Chapter 43 The truth or the lie

In the dark room 4046, Xu Yang and Fang Qian sat opposite each other.

"What exactly happened back then?"

"I and she are twin sisters, you should know."


"We didn't know about this at first. Later, in high school, because of a medical examination, we accidentally discovered this secret, and the nightmare started at that time."

More than ten years ago, when Fang Qian and Fang Waner first entered No. 8 Middle School, they attracted attention because of their similar appearance.

When they were in high school, they were not only classmates, but also roommates. They naturally had a good relationship. In addition, their personalities were static and dynamic, and they complemented each other naturally. Perhaps because of their blood relationship, they became good friends from the moment they met.

Because the two look alike, they are often ridiculed that they are twins. Once Fang Waner fell ill, Fang Qian took her to the hospital. At that time, Fang Qian had a whim and took the opportunity to do a biometric test.

Originally, it was just a playful mentality, but no one expected that this identification would allow two people to discover the secret, which shocked Fang Qian, but more excited.

For some reason, Fang Qian didn't tell Fang Wan'er about it.

Fang Waner's family is average, but she studies well and treats people well. She belongs to the kind of person who is kind-hearted and willing to help others, and such a character will naturally gain the kindness and favor of others.

But Fang Qian is different. She has a good family and is very talented in studies, but she doesn't work very hard, so her academic performance is not as good as others, but when she entered the third year of high school, she still entered the key class.

Because of her good conditions and a wealthy family, Fang Qian learned to dress herself very early, and she is quite outgoing. In addition, when she entered adolescence, when others were busy working hard, she was busy falling in love.

Because of this incident, Fang Qian was often asked by the teacher to talk, but after the talk, she still went her own way.

But since Fang Qian knew that she and Fang Wan'er were sisters, she became more and more close to her. At the same time, she also changed her name to Fang Wan in terms of dressing and dressing, and this led to many People often confuse them.

Many people who are pursuing Fang Qian often regard Fang Waner as Fang Qian, sending love letters, gifts, and various invitations, which makes Fang Waner very annoying.

But Fang Wan'er has a good personality. Although she was very distressed, she didn't say anything. After they entered the key class, the appearance of a boy changed the relationship between the two.

This boy is Wang Le.

Before entering the key class, Wang Le was not in the same class as them.

Before, when it was not in the same class, Wang Le attracted Fang Qian's attention because of his handsome appearance and good academic performance. After being assigned to a class, Fang Qian began to pursue Wang Le actively.

But what Fang Qian didn't expect was that Wang Le didn't like her, but Fang Wan'er, which made Fang Qian, who had been the focus since childhood, gradually lost her balance.

More importantly, others often confuse the two of them, but Wang Le can always clearly tell who they are, which makes Fang Qian even more upset.

At the same time, Fang Qian found that Fang Wan'er also seemed to have a favorable impression of Wang Le, which could be seen from Fang Wan'er's beginning to quietly change her clothes.

Wang Le studied well and often helped Fang Waner, and Fang Waner was not the kind of person who could refuse others, so the two of them got closer and closer, which made Fang Qian feel the crisis, and she began to work hard.

Fang Qian's talent is very good. Although she was busy falling in love and fell behind a lot of studies, when she devoted herself to her studies, her progress was still very obvious, and this successfully attracted Wang Le's attention. Notice.

But just pay attention.

The third year of high school is very stressful, everyone is working hard, and Fang Qian is no exception.

When the college entrance examination was approaching, students had to fill in their wishes. Fang Qian learned that Wang Le was applying for Binhai University, so she also applied for Binhai University. At the same time, she also quietly filled in Fang Waner's college entrance examination as Yangcheng University.

Although the two sisters quarreled about the incident afterwards, Fang Waner forgave Fang Qian in the end.

After the college entrance examination, Fang Qian and Wang Le got their wish and were admitted to Binhai University, while Fang Waner was admitted to Yangcheng University with honors.

Fang Qian thought that she would be able to be with the person she likes in this way, but what she didn't expect was that although Wang Le and Fang Wan'er were not in the same university, the relationship between the two never ended.

What made Fang Qian more distressed was that no matter how close she was to Wang Le, Wang Le would not accept her, and even Wang Le wanted to transfer to Yangcheng University for a while.

Because of Wang Le, Fang Qian once found Fang Wan'er and questioned her face to face if she liked Wang Le.

What shocked Fang Qian was that Fang Waner said that she didn't like Wang Le,

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She has someone she likes, which made Fang Qian feel shocked and relieved, but when she asked Fang Waner who she liked, Fang Waner smiled and said nothing.

But after Fang Qian got Fang Wan'er's affirmative answer, she didn't get into it.

Hearing this, Xu Yang couldn't help but ask, "Who is the person Fang Wan'er likes?"


Fang Qian let out a faint sigh and gave a truth that shocked Xu Yang.

"That person is me."


"Surprise, right?"

Xu Yang nodded subconsciously, he was really surprised.

Fang Qian smiled bitterly and said, "When I first learned about this, I was also surprised."

"She has always had someone she liked, but that was me, and I didn't know it. When I knew, she was gone."

"During the first semester of my senior year, Wang Le proposed to hold a high school class reunion. At that time, almost all of our senior three and four classes went there, but during the reunion, I left early if I had something to do, but I didn't expect it. , that kind of thing will happen at that party."

"Fang Wan'er was raped at that party?" Xu Yang asked.

Fang Qian nodded and said, "Yes, everyone had a great time at that party. A lot of things happened, but I never thought that something would happen to her too."

"Who raped Fang Wan'er?"

"I don't know, everyone who attended the party at the time was suspect."

"Don't everyone else know that something like this happened?"

"That incident happened after the party. Some people left early. Some people were drunk and unconscious. What happened that night, no one knows."

"Didn't Fang Wan'er tell you that something like that happened?"

Fang Qian smiled wryly again and shook her head.

"No, she is a person with strong self-esteem. When I was with her, every time I told her to listen, if I had any troubles, I would tell her, but if she had any troubles, she never told me. Said, she always bears everything silently, if she is not about to give birth and finds me temporarily, I will not know about it."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then said, "So, the suspects are the people from your third and fourth classes in high school back then."

Fang Qian nodded.

"According to what you said, Wang Le is the most suspicious. Haven't you suspected him?"

"Of course I doubted it, but it wasn't him."


Xu Yang looked at Fang Qian in surprise.

"He's not healthy."


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to ask what his health had to do with that incident, but when he said it, he understood what Fang Qian meant.

So Xu Yang asked, "You and Wang Le..."

Fang Qian nodded and said, "In junior year, we were together."

"But that doesn't rule out his suspicion."

"he died."


Xu Yang was stunned again, and then asked, "How do you know?"

Fang Qian didn't speak, but took out a stack of photos and handed them to Xu Yang, "This is the photo the murderer sent me."

After Xu Yang took it, Fang Qian stopped him just as he was about to take out his mobile phone for lighting.

"You can look at these photos later. Whether to hand them over to the police is up to you."

Immediately, Fang Qian continued: "Everyone who was suspected or who took the opportunity to pursue her died after that incident, and Wang Le was no exception."

"Do you have any suspicions about this murderer?" Xu Yang asked.



"Li Yang."

Hearing this name, Xu Yang was not surprised. Although the identities of Fang Wan'er and Fang Qian had changed, many of Xu Yang's speculations had been overturned, but Li Yang's suspicion was still very high.

"Why him?"

"He and Fang Waner were classmates from elementary school to high school. He likes Fang Waner."

"What about Fang Wan'er to him?"

Fang Qian shook her head and said, "She doesn't like him. To be precise, she doesn't like boys."

"Is it possible that Li Yangqiang raped Fang Wan'er?" Xu Yang guessed.

"not him."


Fang Qian's answer was very firm, which made Xu Yang very puzzled.

"Since Li Yang had an accident at home, he has lost contact with us. Every year at the class reunion, the rest of us go, but he didn't come, so he couldn't get in touch.

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. "

"If that's the case, then why do you think that the murderer will be Li Yang?"

"Li Yang is a very introverted person with a little low self-esteem, but he is very kind to Wan'er and can't tolerate anyone talking bad about her. From elementary school to high school, Li Yang secretly fought a lot for Fang Wan'er. When he applied for Yangcheng University, It's for Fang Wan'er, although he didn't go to school, but every year on Fang Wan'er's birthday, he sends gifts to Fang Wan'er."

"After Fang Wan'er's accident, Li Yang, who never contacted us, contacted us for the first time. In order to find Fang Wan'er, he also issued a notice of missing persons at night."


Xu Yang thought of the anonymous tracing notice he saw on the Internet during the previous investigation, and asked, "Is he the one who sent the anonymous tracing notice online?"

Fang Qian nodded.

"You told him about Fang Wan'er's rape, right?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Fang Qian shook her head and said, "No."

Xu Yang stopped talking, he looked at Fang Qian quietly.

Fang Qian explained: "I haven't told anyone about this. Someone told him."


"A person whose online name is Niezi."


As soon as these words came out, Xu Yang gasped for a moment.

"You know this man too?"

"After I dealt with Fang Waner's funeral, this person found me. He said that I killed Fang Waner. He threatened to kill me and sent me a video of my burial of Fang Waner."

"You didn't call the police?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"I was scared and didn't dare to call the police. After all, Fang Wan'er would die at that time. It was because of me. If I took her to the hospital at that time, she would not have died."

"Niezi found you, what else did you say?"

"He threatened me that if I dared to call the police or tell others about it, he would hand over the video to the police."

"So you chose to hide, and you chose to escape?"

Fang Qian lowered her head and did not speak, apparently tacitly agreeing.

Xu Yang was digesting what Fang Qian said.

If what Fang Qian said is true, then the case will gradually become clear.

Ten years ago, because of a high school reunion, Fang Waner was raped and raped, but she did not choose to call the police, nor did she choose to be an abortion. Instead, she chose to give birth to the child, but during the process of giving birth, because there was no medical environment, lead to dystocia.

As the only insider, Fang Qian did not choose to call the police, but concealed the incident.

After that, people died one after another because of this incident, and every time the murderer killed, he would take pictures and send them to Fang Qian.

Under the double threat of the murderer and the villain, she chose to disappear and hide herself.

This explanation seems reasonable, but Xu Yang knows that there are many loopholes in this explanation.

First, there are so many people attending the class reunion. If someone commits a crime, it is impossible for no one to know. Even if they did not notice it at the time, they will definitely find some clues later. However, after the incident, everyone kept silent, as if This did not happen in general.

Either they really don't know, or they know they don't want to tell; or those who know are all involved; or Fang Wan'er was raped and raped by someone who planned it in advance.

Second, according to Fang Qian, Fang Waner is a very independent and rational person. When such a thing happened, she should choose to call the police, as