change in the countdown. Xu Yang clearly remembered that when the countdown first appeared, it was twelve hours, but after returning this time, the countdown changed from twelve hours to sixteen hours.

It is now more than eight o'clock in the morning. Calculate the time. The next game starts at twelve o'clock in the morning.

"This game seems to be heading towards a certain predetermined trajectory." Xu Yang muttered.

But he didn't care too much. After two games, Xu Yang has gradually gotten used to it.


Xu Yang's bedroom is locked, and only he has the key.

The room was dark, and after closing the door smoothly, pressing the switch, everything in the room was presented in front of you.

The bedroom is not big, except for a bed, there is only a writing desk, there is no wardrobe in the whole room, the windows are closed and covered by thick curtains, making the whole room very dark.

There is not much furniture in the room, but there are a lot of sundries. The wall facing the bed is covered with various photos.

There are many photos and they are very bloody. Most of the people in the photos are incomplete. This is a murder case that Xu Yang helped the police uncover during the summer vacation.

When the case was before Xu Yang entered school, according to the analysis and conclusion given by Xu Yang, the case had achieved a phased breakthrough, the suspect was locked, and the next step was arrest and interrogation, and Xu Yang did not take care of it anymore.

Of course, it was not his turn to take care of it.

After the military training, Xu Yang read the news. The news said that the suspect in this vicious homicide had been arrested by the police, and after the surprise interrogation, the suspect also confessed to his crime.

Xu Yang was not surprised by this result.

At the end of the news, there was a piecemeal report of an enthusiastic citizen assisting the police in handling the case, but no one knew or cared who this enthusiastic citizen was.

Xu Yang walked to the photo wall, stretched out his hand, took down the photos and documents on the wall, sorted them into categories, and put them in a portfolio.

After doing all this, Xu Yang dragged out a large box from the bottom of the bed and put the organized portfolio into it.

Although Xu Yang is not a policeman, he has many police habits, such as the habit of collecting case materials and files.

Xu Yang, who has assisted the police in solving several cases, many people think that he can help out because he is lucky. Even some of the police officers think so, but is this really the case?

The truth may not be important, nor the opinions of others. Xu Yang just did what he thought was right. As for why he wanted to assist the police in investigating the case, he naturally had his own purpose.