Chapter 38 Doubtful Points

Ten minutes later.

The siren sounded in Liming Community. Xu Yang stood in the corridor and looked outside through the window. After seeing this scene, he narrowed his eyes again.

The police arrived much faster than Xu Yang expected.

The police car drove straight in and drove directly to the downstairs of the fourth building. As the door opened, Yang Xueqi in uniform got out of the car first.

After getting out of the car, Yang Xueqi took out another bag from the car, then raised her head subconsciously and looked at the unit building, which happened to meet Xu Yang's gaze.

Neither of the two said a word, Yang Xueqi bowed her head first and walked into the corridor.

After Yang Xueqi came to the second floor, she went directly to the door of room 4023, glanced inside, frowned slightly, and then let the team members following her enter the room to work, while she walked to Xu Yang's side. .

After seeing Xu Yang, Yang Xueqi did not ask about the case immediately, but asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Xu Yang shook his head.

"I knew you didn't eat, so I brought you breakfast."

As he spoke, he handed the bag he was carrying to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang was not polite and took it directly.

Opening it, he saw that there were steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk in it. Xu Yang picked up a fried dough stick and started to eat it.

"Tell me, what's going on?" It wasn't until this time that Yang Xueqi asked.

"When I woke up in the morning, I saw the news on my phone, and I thought that Fang Waner used to live downstairs, so I decided to come and have a look."

Xu Yang talked about the situation while eating. Even though he just saw the bloody scene of 4023, and even though the corridor was still filled with the smell of blood, Xu Yang was still eating very calmly. This shows that he is really not ordinary calm. .

"You opened the door?" Yang Xueqi asked Xu Yang's eyes.

Xu Yang froze for a moment, glanced at Yang Xueqi, shook his head and said, "No, when I came, the door was left open."

"So, when you came, the door was already open?"


"Then did you hear anything before you came?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "No."

"When did you come down?"

"Just a few minutes before calling you."

"You didn't go in?"


"Did you find anyone suspicious?"


After a simple question, Yang Xueqi nodded.

"Have you found anything?"

Xu Yang stretched out his left hand, handed the envelope in his hand to Yang Xueqi, and said, "When I opened the door, I found this in the crack of the door."

Yang Xueqi took the envelope, glanced at it, then raised her head and looked at Xu Yang.

After a moment of silence, Yang Xueqi asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Xu Yang ate slowly, turned his head, glanced at room 4023, where the cordon had been drawn, shook his head and said, "Intelligence, there is too little information, I have no opinion, but it should be related to the murder case in the western suburbs."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi nodded.

After another while, Yang Xueqi looked into Xu Yang's eyes and suddenly asked, "Did you stay up late last night?"


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Yang Xueqi without speaking for a long time.

When Xu Yang came back from school, he never slept. First, because Yang Xueqi brought news about his second uncle, Xu Yang rummaged through boxes and cabinets at home, and then because of chatting with the evil son, he played a mirror game. Xu Yang entered the game world again, finally came back alive, and encountered such a situation again

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child thing.

However, what Xu Yang was thinking about at the moment was not these, but he felt that Yang Xueqi's question seemed to mean something else.

Does she know I'm playing games?

Just when Xu Yang was thinking wildly, Yang Xueqi said: "Your eyes are very red, don't worry too much about your second uncle, you have waited for three years, don't be in a hurry, the truth will come out sooner or later."

"Ok, I know."

Xu Yang lowered his head and ate silently.

Seeing Xu Yang like this, Yang Xueqi, who wanted to say something, didn't say anything.

In fact, Yang Xueqi's spirit is also very poor. She said that Xu Yang's eyes are very red, so why are her eyes not.

After eating a fried dough stick, Xu Yang changed the subject and said, "The news on the Internet was disclosed by your police?"

After Yang Xueqi heard the words, her face instantly became ugly, she shook her head and said coldly, "It's not us, someone broke the news to the media and announced the matter."

"Someone? Who?" Xu Yang asked subconsciously.

Yang Xueqi shook her head, with a gloomy face, and said, "The other party broke the news to many media anonymously, and it has not been found yet."

Hearing this, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Anonymity, which made Xu Yang think of Anonymous Seekers and Niezi for the first time.

"Aren't you under a lot of pressure?" Xu Yang said casually.

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "The murder case that happened last time was only solved, and the Fang Wan'er case happened again, and there were so many dead people all at once, the pressure was already great, and the superior asked to solve the case within a time limit, but now this happened. , the superior has issued a death order, and the case must be solved within a week."

"One week? Didn't you say last night that most of the dead were killed a few years ago? How could it be possible to solve the case in such a short time?" Xu Yang asked in surprise.

Yang Xueqi glanced at Xu Yang and sighed: "This is something that can't be helped. The nature of this case is very bad. The murderer committed nearly 20 consecutive crimes, but our police did not notice it. This in itself is our negligence. , and now the media reports have pushed us to the forefront, and if the case cannot be solved in a short period of time, its impact will be unpredictable."

Xu Yang nodded to what Yang Xueqi said.

"Is there any progress in the case?"

Yang Xueqi looked into Xu Yang's eyes and squinted, "Why, are you interested in this case?"

"Interested." Xu Yang nodded.

"Because of your second uncle?"

Xu Yang nodded, then shook his head and said, "Not all."


Xu Yang explained: "I met Fang Wan'er when I was a child. She is a very beautiful girl. As a former neighbor, she had something like this happen, and I also want to help."

"Is there such a thing?" Yang Xueqi asked as if pointing.

Xu Yang nodded.

Seeing this, Yang Xueqi did not ask any further questions, but said, "The case is still under investigation. The time is too long, the clues are too few, the difficulty is too great, and there is no progress yet."

Xu Yang was not surprised by this.

"Have the identities of the seventeen male victims been found out?"

Yang Xueqi shook her head and said, "I'm still doing biometrics, there are too many dead, and it will take time."

Hearing that, Xu Yang nodded, and then his eyes fell on the envelope in Yang Xueqi's hand, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Yang Xueqi said, "What did you think of?"

"Perhaps you can investigate based on that photo, and it will be rewarding if you don't move."


Yang Xueqi was stunned when she heard the words, glanced at the photo in her hand, then raised her head and looked at Xu Yang.

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"Do you suspect that these deceased are Fang Wan'er's classmates?"

"It's not impossible."

"But age doesn't match."

"Death time." Xu Yang picked up the soy milk, took a sip, and said casually.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xueqi instantly narrowed her eyes.

Then, Yang Xueqi turned her head and shouted, "Little Li."

A young man walked over quickly.

"According to this photo to investigate, find a way to contact the person in the photo."


The policeman, known as Xiao Li, left with the photo.

Yang Xueqi turned her head, looked at Xu Yang, and asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

Xu Yang thought for a while and said, "You ask someone to check this forum and find a netizen named Niezi. He is Fang Wan'er's classmate and friend. He has been looking for Fang Wan'er all these years. Maybe he has some clues."

"it is good."

"In addition, you can check the rental situation of 4023 in the past ten years, and maybe you can get some clues."

"what do you mean..."

"Team Yang, we found something here."

At this moment, a police officer came over, and seeing Xu Yang present, he didn't say anything.

Yang Xueqi glanced at the other party and asked directly, "What's the situation?"

The policeman took a deep look at Xu Yang, and without hesitation, said directly: "We conducted a preliminary investigation on the scene and found a lot of blood in the room, but not human blood, but dog blood."

"Dog blood?"

Xu Yang and Yang Xueqi were both stunned, but when they thought about the situation in the room, they felt normal again.

"What else was found?"

"The room has traces of being turned over, the windows are broken, many places have been severely damaged, and the gangster seems to have been looking for something in the room."

"Is there no trace of a fight?" Yang Xueqi asked.


Immediately, the police officer said: "In addition, we found some special circumstances."

"Special circumstances?"

"According to preliminary information, room 4023 has been vacant ten years ago, but when we surveyed the site, we found that the room had been cleaned regularly. However, we did not find any traces of footprints and fingerprints at the site."

"No fingerprints? Neither do the gangsters have fingerprints?"

The policeman shook his head and said, "Although the scene was very chaotic, the gangster left no trace, as if he had never been there."

"How did he do that?"

The policeman stopped talking, which was what made him curious.

After Yang Xueqi thought for a moment, she said, "Go and investigate the occupancy of 4023."


After Xu Yang heard the conversation between the two, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

He had some expectations for this result, but things still exceeded his expectations, but it also verified some thoughts in Xu Yang's heart from the side.

Yang Xueqi turned around, looked at Xu Yang who was thoughtful, and asked, "What did you think of?"

Hearing this, Xu Yang raised his head, looked at Yang Xueqi, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just curious about one thing."

"what's up?"

"How did the gangster who entered the room leave no trace in such a chaotic situation? Why did he do this? What does this gangster have to do with Fang Wan'er's case?"

Yang Xueqi heard the words, thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I will let someone investigate."