Chapter 42: Fang Qian

The murder case in the western suburbs was exposed, the pressure on the police was unprecedented, and the investigation efforts were also increased.

But as the case continued to be investigated further, the results became more and more confusing.

Before, the identity of the female deceased in the western suburbs murder case was certain, but now it has become uncertain.

Fang Qian's father Fang Jianguo and Fang Wan'er's adoptive father Fang Jianjun are twin brothers. The two got married at about the same time. More than 20 years ago, their wives were pregnant at the same time. It happened that Fang Qian's mother gave birth to twins, both baby girls, so Fang Jianjun adopted a baby girl, and this baby girl was Fang Wan'er.

There are very few insiders of this matter. If his parents hadn't come to identify the corpse and assist in the investigation, this secret might really just be a secret.

After this incident, for some reason, Fang Jianguo brought his wife and Fang Qian to live in Yangcheng, while Fang Waner lived with Fang Jianjun in Kangyang County. There is no communication.

But fate is a bit tricky. The two girls who had no communication at first, but they went to the same high school and entered the same class, so they had communication.

Because Fang Jianjun and his wife are both teachers, Fang Waner has a quieter temperament since childhood, while Fang Jianguo brought his family to Yangcheng and started doing business. Fang Qian's discipline was not so severe, which also made Fang Qian's temperament relatively jump off.

Although the two are twin sisters, due to their different growth environments, although the two look alike, they are still very different. In addition, Fang Qian likes makeup and dressing up, which makes the gap between the two even bigger.

After the college entrance examination, Fang Waner was admitted to Yangcheng University, while Fang Qian went to Binhai University, and the two separated again.

For the next ten years or so, the two of them seemed to have no communication, and the two families did not have much contact. Fang Waner disappeared from the world after graduating from college, and Fang Qian went abroad.

The current situation is that neither Fang Waner nor Fang Qian can be contacted, and the identity of the female deceased in the Western Suburb murder case cannot be determined for the time being.

With this result, Xu Yang fell into contemplation again.

"If the deceased was Fang Wan'er, the investigation would have to revolve around her interpersonal relationship, but if the deceased was Fang Qian, the results would be different. These are two completely opposite investigation findings." Xu Yang murmured.

"The key point now is on the woman in room 4023."

Xu Yang's eyes flashed brightly, and he said to himself, "She appeared in room 4023, it's definitely not accidental, figuring out the identity of this woman may be able to solve the mystery of the identity of the deceased, but where is she now? "

At this time, it was already noon, and it was time to eat lunch. Xu Yang had only eaten a little breakfast since yesterday afternoon. At this time, his stomach began to growl.

"Go eat first."

Immediately, Xu Yang got up and left the room, ready to eat.

But just as he walked out of the room, Xu Yang suddenly noticed that someone was watching him, which made Xu Yang suddenly become vigilant.

The gaze came from room 4046 next door.

Turning his head and looking at 4046, Xu Yang just remembered that he had been thinking about the case this morning, and he had not gone to 4046 to check the situation.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang came to the door of room 4046.

The door was tightly closed, and there was no movement at all, but the gaze did not disappear. It seemed that behind the door, a pair of eyes were staring at him.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Yang raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Is anyone here?"

However, the room was dead silent, without the slightest sound.

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"Is it my illusion?"

Xu Yang knocked again for a while, and when no one answered, thinking that 4046 was vacant, Xu Yang took out his tools and prepared to open the door.

But just as Xu Yang inserted the tool into the keyhole, the door suddenly opened, and a woman in a white dress appeared at the door, looking at Xu Yang.

 ̄□ ̄||

At this moment, Xu Yang was extremely embarrassed, as if a thief broke the door and happened to be caught by his master.

However, apart from embarrassment, Xu Yang at this moment was more shocked.

He knew this woman, or rather, he knew this face.

"Fang Wan'er?" Xu Yang asked tentatively.

The woman stared at Xu Yang for a while, then turned sideways and said softly, "Come in."

As the woman moved away, Xu Yang also saw the situation in the room clearly.

The room was very dark, even though it was daytime, the whole room was pitch black, and even the lights were not turned on.

In a dark room, a woman wearing a white dress, with waist-length hair and a pale face always gives people a bad feeling.

However, Xu Yang just hesitated a little and chose to enter the room.


Just as Xu Yang entered the room, the woman closed the door from behind and locked it, which made Xu Yang's body tense again.

In the darkness, Xu Yang could only vaguely see the figure of the woman, and Xu Yang's breathing subconsciously became rapid.

"Why don't you turn on the lights?" Xu Yang said first.

"The lamp is broken."

"Can I fix it for you?"

"No thanks."

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. Xu Yang stood at the door, not knowing what to say for a while. At this time, he found that his decision to rush into 4046 seemed a bit hasty.

After a moment of silence, the woman walked past Xu Yang and walked towards the living room. As she walked, she said, "Come in and sit."

The room was very small, the woman walked past Xu Yang, Xu Yang clearly felt that the woman's body was very tight.

At this time, Xu Yang's eyes had gradually adapted to the darkness. After hearing the woman's voice, Xu Yang hesitated and walked towards the living room.

"You look nervous." After Xu Yang sat down in the dark, the woman's voice sounded again.

"Is there? Hehe!"

The woman didn't struggle with the issue, but said, "We've met before."


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said, "Really? Where is it?"

"Last night, in room 4023."

"You are..."

Before Xu Yang could finish speaking, the woman interrupted, "Who did you learn this habit of sliding doors and picking locks from? Is it the female police officer surnamed Yang?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart became more and more vigilant.

Seemingly seeing Xu Yang's nervousness, the woman said slowly, "You don't need to be nervous, I have no ill intentions."

"who are you?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"Fang Wan'er? Or Fang Qian?"


The woman gave a light sigh and said, "You know a lot. It seems that you have an unusual relationship with the police. They have told you such important information. No wonder he attaches so much importance to you."


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then he thought of something, looked at the woman and asked, "Do you know my second uncle?"

Instead of answering the question, the woman said, "Do me a favor."

"Don't notify the police?" Xu Yang said.

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The woman shook her head and said, "No."

"What's that busy?"

"Help me find out the truth about the Xijiao murder case."


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "The police have already intervened in the investigation, and there will be results soon."

"I don't trust them."

"Don't trust the police? Do you trust me?"

In the darkness, the woman shook her head and said, "I don't believe you either."


Xu Yang was suddenly speechless, but the woman's next sentence made Xu Yang think about it.

"You are the person he cultivated. I don't believe in you, but I believe in him."

"What's the meaning?"

"If you're willing to help me, I'll tell you something about your second uncle, but only if you find out the truth."

"Is this a deal?"

"That's it."

"Do you think so highly of me?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

In the darkness, the woman looked at Xu Yang, and after a long silence, she said, "The game has already started, neither you nor I have a choice."


Xu Yang's heart suddenly froze, and he quickly asked, "What game?"

But the woman changed the subject again and said, "Time is running out, I'll tell you what I know, and then it's up to you."

Immediately, without waiting for Xu Yang to ask questions, the woman began to tell.

"My name is Fang Qian, the one who was killed was my sister Fang Wan'er, and the other victims were our classmates in the third and fourth classes of high school. Ten years ago, because of my negligence, she had an accident. She was raped and raped. Pregnant."

"Who is the perpetrator?" Xu Yang asked quickly.

The woman who claimed to be Fang Qian replied, "I don't know."


Fang Qian explained: "I only found out later that she was raped. When I found out, she had been pregnant for more than nine months and was about to give birth, but the delivery was not smooth, with heavy bleeding, and as a result, she died during the dystocia."

"Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"She won't go."

"What about the child?"

"Also dead."

"Why wasn't the baby's body found at the scene?"

Fang Qian fell silent.

Xu Yang asked again, "Why didn't you call the police when someone died?"

Fang Qian was silent again, which made Xu Yang frown.

"After Fang Wan'er died, did you bury her?"


"What about the victims? You also killed them?"



Xu Yang was stunned again when he heard the words, and then asked, "Who killed it?"

"I have no idea."

"Isn't there any suspect?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Fang Qian lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Since you asked me to help investigate, you must give me some useful clues, right?"

"I can only tell you that the person who raped and raped my sister was from the third and fourth class of high school. You can follow this clue to investigate."

Xu Yang looked at Fang Qian and asked, "You said you didn't kill those people, so what have you been doing in the past ten years? Why did you hide in 4023 before, and why do you hide in 4046 now?"

"Someone is looking for me."

"Who? The murderer? Or the perpetrator?"

"I have no idea."

"Then why don't you hide now?"

"He has found me."