Chapter 37 4023 changes

The style of writing is exaggerated and arrogant, the title is surprising, the content is neither embarrassing nor embarrassing, and it keeps interrupting you.

Eighteen corpses, one female and seventeen males, were found in the same place. This incident itself is very interesting, not to mention that there is a woman in the case, which makes it easy to think of other things.

In these news, the identity of the man is still unclear, but the identity of the woman has been exposed. It is Fang Wan'er, and there is a photo of Fang Wan'er in it, which is the photo on Fang Wan'er's missing person notice.

Among all the news reports, there is not much content related to the case, but more speculation from the media. The main focus is on the relationship between Fang Wan'er and these seventeen men. As for the speculation, the writer did not make it clear. Said, but after seeing the various comments below, I already know the answer.

Looking at these exaggerated headlines, based on Xu Yang's experience, he quickly understood that it was not the police who voluntarily announced the case, but someone leaked the case.

"This is not a good start." Xu Yang frowned.

This is an era of the Internet, and it is also an era of near transparency, but near transparency does not mean true transparency.

The murder case in the western suburbs has many victims, and the police are the first to discover it. It is absolutely impossible to announce it to the public before the initial progress has been made.

This is not the fact that the police deliberately concealed the truth, but the result of various considerations, the most critical of which is to avoid causing unnecessary panic among the people, and to increase the difficulty of solving the case after the case is exposed.

Now that the case has been exposed, there is a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet about the murder in the western suburbs. Except for some speculation, panic has begun to appear.

Looking at the various news on the search engine, Xu Yang found that the time when these news appeared, were all released from around 8:00.

"I have to hurry up."

Xu Yang felt the urgency of time, so instead of continuing to check the information, he stood up and left the bedroom.

He wants to go to room 4023 again.

According to the police's case handling procedures, since the case has been exposed, the police will definitely take relevant measures as soon as possible, such as searching room 4023.

If Xu Yang wants to find out the case, he must go to 4023 to find clues before the police, otherwise

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, he, a college student, is not qualified to participate in the case investigation.

Leaving the bedroom, picking up the phone, Xu Yang put on his backpack, and went straight out.

The unit building was as quiet as always. It was nine o'clock now. Everyone who was supposed to go to work went to work, and almost everyone who was supposed to sleep fell asleep. This just gave Xu Yang a chance to act.

When he came to the second floor, Xu Yang did not see the police at the scene, nor did he see the cordon, which means that the police had not come yet, so Xu Yang went straight to the door of 4023.

Thinking of people living in 4023, Xu Yang subconsciously wanted to reach out and knock on the door.

However, Xu Yang's hand was only raised and then put down, and his pupils subconsciously contracted.

The door was closed, and there was an unsealed letter in the crack of the door. A faint smell of blood emanated from the room, and Xu Yang felt that something bad happened.

He picked up the letter and opened it directly, a photo fell down, and there were several large red characters on the letter in his hand.

[Got you! ]

Seeing this line of words, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

The handwriting was very familiar, almost exactly the same as that of the courier Wang Kai, which made Xu Yang instantly suspicious.

After a short period of daze, Xu Yang bent down and picked up the photo on the ground. It was a graduation photo. Xu Yang roughly counted it. There were 44 people in the photo, more men than women. Look at the school uniforms they were wearing. , and the building behind it, which should be a high school graduation photo.

In the graduation photo, Xu Yang saw Fang Waner standing in the second row in the middle, but what made Xu Yang shudder was that the faces of all the boys in the photo were slashed with knives. What is the state of mind.

Xu Yang took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the stationery and photos. After taking the pictures, he put the stationery and photos back into the envelope.

When he took out his phone to take a picture, Xu Yang saw that there were many unread messages and missed calls on his phone. Among them, the local tyrant was the one who sent the most messages, but he didn't have time to look at it now.

After doing this, Xu Yang took a deep breath and pushed open the door of 4023.

As the door opened, everything in the room was slowly presented in front of Xu Yang. Standing at the door, Xu Yang only glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned.

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It's only been a few hours, the clean and tidy room is now in a mess, the shoe cabinet at the door is down on the ground, the shoes on it are scattered, the things in the living room are turned over in a mess, and the old TV is directly smashed. , the impurities on the coffee table were torn apart, and blood appeared on the ground, walls, and even the ceiling, especially on the floor of the living room, there was a large pool of blood, and the strong smell of blood came out.

Countless blood words appeared on the wall.


[Where are you? ]

[Who is he? ]

[Got you! ]

These bloody words are everywhere, just looking at it makes people shudder, and the whole room is like a Shura field.

However, what surprised Xu Yang was that he did not see anyone, or a corpse, in the room.

The accident of 4023 was unexpected by Xu Yang. The situation at the scene was too special. Xu Yang looked at the situation inside and knew that he could not find any clues when he went in, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Xueqi directly.

However, what surprised Xu Yang was that the phone was hung up after a few rings. Xu Yang called again and was hung up again. It seemed that Yang Xueqi was busy.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yang stopped calling and chose to call the police directly.

But just when he pressed the last zero, Yang Xueqi called back.

"Xiaoyang, what's the matter?"

Yang Xueqi's tired and hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, and it seemed that she hadn't slept all night.

In addition, Xu Yang heard a faint noise from the other end of the phone, as well as the sound of slapping the table, and someone's angry shouting. In short, it was very noisy on Yang Xueqi's side.

"Something happened to 4023."

"What happened?" Yang Xueqi asked subconsciously.

But in the next second, Yang Xueqi's voice suddenly doubled and she said, "You said 4023? Is it the 4023 downstairs?"


"Okay, you stay where you are and don't move, I'll come right over."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xueqi hung up the phone without waiting for Xu Yang to say anything.

Looking at the hung up phone, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.