Chapter 36 Start the case, the case is exposed

If the old files are removed, new ones will naturally be added. Xu Yang is now focusing on Fang Waner's case.

Standing in front of the photo wall, he picked up the writing pen, and on the blackboard in front of the photo wall, Xu Yang wrote several names.

Fang Wan'er, Wang Kai, Nie Zi, Anonymous Seeker, 4023's woman.

After writing these names, Xu Yang hesitated for a moment before adding the second uncle's name.

Fang Wan'er (missing), Wang Kai (?), Nie Zi (?), Anonymous Seeker (?), Woman of 4023 (?), Second Uncle (missing).

After supplementing this information, Xu Yang held the writing pen and fell into deep thought.

According to the information obtained in the game world and the real world, Fang Waner was indeed dead, so Xu Yang erased the disappearance behind Fang Waner and changed it to death.

Xu Yang was not sure about Wang Kai's situation, but on the whole, he should also be dead, so Xu Yang also erased the question mark behind Wang Kai and changed it to death.

As for the remaining four, Xu Yang did not make any further changes.

The identity of Nie Zi is not yet clear. What is known so far is that he is Fang Wan'er's classmate and friend. This person is the subject of the key investigation. It is hard to say whether he is a suspect, but he must know a lot of clues.

There is no clue as to the identity of the anonymous seeker, but Xu Yang feels that there may be a certain connection between the evil son and the anonymous seeker, and of course other possibilities are not ruled out.

Among these six people, there are currently only Fang Waner, Wang Kai, Niezi and the woman from 4023. As for the other two people, there are either too few clues or no clues, so there shouldn't be much gain in a short time.

However, Fang Waner and Wang Kai, who have clues, are temporarily unavailable to Xu Yang.

Fang Wan'er can be contacted in the game world, but when he thinks of the situation in the game world, Xu Yang is very polite, and Xu Yang vaguely feels that even if he enters the game next time and successfully escapes, finding Fang Wan'er probably won't gain much.

More importantly, based on Xu Yang's experience in entering the game twice, the next time he enters the game, it is likely not at his birth point, but in room 4046. When he thinks of this, Xu Yang is helpless.

Based on the clues provided by Fang Wan'er, he went to explore 4046, and ended up provoking at least two ghosts.


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One was a craniotomy doctor who came downstairs with a sharp-mouthed hammer in his hand, and the other was a woman who stayed in 4046. No matter which one it was, it was not something that Xu Yang could deal with now.

What hurt Xu Yang the most was that he clearly noticed that there was more than one ghost in room 4046.

This time, he was able to get out of trouble because he completed a novice task before, and he stayed in the game for two hours, triggering the player protection mechanism, and he escaped, but the next time he enters the game, he will still Appears in room 4046.

Based on the screen he saw before he left the game, Xu Yang may face three results when he enters the game again.

First, the craniotomy doctor was killed by the woman, or repelled.

Second, the woman in room 4046 was killed by the craniotomy doctor.

Third, lose both, or coexist peacefully.

Three possibilities, no matter which outcome, it is not good news for Xu Yang.

If the craniotomy doctor is killed, it means that the woman in room 4046 is very strong, and Xu Yang appears in room 4046, that is, the fish on the chopping block, which is to be slaughtered.

If the woman of 4046 is killed by -, the result will be the same.

The best outcome is that both of them will lose both and leave room 4046, but this possibility is very small, at least the woman of 4046 will not leave easily, of course, if both of them leave, that is the best.

At this time, thinking of this, Xu Yang's hand holding the writing pen couldn't help but tremble again.

Xu Yang vaguely felt that Fang Waner had left clues in the blank notes, just to lead Xu Yang to explore 4046. Her real purpose should be to use a knife to kill people, so as to achieve one of her goals.

As for the person Fang Wan'er was going to kill, whether it was Xu Yang, the person in Room 4046, or someone else, Xu Yang was not sure yet.

"This Fang Wan'er is not easy." Xu Yang murmured.

As for how to face the critical situation of entering the game next time, Xu Yang has not yet thought about it, and he has other things to do now.

In the game world, in addition to Fang Wan'er, there is also Wang Kai. Xu Yang doesn't want to contact Wang Kai for the time being. Of course, he can't get in touch for the time being.

Now that things have developed, Xu Yang feels more and more that Wang Kai is in this

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The role played in the incident seems to be not only the perpetrator, but also the victim. As for whether this guess is correct, Xu Yang needs to investigate further to determine.

"In this way, we can only start with the women and sons of 4023." Xu Yang murmured.

But these two people don't seem to be so easy to contact, especially the villain. This guy is completely hiding on the Internet. Who knows who he is in reality.

Immediately, Xu Yang thought of something again. He picked up the writing pen and wrote two strings of numbers among several people.

4023, 4046

4023 was the room that Fang Waner had rented before. Xu Yang had been there before, but he didn't get any useful clues. Of course, the situation of 4023 was special at that time, and Xu Yang didn't have much time to investigate, before he found out the identity of 4023's woman. , Xu Yang decided not to rush in for the time being.

The first time I went in, it was because Xu Yang didn't know that room 4023 was inhabited, and it was reasonable, but if he went in again, he would have committed a crime knowingly. Even if Xu Yang had a certain friendship with the police, it was difficult to say in this kind of matter. clear.

"The 4046 in the game world has not had time to probe, maybe I can start the probe from the 4046 in the real world."

After making this decision, Xu Yang put down the writing pen, walked to the desk and sat down, turned on the computer, and began to consult and prepare materials.

Xu Yang first entered Fang Waner's keywords on the search engine. Originally, Xu Yang thought that there were not many clues. However, when he clicked on the search, the search results were far beyond Xu Yang's expectations.

[A massive murder case occurred in Xinyang City! ]

[shock! Eighteen victims were found in Xinyang City! ]

[The truth about the tragic death of female college students and seventeen men! ]

[Murder in the western suburbs of Xinyang City! ]

Similar titles and articles suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yang, and the titles were more thrilling and more eye-catching.

"Is the case progressing?" Xu Yang frowned.

Just click on one, and the content that appears in it is about the murder case in the western suburbs, but it has very little content with the case itself.