Chapter 41: New Changes

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xueqi sent the list via WeChat.

The police have always been careful in their work. Yang Xueqi sent not only the list, but also the photo relationship map. On the graduation photo, the name of each student was clearly marked, so that everything was clear at a glance.

Looking at this list of photos, Xu Yang frowned slightly.

In the photo, there are 44 students, 39 students, and 5 teachers. There are more males than females. There are only 13 female students and two female teachers in the whole class.

Sitting in the middle is a bald man in his forties, who should be their head teacher, Guo Jiaping.

On the left and right sides of Guo Jiaping, there were also four teachers, all of whom were in their thirties and fifties.

Xu Yang clearly remembered that Yang Xueqi said that there were seven teachers in the third and fourth class of the 15th high school, but there were only five teachers in the photo.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang sent Yang Xueqi a WeChat message to ask about it.

Yang Xueqi quickly replied to the news that a female teacher was pregnant at the time and was expecting childbirth in the hospital, and another teacher had something wrong at home. He hurried home just after the college entrance examination, so there was no group photo.

After getting this answer, Xu Yang didn't ask any more questions.

Looking at the photos, several students caught Xu Yang's attention.

The first one is the boy standing behind Guo Jiaping. The boy is Wang Le. He looks handsome and wears expensive clothes. Although he has a smile on his face and looks very sunny, Xu Yang feels it is fake, and his eyes show impatient.

The second is a girl named Fang Qian. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. She is slim and beautiful, with light makeup on her face. She is next to Wang Le.

The two of them stood together, quite like a golden boy and a girl.

The third is Fang Waner, who is squatting in the corner of the front row, wearing a white dress. Behind her, there is a boy standing.

The boy looks ordinary and is very inconspicuous in the crowd, but because he is wearing a school uniform, when no one is wearing a school uniform, he looks out of place. Facing the camera, the boy looks very uneasy, the hands that have nowhere to rest, and the stiff On his face, Xu Yang could feel his unease and nervousness through the photos.

The boy's name was Li Yang, and Xu Yang's attention was mainly on him.

"Is he a villain?" Looking at the photo, Xu Yang murmured.

There were 26 male students in total, and the only ones who could attract Xu Yang's attention were Li Yang and Wang Le.

So, Xu Yang sent another message to Yang Xueqi, asking about Li Yang and Wang Le.

This time, Yang Xueqi did not reply immediately, but did not reply to the message after ten minutes.

Wang Le, male, a native of Yangcheng, has a wealthy family and runs two businesses. Among the students at that time, Wang Le had the best family background. Not only did Wang Le look handsome, but also had good academic performance. The top student, academic performance has been hovering in the top three.

During the college entrance examination, he was successfully admitted to Binhai University. After graduating, he went abroad for further study. Nine years ago, his parents' business had problems, causing the company to go bankrupt and building up debts. His parents couldn't bear the pressure. One committed suicide by taking medicine, and the other After jumping off the building, Wang Le, who had only been studying abroad for a year, had to return to China to deal with the affairs left by his parents.

This former scholar was also wiped out because of this incident. According to the currently known information, after returning to China, Wang Le successfully solved the debt problem in just six years, and he himself was dealing with it. After this, go abroad again

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, temporarily unknown.

Li Yang, male, from Kangyang County, looks average, but his academic performance is very good, otherwise he would not be able to enter the key classes, but in the key classes, Li Yang's grades can only be regarded as medium, and he has remained in the tenth place. He entered the key class and hardly changed until he graduated from high school.

Li Yang's family conditions are average, or even very poor. His father is a migrant worker who works outside all year round. His mother is mentally ill. He grew up with his grandmother. On Li Yang's father.

Li Yang is the pride of their village and is the only college student who came out. Because of his special family situation, in high school, the school wanted to give him some help after knowing his situation, but he was rejected by him. He was successfully admitted to Yangcheng University.

But in that same year, his father who was working abroad had an accident and died. Not long after his father died, his grandmother also died of a serious illness, and the burden of the whole family fell on Li Yang.

Although he was admitted to university, Li Yang did not go to school, but chose to follow his father's old path and began to work in other places.

After learning about these circumstances, the school teachers also went to Li Yang and tried to help him, but they were all rejected. He still chose to drop out of school and go to work in another place.

According to what the police knew, Li Yang never came back since he left the school.

Seeing the information of these two people, Xu Yang became more suspicious of Li Yang.

According to his investigation of Fang Wan'er's case and his psychological portrayal of the murderer, Li Yang is extremely in line with these conditions.

Because he was born in a rural area and has a special family, he has low self-esteem, introversion, inner sensitivity, and delicate emotions. Especially when living in the city, these disadvantages will be infinitely magnified.

Of course, not all people born in rural areas and from poor families are like this, but Li Yang is such a person.

Inferiority and self-respect, from Li Yang's repeated refusal of the school's help, you can see one or two.

In addition, Xu Yang discovered that Li Yang was actually very smart.

One has entered the key class, but the ranking has not changed, which in itself shows the problem.

You must know that in high school, especially the third year, the most things that students do every day are to write questions and take exams, various quizzes, middle school exams, big exams, mock exams, etc. In the face of such a large sea of ​​questions, even like Wang For a scholar like Le, the ranking will fluctuate, not to mention others.

However, Li Yang remained in the tenth place in various exams. If he hadn't done it deliberately, Xu Yang wouldn't believe it.

Of course, the reason why Xu Yang is so determined is because he used to be like this.

When Xu Yang was in high school, he once had a nickname, Fourth Brother!

There used to be a saying in No. 4 Middle School, the top three in the running water are the four brothers who are beaten by iron.

Xu Yang's ability to study is very strong, and his ability to control scores is also very strong. No matter how difficult the test paper is, Xu Yang can always guarantee that he will be ranked fourth. The only accident was when he was in the college entrance examination.

In the college entrance examination, Xu Yang was admitted to Yangcheng University with the first grade in the whole school.

For two people with similar experiences, Xu Yang knew very well that Li Yang's tenth place in the exam was definitely not accidental.

In addition, Yang Xueqi also told Xu Yang a detail, Fang Waner's result was either ninth or eleventh, of course there were occasional exceptions.

Looking at the information in his hand, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

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"Both of them are from Kangyang County, they go to the same high school, they are still in the same key class, and they are admitted to the same university. They should be very familiar with each other."

"Li Yang's grades and Fang Wan'er's grades are always on the same level. This should be what Li Yang did on purpose."

"And when the photo was taken, the positions of the two also explained some problems."

At this moment, Xu Yang increasingly felt that Li Yang was suspicious.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang sent a message to Yang Xueqi.

"You can focus on investigating Li Yang."

Yang Xueqi: Do you think Li Yang is suspicious?

Xu Yang briefly explained his analysis. After listening to Yang Xueqi, he said: We have also noticed this issue and are investigating further, but...


Looking at the message from Yang Xueqi, Xu Yang subconsciously asked: But what?

Yang Xueqi: Compared with Li Yang, we think Fang Qian is more suspicious.

Xu Yang: What do you mean?

Yang Xueqi: Haven't you noticed that Fang Qian and Fang Wan'er look a bit similar?


Hearing this, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then picked up the photo again and looked at it for a while.

After Yang Xueqi's reminder, Xu Yang noticed that although Fang Qian and Fang Waner were different types of girls, they did look somewhat similar.

Xu Yang: Are they sisters?

Yang Xueqi: They are cousins. There is one thing you may not know. The fathers of Fang Waner and Fang Qian are twin brothers.

Xu Yang: Huh? !

Yang Xueqi: According to our survey, we know that Fang Qian has been in love since high school, and he has talked to many people, including Li Yang, Chen Zihao, Liu Mumu, and of course Wang Le.

Seeing this new situation, Xu Yang was a little speechless, and secretly said in his heart: "Sister from more than ten years ago, did you just play like this?"

Xu Yang: This alone doesn't seem to explain anything, does it?

Yang Xueqi: Fang Wan'er's autopsy results came out. She died ten years ago due to a miscarriage.

Xu Yang: Is she pregnant?

Yang Xueqi: Yes, we re-investigated the case of Wan'er's disappearance ten years ago, and found that the reason why Fang Wan'er disappeared at the time was because she was pregnant.

Xu Yang: Fang Waner has a boyfriend?

Yang Xueqi: According to the current investigation, Fang Waner has no boyfriend.

Xu Yang: Then how can you get pregnant?

Yang Xueqi: The specific situation is still under further investigation. In addition, we have also discovered new situations.

Xu Yang: What's new? what is it?

Yang Xueqi: Fang Qian and Fang Waner are twin sisters. Fang Waner is actually her parents' adopted daughter, to be precise, her parents' niece.


Seeing this news, Xu Yang was stunned, and then he thought of something.

Xu Yang: So, the deceased in the Xijiao murder case is not necessarily Fang Waner, but also Fang Qian?

Yang Xueqi: Yes.

Xu Yang was silent, the case became more and more complicated.

The emergence of this situation overturned many of Xu Yang's previous speculations, and even Xu Yang began to doubt whether the NPC Fang Wan'er he met in the game world was Fang Wan'er.