Chapter 44 Games

Hearing the siren sounding in the community, Fang Qian was not surprised, but looked at Xu Yang and said, "Your time is running out."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Xu Yang looked at Fang Qian with a puzzled expression.

"Ha ha!"

Fang Qian just smiled and didn't speak.

Xu Yang did not continue to ask, he could not understand the woman in front of him.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Xu Yang sat on the sofa and didn't move. Instead, Fang Qian stood up, walked straight to the door, opened the door, and stretched out her hands calmly.

Yang Xueqi was dressed in uniform and stood at the door. Seeing this scene, she was stunned for a moment, but she still had Fang Qian handcuffed.

Just before Fang Qian was taken away by the police, Fang Qian turned her head, looked at Xu Yang and said, "Remember our agreement."

Fang Qian was taken away, but Xu Yang was still sitting on the sofa, watching this scene quietly.

As the door opened, the dim room 4046 ushered in a ray of light. The moment Fang Qian stepped out of the room and walked towards the light, she was relieved and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if this was the result she wanted.

After Fang Qian was taken away, the police entered room 4046 and began to search for evidence, while Xu Yang left room 4046.

Standing in the corridor, Xu Yang took out his mobile phone and ended the call.

Yes, Xu Yang called Yang Xueqi when he saw Fang Qian, and all his conversations with Fang Qian were known to the police.

"Do you believe what she said?" Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang and asked.

Xu Yang shook his head.

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "I don't believe it either, but she is an important breakthrough in the case."

Xu Yang looked at room 4046, but narrowed his eyes and said, "She should have calculated this."


Yang Xueqi froze for a moment, then said, "You mean, she was caught by us on purpose?"

Xu Yang nodded and said, "If she is really hiding from someone, after there is nowhere to hide, the best option is to seek shelter from the police. There is no place safer than yours."

"Do you really think she was coerced by someone?"

"There must be a reason why a person chooses to hide herself for a long time. Judging from the previous changes in 4023, she is indeed threatened."

"Maybe this is just a play she directed and acted." Yang Xueqi said.

Xu Yang thought about it and said, "It's not impossible, but it's unlikely."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi narrowed her eyes and asked, "Did you go to 4023 last night?"

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then touched his nose in embarrassment and nodded.

"What did you find?"

Yang Xueqi didn't ask Xu Yang why he went to 4023, which made Xu Yang relieved.

"Nothing special, just got a notebook."

After speaking, Xu Yang returned to his home and handed the notebook with unknown meaning to Yang Xueqi.

Yang Xueqi looked at the notebook for a while, then raised her head and asked, "What does this mean?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang, then looked at the notebook in her hand, thought for a moment, and said, "If this is Fang Wan'er's handwriting, it means that she was being targeted before the accident, and the person who was staring at her should be The murderer."

Xu Yang said noncommittally, "Maybe."

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Yang Xueqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Yang and asked, "Do you have another opinion?"

"There are many suspicious points in this case, and there is more than one suspect in it."

"The murderer of the Western Suburb murder case, the person who raped Fang Waner, and the person hiding beside Fang Waner." Yang Xueqi answered.

Xu Yang added: "There are also evil sons."

Yang Xueqi nodded, and then said, "Will the person who is strong-violent Fang Waner be the same person mentioned in the notes?"

Xu Yang shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either, but he still said: "However, one thing is certain, Li Yang and Niezi are very suspicious, and it is not ruled out that they are the same person."

"What about Fang Qian?"

Xu Yang glanced at the photo that Fang Qian had given him before, and said, "This woman hides a big secret."

"She has been arrested by us, and there will be a result after the interrogation."

However, Xu Yang shook his head and said faintly: "It's not that simple. From her appearance to your arrest, everything went so smoothly, it was as if everything was planned by her, and now there is no evidence to prove that she has a relationship with her. The homicide is directly related, so don't get your hopes up."

Hearing Xu Yang say this, Yang Xueqi's face also became solemn.

As a criminal police officer, she has more experience in handling cases than Xu Yang, and Yang Xueqi can naturally think of problems that Xu Yang can think of, but for some reason, she always likes to listen to Xu Yang's analysis.

The contents of the notebook did not change because of Fang Qian's appearance. After a brief analysis and discussion, the two of them focused their attention on the photos left by Fang Qian after there was no result.

There are many photos, the top one is Wang Le's photo.

In the dimly lit room, Wang Le knelt on the ground naked, with a barbed cross stuck behind him. Wang Le was bound to the cross. He was bruised in many places, his head was thrown back, his eyes were closed, he didn't know if he was alive or dead, if it wasn't for Xu Yang's good memory, he wouldn't even be able to recognize this guy as Wang Le.

It is worth noting that Wang Le's hands were cut off from his wrists, and there was a sign on Wang Le's chest with three words written in blood: Sorry!

The dozens of photos in the back are all the same.

Dark and claustrophobic room, barbed cross, naked and bruised victim, with his hands chopped off and a sign with the words "Sorry" on his chest.

Staring at the photo for a long time, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"This guy has obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Each photo is a new victim, but no matter from the shooting angle, the location of the victim, or other details, they are all the same. The only difference is that the victim is different.

"It's very much like some kind of ceremony." Yang Xueqi said suddenly looking at the photo.


Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something.

The murderers of serial murders do have a certain killing pattern, and the more they kill, the more skillful their techniques become, and if they are never found, they will leave certain clues at the crime scene, such as certain symbols. And so on, to show their abilities, just like people who make fake paintings, they will leave their mark somewhere in the painting.

Looking closely at these photos, the victims in the photos do seem to be performing some kind of ritual.

"Atonement ceremony?" Xu Yang said softly.

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"Perhaps a punishment ceremony."

But there is too little information in the photo, and after the two people analyzed it, they still did not come to any conclusion.

After reading these photos, Xu Yang also found a number on the back of each photo.



"What's wrong?" Yang Xueqi asked quickly.


Xu Yang handed the photo in his hand to Yang Xueqi and pointed to the number behind Wang Le's photo.

"18? Shouldn't it be 17?"

Xu Yang frowned, shook his head and said, "No 17, one less."

"So, there should be 18 male victims, not the 17 we found." Yang Xueqi said solemnly.

"Who is the dead person on the 17th?"

Xu Yang raised his head, looked at Yang Xueqi, and said, "We must seize the time to determine the identity of the deceased in the western suburbs murder case. Wang Le is the last deceased, and the lesser person should be the key."

Yang Xueqi nodded.

A brief silence followed.

"What happened to the investigation regarding the identity of Nie Zi?" Xu Yang asked.

Yang Xueqi said solemnly: "There is no clue yet. This guy is a computer expert. Except for the post bar, there are no traces left in other places. It is very difficult to find."

Xu Yang was not surprised by this result.

"Has the anonymous whistleblower found it?" Xu Yang asked again.

"It's him too."

"Sure enough." Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang and said, "You already guessed it?"

Xu Yang nodded and said, "I had guessed before, but I didn't expect it to be him."

"Why did he do this?" Yang Xueqi asked.


"Games?" Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang in surprise.

"Judging from the current investigation, whether it is the case of Wan'er being raped and raped many years ago, or the subsequent series of murders, or the exposure of the previous Western Suburb murders, and the 4023 incident, there is something behind him. Shadow, this guy is no longer satisfied with manipulating all this behind the scenes, he began to challenge us, he is playing cat and mouse with us."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi pondered for a long time, then looked into Xu Yang's eyes, and said, "But how do I feel that he is challenging you and coming for you?"

Hearing what Yang Xueqi said, Xu Yang was silent.

Xu Yang had already speculated on this aspect, and judging from the news sent to him by Nie Zi before, he was here for himself.

After a moment of silence, Xu Yang shook his head and said, "The most urgent task now is to first determine the identity of the deceased, and then to find the students in the third and fourth classes of senior high school. The most important thing is to find Li Yang. This person is very suspicious."

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "We have already started to take action in this regard."

"After finding the students in the third and fourth classes of senior high school, you must protect them." Xu Yang reminded.

Yang Xueqi's pupils shrank slightly and said, "You mean..."

"It's very likely that the villain is using the police's hands to find other people. Fang Qian is the best example."

"Does he still want to kill people under our noses?"

Xu Yang looked at Yang Xueqi and said word by word, "It's not impossible."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi's face was extremely gloomy.