Chapter 39 The new game of the villain

No victims were found at the scene, and no traces of fighting were found. The bloodstains seen at the scene were just dog blood, and it seemed that it was just someone's revenge.

Of course, it is impossible to be 100% sure whether it is all dog blood, and special identification is required.

The police officer in charge of the investigation also returned soon. According to the investigation, the last tenant of room 4023 was Fang Waner.

But what's a little strange is that Fang Waner had been missing for a period of time ten years ago, and after she was found, she left here, but before she left, she paid a year's rent in advance. After that, Every April 4th, the person in charge of rent collection receives a rent, and the rent is exactly one year.

What is even more strange is that with the continuous development of the economy in these years, housing prices have continued to rise, and rents have also risen. Although Liming Community is an old community, the rents have also increased year by year, although the amount of increase is not much, but not a lot. And the person who pays the rent always pays the money accurately.

In short, someone has been renting room 4023 in the name of Fang Waner since ten years ago, but they did not move in. This also led the residents of Unit 4 to think that room 4023 was vacant.

The police also quickly found out who the money maker was.

According to the information on the payer's bank card, the cardholder is Fang Waner.

This card was a salary card specially handled by Fang Waner when she went to the company for an internship during the summer vacation of her junior year.

The strange thing is that every year on April 3, this card will receive a transfer, the amount is quite large, just enough to pay for one year's rent and other expenses.

What's even more strange is that the transferor can't find it, and you need to contact the bank to find out the specific situation.

That's all there is to the on-site investigation.

Because there was no murder at the scene, no property was lost, and no tenant could be found, so Yang Xueqi and the others left the scene after a preliminary investigation and evidence collection, while Xu Yang returned to his home after recording his statement.

After returning home, Xu Yang, who was standing by the window, watched the police leave, while he was lost in thought.

Fang Waner's case is developing in an unpredictable direction. Whether it's Xu Yang or Yang Xueqi, they all have a faint feeling that the appearance of Fang Waner's case is not an accident. Behind this case, someone is secretly manipulating it.

After discovering the abnormality of 4023, Xu Yang chose to call the police for the first time. On the one hand, it was because he had something to call the police. After all, professional things were left to professional people. On the other hand, Xu Yang wanted to use the hands of the police to find out 4023 Woman's identity.

However, Xu Yang's idea fell through.

The police did not find a woman in 4023, nor did they find any traces of life, but it was certain that people in 4023 did come in and out frequently, but the strange thing was that after a circle of investigation and visits, everyone in the community claimed that they had never seen 4023. people, as if the person did not exist.

If Xu Yang hadn't been to 4023 last night and had seen the woman, he would have thought that 4023 was unoccupied.

"That woman is the key. I hope the police can find her." Xu Yang said while pinching his chin.

The information obtained for the time being is still too little, and Xu Yang can't analyze anything, so he doesn't think about it any more.

He hadn't slept all night, Xu Yang was actually very tired, and his physical exhaustion was second, mainly because he was mentally exhausted, but he couldn't rest now.

Xu Yang first went to the bathroom to take a shower. While taking a bath, Xu Yang looked at the broken mirror and suddenly thought of a person.

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After hurriedly flushing and walking out of the bathroom, Xu Yang picked up his mobile phone and went directly to the forum to find Niezi.

In the past few hours, Nie Zi sent him three messages.

Time: 06:21:00 [Congratulations on passing my test. ]

Time: 08:25:00 [A new game starts. ]

Time: 09:35:00 [Find me within seventy-two hours, and I will tell you the truth of Fang Waner's case. ]

Seeing these three messages, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

"How did he know that I played the mirror game?" Xu Yang murmured.

However, when he opened WeChat and saw a series of messages sent by the local tyrant, he instantly understood how the evil son knew.

Only at this time did Xu Yang know that before entering the game, he sent the video of him playing the mirror game to the local tyrant, and the local tyrant played the video directly in the live broadcast room, which caused a great sensation.

Now there are many related videos circulating on the Internet, and Nie Zi is a computer expert. He should have seen these videos. According to the time when Nie Zi sent the first message, Nie Zi was in the live broadcast of the local tyrant. After watching the video in the live broadcast room, he immediately sent a message to Xu Yang.

It's a pity that at that time, Xu Yang had already entered the game world and had no time to pay attention to him.

The time of the second message happened to be sent when Xu Yang went to 4023 to investigate.

[A new game starts. ]

From this sentence, Xu Yang had a few guesses.

First, Nie Zi is in Liming Community, even in Building 4, watching room 4023, or watching Xu Yang.

Second, the accident of 4023 is likely to be done by the evil son.

Third, 4023's accident was a new game. He wanted to play a game with Xu Yang. This can be proved from the third message sent by the other party.

As for the third piece of news, Xu Yang was most concerned about it.

Through that sentence, it can be determined that Nie Zi knows a lot about Fang Wan'er's case.

"Is all this the devil's fault?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, he started sending messages to Nie Zi.

Ghost: Who are you?

What Xu Yang didn't expect was that as soon as he sent a message, Nie Zi replied.

Evil Son: Guess.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and continued to send messages.

Ghost: 4023 did you make it?

Evil Son: Yes.

Ghost: Why do you do that?

Evil Son: Game.

Seeing Nie Zi's answer, Xu Yang frowned.

Originally, he just asked tentatively, and he didn't expect Nie Zi to answer, nor did he expect Nie Zi to admit it, but this guy not only answered, but also admitted it generously.

Ghost: A game? what game?

Niezi: A little game of hide and seek.

After the other party sent this message, another message was sent one after another.

Niezi: Xu Yang, 18 years old, lives in 4044, Unit 4, Liming Community, a freshman at Yangcheng University. He has assisted the Yangcheng police in solving many cases. Not long ago, he assisted the police in solving a murder case. You have many more Part-time jobs, including game reviewers, you must be a game expert, I wonder if you can pass this game this time? I am looking forward.

Seeing this news, Xu Yang's pupils tightened again,

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Consciously raised his head, looked around, even stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside, but he found nothing.

Ghost: You investigate me.

Evil Son: That's right.

Ghost: Why?

Niezi: Find me and I will tell you the truth.

Immediately, Niezi sent two more messages.

Niezi: You are running out of time, oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, I know about your second uncle.

Niezi: The game starts, I wish you good luck, hee hee!

Ghost: Who are you? What exactly are you trying to do? What else do you know?

However, Nie Zi fell into silence again after sending the message, and the other party did not answer any questions raised by Xu Yang.

Looking at the phone screen, Xu Yang's breathing became rapid.

This guy whose online name is Niezi has already been eyeing him.

Standing by the window, Xu Yang, who had been thinking for a long time, decided to ask someone for help, but this time he did not ask Yang Xueqi for help, but chose to ask the local tyrant for help.

Xu Yang: Are you asleep?

The local tyrant replied in seconds: What's the matter?

Xu Yang: Help me find someone.

So much money: information.

Xu Yang directly sent the forum link, Niezi's forum account, and screenshots of some chat records between him and Niezi to the local tyrant.

Xu Yang: How long will it take to find it?

Too much money: hard to say, too little information, not easy to check.

Xu Yang: As soon as possible.

So much money: twenty-four hours.

Seeing the local tyrant say so, Xu Yang was immediately relieved.

In terms of finding people, the local tyrant is faster than the police. This point, in some previous matters, the local tyrant has proved it with practical actions. With the local tyrant's help, Xu Yang is still very relieved.

After thinking about it, Xu Yang said again: Help me find someone else.

So much money: information

Xu Yang: Courier, Wang Kai.

So much money: right here?

Xu Yang: That's all I know.

A lot of money: how to check this? Not to mention the whole country, in Yangcheng where you are located, there are no one thousand or eight hundred people named Wang Kai, and there must be many in the express delivery industry, so there is no way to check.

Xu Yang thought for a while, then typed: Male, about thirty-two years old, his main activity was around Yangcheng University ten years ago.

So much money: ten years ago? Is he related to Fang Wan'er's case?

Xu Yang: I don't know. It may be related. I need his detailed information. In addition, Wang Kai may be dead or missing. You can check according to this.

So much money: Good.

After seeing the local tyrant agree, Xu Yang felt a lot easier.

Just when Xu Yang was about to end the chat, the local tyrant sent a message.

Zhenduo Qian: What happened to the video you gave me before? You don't really encounter anything dirty, do you?

Xu Yang: It's just a game.

So Much Money: Just a Game?

Xu Yang: It's just a game.

Qian Zhenduo: Since you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask more questions. If you have anything to do with you, Brother Qian, as long as it can be solved with money, it's not a problem.

Seeing the local tyrant say this, Xu Yang was a little speechless, and secretly said in his heart: "Can you be so self-willed if you have money?"

But Xu Yang still responded well, and then ended the chat.